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Posts posted by Rareden

  1. 17 minutes ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

    I'm used to seeing eccentricity as a scalar, calculated from scalars (scalar lengths of semi-major and semi-minor axes, which can be measured directly).  I'm no mathematician, but you're probably getting something akin to the vector that defines the semi-major axis in 3-space, with the scalar eccentricity mixed in.

    indeed, problem is i have to calculate those variables along with the 6 standard orbital elements from only position and velocity vectors

    16 minutes ago, p1t1o said:

    I dont think its a vector since it can be expressed with a single figure, eg: "-26.1degs"


    Is what i suspected, have just been getting greatly confused by it being refereed to as a vector. or that could be the magnitude of said vector

  2. Greetings,
    Messing around making a space sim game, but in the orbital calculations, atm im a bit stuck with if eccentricity is actually a vector depicted in a 1x3 matrix with I J K
    But ive often seen it refereed to as a scalar/magnitude.
    Im using the formula here vF024bk.png

  3. 7 minutes ago, Matchlight said:

    Oh sorry, that's my fault for not properly explaining. He figured out a way to use saturation and black & White to create incredible colours for your terrain. My apologies for not elaborating but you have been credited for (Edit) -> 'excellent' terrain for work on terrain :) Hope this explains everything.


  4. 4 hours ago, HereComesTheBoom said:

    . I'm sure a team of professional game developers are able to create better graphical experiences than a community of modders, but that's just my humble opinion. Regardless, until they come out with some new graphical updates that rival what has already been accomplished in the modding community, I'll be using KSPRC.

    True to an extent, apart from Bethesda, their games are quite graphically mediocre for the year that they release in, then  the modding community quickly pics up where Bethesda was lazy.

  5. 4 hours ago, HereComesTheBoom said:

    I would bet on them not doing anything with graphics, just leaving it to the modding community. It seems every update they come out with for the game now-a-days is either to add a few new parts or optimize the game's performance.

    i find that a major limitation is the part count issues, having large bases on planet surfaces or orbits just kills your frame rate too much to make it enjoyable, 

  6. 13 hours ago, HereComesTheBoom said:

    Gotchya! TBH in the back of my head I was thinking the same thing but at the same time hoping that instinct was incorrect. I guess I'll just have to wait until I get a powerful enough rig to run KSPRC and some other stuff. Thanks for the reply!

    yea if only KSP ran on the unreal engine, or at least if squad could throw some time into graphics.

  7. 5 hours ago, Majorjim said:

    Hi Nassault.

     I wrote that a while ago, I have yet to watch the cinematic so I am unsure why you would suspect that it was not up to my standards.

    I understand that you must have put a lot of effort, time and love into the cinematic and I understand about wanting to create and to leave something of yourself behind, I really do.

     I do still feel the same way about the way the project was presented and hyped. Sorry. That is just my opinion posted on a thread on a website. It has no bearing on your ability to create or to think or live or love or any of those good things. Try to step back and see it for what it is. Nothing.

     I wanted to add, your reply made me feel like an ass. It was eloquent and more importantly, truthful.

    I apologize if I caused any upset or annoyance @Nassault630. I will think a little more before making comments like those at the beginning of this thread, no matter how I feel.



    Well said, but opinions are quite useful, we have all listened to the opinions of others in our lives and made changes, most of the time for the better.
    People should not be discouraged from voicing their opinion, as long as its useful however and not just "bro, this was crap." (as an example, not saying you said that).

  8. On ‎4‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 4:50 AM, Third_OfFive said:

    Holy crap, this is amazing, Rareden. I can only hope to one day even come close to being as good as you.

    Im sure you can, im no expert.

  9. On 18/03/2016 at 3:52 AM, Majorjim said:


    11 hours ago, Majorjim said:


     Do you know why it did not show at DOCVILLE Film Fest as Naz said it would? I checked the site and found no mention of it.

    Don't know, I've been on Holiday for the past month so I haven't spoken to nass, last I heard the final cut was done and handed over to the musician to score the last part.

    10 hours ago, Majorjim said:

    Ok I will bite.

     I saw a lot of skill and heart in his videos and yet I felt they where wasted making game based videos as, for me, the emotional content is blunted by it.

     I hope he, and maybe Voyager is the first step of this, moves away from game videos and makes more short films with actual people and places in them. I think he is wasted doing what he is. And yes I found the endless sweeping scenes boring at times. They lacked, not action, that is too simplistic. They lacked content that drew me in. This as you say may be a lack of perception although I doubt this greatly. It is more likely to be my personal tastes.

    Game videos don't always blunt emotions simply because they are video games, there are a lot of exceptional story based games that can make you teary eyed. The main reason we haven't made videos with actors is because that requires a huge deal of money and time, nass doesn't do 3d animations, he films it in ksp and space engine, I do all the animations, bringing actors into that adds a huge amount of complexity to that, and we simply don't have the infrastructure to do that. Voyager is the first instance in moving away from ksp.

    As for sweeping scenes, true they aren't to everyone's taste, nass's style so far is that though, he does the same in his live action films, it's all part of progressing and what the feel/theme of the film is


  10. On 24/02/2016 at 8:59 PM, KazanNinja said:

    Hi Rareden, regarding to the shots from "Voyager" specifically the one with Jool and Vall, how did you get so much detail into the craters and landscape of Vall? Are they procedural maps or something?

    Thanks, great work btw


    Yea all procedural, fractals to create the main mountains, then various smaller ones to create hills and craters. Then erosion applied over it all and textured based on erosion as well as some hand painting.

    On 06/05/2016 at 8:31 AM, Lowbaka said:

    Hello there,
    First, let me tell you that your work is really great: I really enjoy your pictures. I wanted to know if it would be possible for me to use one of these as a background for a website and, if so, how should I credit your work ?

    Thanks !

    Yea go for it

    On 03/03/2016 at 4:58 AM, RocketSquid said:

    I have an odd request: Would it be possible for you to stitch ~6-8 screenshots together into a panoramic? I happened to test-fly a shuttle during an awe-inspiring kerbin sunset, so I took a bunch of shots from several different angles. I'll send you the screenshots if you're able to, and I'll be posting the craft file soon anyways.

    Sure I'll give it a go,

    Sorry, I keep forgetting to check in on this site.

  11. On 06/02/2016 at 1:34 PM, Majorjim said:

    How do you know they needed hardware? And if so what exactly?

    Well I can tell you first hand, nass did not initially want to do a kickstarter but people wanted to help. i had to do  a serious GPU upgrade to  make render times feasible, even then not all the software uses the GPU so a lot of shots still took 50+ hours of straight rendering on my CPU, not including designing, modeling and testing time. It was not a money grabbing exercise, people could donate or not, it's free will dude, if you don't want to that's just fine. We are just ordinary guys doing what we love in our spare time, we still have to make a living outside of that.

    And it WILL be on YouTube as well nass has stated that previously, not sure why you stated that it will be charged.

  12. A depth buffer is a image that shows how far things are from the camera, black is close white is distant. As you can see from the screen shot theres a problem with mine for some reason, its getting these odd slices in it and it will disappear if the camera gets to a normal distance from your craft.




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