MüLa= Mün Lander IPSHI = Interplanetary Ship Navsat = Navagation Satellite Comsat = Communication Satellite Geosat = Geostationary Satellite BAHA = Base Habitat BAREC = Base Recon Module BAPO = Base Power Module BASAPO = Base Solar Powerplant BAKEM = Base Kethane Miner BAKER = Base Kethane Refinery KESSTA = Kerbin Spacestation (KEGESSTA for Geoorbit) DESSTA = Duna Spacestation (DEGESSTA for Geoorbit) MÜNSSTA = Mün Spacestation LASTA = Landerstage HELAVE = Heavy Launch Vehicle IDOPRO = Ion-Drive Probe ICON = My comsats for the interplanetary communication (remotetech) BACOVE = Base Construction Vehicle When I bother with acronyms, my system is generally to list the body and orbit class first (ex. LKO for Low-Kerbin Orbit, HMO for High Munar Orbit, etc.), followed by a - and a short acronym for its purpose (OS for Observation Satellite, CS for Communications Satellite, L for Lander, etc.) and either a number (for something from a series) or a snappy name in quotes. Of course, there's always the comedy option of backronyms. Perhaps you'd like to fly the Kerbin Interstellar Travel Trailer Yacht (or KITTY).