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Everything posted by DoubleOSeven1

  1. Can you post how you did that? Also can you post the satellite craft files? I really lack creativity.
  2. Pinolallo will we see the colonize projects again or was it completely lost? I miss those ships already
  3. MüLa= Mün Lander IPSHI = Interplanetary Ship Navsat = Navagation Satellite Comsat = Communication Satellite Geosat = Geostationary Satellite BAHA = Base Habitat BAREC = Base Recon Module BAPO = Base Power Module BASAPO = Base Solar Powerplant BAKEM = Base Kethane Miner BAKER = Base Kethane Refinery KESSTA = Kerbin Spacestation (KEGESSTA for Geoorbit) DESSTA = Duna Spacestation (DEGESSTA for Geoorbit) MÜNSSTA = Mün Spacestation LASTA = Landerstage HELAVE = Heavy Launch Vehicle IDOPRO = Ion-Drive Probe ICON = My comsats for the interplanetary communication (remotetech) BACOVE = Base Construction Vehicle When I bother with acronyms, my system is generally to list the body and orbit class first (ex. LKO for Low-Kerbin Orbit, HMO for High Munar Orbit, etc.), followed by a - and a short acronym for its purpose (OS for Observation Satellite, CS for Communications Satellite, L for Lander, etc.) and either a number (for something from a series) or a snappy name in quotes. Of course, there's always the comedy option of backronyms. Perhaps you'd like to fly the Kerbin Interstellar Travel Trailer Yacht (or KITTY).
  4. Still relativly new and are having troubles getting a basic Kerbin network (Full planet coverage) and interplantary commmunications. can anyone help me get this setup?
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