Welsey Crusher left Starfleet to go hang out with the Traveller. He shouldn't have even showed up in Nemisis, and certainly not in uniform. (Bonus foottage. Check youtube) And sure, more information about the Vulcans was nice. Also, the Andorians. But did we need to have the Borg? The Ferengi? The never before seen Xindi? The Denobulans? Indroducing new alien species, let alone ones previously established in canon is a biiiiiig sticky point for a PREQUEL series. My problem with Enterprise is that it ignored almost everything written about the pre-Star Fleet era, in favour of a time war and the Xindi arc. And yes, I know Paramount considers the novels non-canon. We're talking about Trekkies here, the people who invented obsessive fandom, in North America at least. Ask 100 Trekkies about the history of the Federation, you'll get 101 different answers.