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Everything posted by manatee321

  1. Quick question, I just started playing KSP again from 1.05, now I've updated this mod to 1.1.3 per new version. So in 1.05 I could remove the base of the engine, now in 1.1.3 it is not working. I tested it using stock KSP with only this mod. So i don't no if this was intentional or not. Thanks for the amazing mod btw!
  2. So while playing modded KSP I was building an SSTO, and realized none of the engines were gimbaling. I easily repeated the process as the engines were activated by action groups not staging. The question is, is gimbal only activated through staging? Version is 1.02, occured in both modded and stock versions. I have been playing for a while (since about .16) and just noticed this today ) Thanks for any help! P.S- went back and blew the dust off of .90 and gimbal still needed to be staged to work (engine needed to be staged)
  3. Starting fresh, have not booted up KSP in months , seems like a good place to start again!
  4. Yeah, I have the same issue, been playing KSP since .16. And after playing it so much I just had no motivation to get into orbit. So I only play ksp to test out the new updates and thats it. Sometimes moderation is good and longevity can then increase. So take a break, do other stuff, and maybe come back to play short sessions, but if you have no motivation to play it don't, wait till the drive comes back to come back and play. With any other game this happens of being burned out, skyrim and other large games to it too, diversifying games is a good idea too. One day you might go hey its been awhile time to take KSP out for a spin and become engrossed with it, or maybe not, so just take time off, and good luck with whatever you do!
  5. I try to go Category--> Name --> iteration category goes by- LF=lifter, RVR-rover, SAT- satellite, PR-probe, SSN-space station, UTX-utility(fuel resupply), etc just to name a few, this keeps the crafts organized and easy to find. name- usually whatever sounds fit, for launchers tho I tend to use Titan, Ares, or Delta. for other stuff its jts by the mission so the mun i would use altiar or apollo on occasion iteration- just values different version, lifters go by how much they can lift, spacecraft by version yeah, sometimes for contracts i just get lazy and name them mun lander 1 so for example I would say, "UTX-Cygnus I"
  6. Began an assisted career mode, where the previous .25 went back in time(*mod issues*) and the briefcase can only hold so much kerbobucks and science. Reputation was also lifted a bit to get logical contracts faster, funds started at 2.3 million, 1/4 of the original save. This was because I dislike starting with to many basic parts, its just repetitive. Doing so I'm having a ton of fun in .90 career mode.
  7. Have three too. x32 bit stock x32 bit modded x64 bit attempt modded (never use)
  8. I call them Kerbobucks, but funds is that actual term I'm pretty sure
  9. Much money was made today by this cheap rocket.......about 1,000,000 kerbal moneys
  10. FAR OR NEAR KER 1.0 Editor Extensions tweakable everything Kerbal alarm clock
  11. hello, i have been using KER for quite a long time in version .6, but every time I go and open UP the KER info in the game it only shows setting options not actually info. It works fine in the VAB and SPH though
  12. Certainly go to the Saturn V center and the Atlantis center. The rocket garden is cool too, have fun!!!
  13. I have not been to Eeloo, Moho, Dres, or Jool and any of its moons
  14. I have from version .16. And about 2.5 copies for each update, one modded one without. Or the insane number of 7 folders for .24. It all adds up to about 51 gigabytes out of a terabyte or about 1024 megabytes. Yeah it is actually bringing my hard drive to its capacity..........
  15. every version from .16 on, so every .zip file. All stored nicely away in my documents KSP folder. It is now 51 gigabytes large of just KSP stuff. I also have .7.3 and .11 somewhere
  16. Thats fine. so i guess its just a decoupler bug with overall 64bit (because it just did not decouple with clicking 'decouple'). I'm going to test more later today, and then download the 32bit version to compare. Thanks for the reply though
  17. I'm having a weird issue with both the example craft provided in version.24(x64), where mid-flight the camera shifts down the craft and the rockets g meter goes crazy, the camera goes so far out eventually that you can't even see the rocket anymore. another issue is that the landing pod for the soy-juice and shen-soup wont separate from the orbital connected vessel. Otherwise excellent update, the parts look and perform well!!
  18. Got .24 made a new stock career save, waiting for mods to be updated for my resuming of my .23.5 save. Some contracts are kinda difficult to due to the multitude of ranges that need to be attained. And no Kerbals were killed today
  19. How about thorium based nuclear reactors as a nuclear alternative next to uranium? 1. Thorium is more abundant 2. Reactor is in theory much safer 3. meltdowns not as deadly 4. no nuclear weapon material is created from its use like uranium in current reactors Otherwise, I'm all for geothermal for home use(heating and cooling), solar and wind for business and residential, nuclear reactors for everything Although, the amount of wild birds killed is relatively high, but then look at the number killed by skyscrapers........ source: http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/current-and-future-generation/thorium/
  20. yah, aps........... took ap bio and world 10th grade this year was environmental science, language and comp, and us history tomorrow next year im signed up for six ap courses!!!!
  21. Awesome mission, that launcher is so large to get off of kerbin!, nice use of part clipping too (it opens an entire new realm of the game)
  22. Keep going with your dreams! KSP has taught me a few things here and there, and has been a factor to catalyze what my interests are in, that is space, space travel, and others things than were previously Don't forget anything is possible, nothing is impossible; continue to pursue goals and success could be inevitable
  23. yes, it is working fine here no issues from what i can see
  24. anyone know if the shuttle engine mod is working fine? edit: i tested it, its alright, but it seems something is messed up a bit edit#2: working with no issues know!
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