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Everything posted by Itsdavyjones

  1. Nice to see this is upcoming and can't wait. A base camp essentially means base of operations for your task at hand.
  2. Can you STOP making me switch me opinions about Rozer, gah.
  3. wow great chapter. And you made me LIKE Rozer now.... Why did you do this to me
  4. Has to be, czoletmuss is the master, and mason is his apprentice.
  5. good chapter and epilogue....and cliff hanger....
  6. wow.... I don't even... i don't know what to say. I come back to the forums, and have about 10 chapters to read..... sweet.....mother....of....kerbals
  7. wow i get back after a short hiatus, and have several great chapters to read. wow. Keep up the good work, and can't wait for the next series.
  8. ahh came back today, and had this entire story to read, just great. Keep up the good work.
  9. good chapter, and i am looking forward to the next series
  10. well then, that escalated quickly, but i never expected quite the outburst from an AI ...err... ANSI
  11. good chapter, short but what can you expect, not much happened.
  12. went from 2.8 GB to 2.55 GB, now some more head room, except i'll end up installing more mods now.
  13. well that's always good when you can shave off a good hunk of ram usage, can't wait for the next chapter.
  14. great chapters (had to read the last two), and nice to hear its still up and running.
  15. looking cool. One thing i wouldn't mind seeing it have a larger diameter when inflated, but that's just me.
  16. first i heard of this, and i am so glad i got an iPad for Christmas a few years back, this is just amazing, can't wait.
  17. good chapter, and that rover definitely got some good air there.
  18. I found out this was updated, but you should update the front page with the download link, so we don't have to dig through the thread (at this point not a problem, since it was just released). Just a friendly pointer.
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