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Everything posted by Itsdavyjones

  1. ahh what a way to respond mouse, but this is getting intresting, and i think that rozer will come out.
  2. wow, are you trying to make me hate every character? good chapter?
  3. ummm.... okay.... what just happened.... Rozer? And please don't do anything with space food from Apollo era, I was going to eat dinner in a few, and I see, tastes like diarrhea....*pukes* Good chapter otherwise, and a mean cliff hanger.
  4. i see the backwards arrow, nice read other wise.
  5. Reading that last chapter.....*BOOOM-splat* f$$sfg5s23%fsfd error... rebooting......warning infinite loop detected......*BOOM-splat*........... Great chapter.
  6. well, can't wait for another story to come out. always a nice read.
  7. I'd vote Jool, but i am getting a suspicious feeling that a repeat of the previous AAR will happen.....
  8. good chapter. Something tells me more trouble will happen very soon. Can't wait.
  9. that distress signal..... i was just sitting there chilled to the bone, unable to stop the video.... please.... never again. Other than that, great chapter.
  10. This tribute is perfect. It captures the essence of the video.
  11. i didn't read this for some time, and this last chapter ends on a high cliff..... GAAHHHH great read none the less.
  12. As the president of New World Homes, we will be sending Maccus, our VP. Good chapter BTW.
  13. a decent chapter. Concord better get its stuff together if they want to work without accidents that shouldn't happen.
  14. i think it reminds everyone of their first docking. Interesting chapter though.
  15. I am starting to hate Rozer more than Bob, and I never realized that was possible. Great chapter otherwise.
  16. Ahh what a funny comment czokletmuss.
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