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Everything posted by quantumpion

  1. By any chance is there a mod yet that allows the IVA model to be seen through windows instead of the ugly flat window texture?
  2. Hi, I made some config files for RealPlume for the new engines. They probably need more tweaking to look totally correct but it's a start. https://github.com/QuantumPion/RealPlumeSquadExpansion/releases
  3. I don't know if this was brought up before, but is it possible to add global lighting for planet reflections at night time? Like Planetshine, but for the surface, at night, with brightly lit planet/moon above? Also, is it possible to change the brightness level for planets in the sky at night? For example, in this screen shot, Jool should probably be as bright as it is from space.
  4. Sorry if it was posted before, but is the new external IVA window view part of a public build available now, or is this just a sneak peak of something coming later?
  5. The area where a mistake can be made is in making the descent too steep so that the craft cannot slow down fast enough before hitting the surface. While I know what I am doing for the most part, and this failure mechanism is simply something I have to work around using mods or whatever, for a new player it is hugely unforgiving. There is nothing anywhere stating parachutes work in this way, you only find out at the very end of whatever mission you were flying. I'm not opposed to parachutes having limits to their speed and temperature. My complaint is in how the staging/activation functions. The parachute should not instantly die on activating if deployed too soon - it should just not deploy until it can do so within the limits. That way you can activate booster recovery parachutes or unmanned probe parachutes on staging. However, the parachute limits should be made more clear in the UI somewhere so that you can at least wild guess what kind of reentry is survivable beforehand.
  6. What is the point, since the last patch, of making parachutes fail above a certain speed when activated? Why allow the chute to be activated if it will immediately fail? This breaks the ability to activate parachutes while still in space, e.g. for unmanned probes. Why not just make activated parachutes not deploy until they are able to function?
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