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Everything posted by Itsdavyjones

  1. I'll give that a shot when I can upgrade the SPH, at part cap as it is, unless i start skimping on fuel. This craft has a 2000 km range, so a trip to the poles and back seems like it can be done (was doing this when this occurred) There are two sets of elevons on the back of the wings, the first picture isn't very good at showing it, but the pictures farther down show them. Also, I tested without roll enabled on the canards, but it made no difference, and the rudder can be upgraded when the SPH is upgraded, unless I can get it stable without the wingtip vertical stabilizers. I guess "Doesn't roll unless I tell it to, but then rolls quickly and stably holds a desired bank angle" would better describe my plane. Will also provide stability stats before i try adding a different rudder setup, in case that fails. As for the PID, never heard one till now, and will give it a shot, maybe it will help. Edit: Preliminary testing with the PID allows it to maintain level flight with maintain heading, something FAR couldn't handle. As for the rolling, its still there, but now under control. Still no idea what is causing it, so will follow up with some more stats, for potential solving. Edit 2: http://imgur.com/a/J9su8
  2. I placed those spoilers in the front since it was the place where the stability of the craft wouldn't be affected when deployed, full or empty, and as for the black bars, this was recreated after trying to solve the problems earlier, but its still stable in that regard. Also, both elevons induce roll, but the inner ones move farther than the outer ones to increase force, as for the speed which the elevons do roll when applied, its a perfect speed to avoid sudden forces.
  3. First, more images as asked. http://imgur.com/a/XWxZ5 1) Roll, means that it wants to roll around the longitudinal axis. 2) In images 3) Any altitude above the runway, any speed. 4) Hands off, which I did for turns, with minor roll corrections for large turns, and with pitching now. Also tested the landing gear being on the main body, but still rolled. The image didn't show the elevons, but they are there. Gave it a shot with the canards with no roll, but it still rolls. And with the last image, FAR seems confused what level means.
  4. I've made a plane that wouldn't roll at all (great for turns) without input or having FAR keep the wings level, that flew like a beauty, yet the same craft now rolls and keeps rolling while in flight. I have tried to solve it my self (plane has been modified to not look like it used to), and have looked on the forums, but didn't find anything. Is rolling any time, even with the plane designed not to roll, for I have tested with another craft with high wings and dihedral, normal? http://imgur.com/cQ6C9Ns
  5. With the latest version being 1.6, the first post needs to be updated to reflect that change.
  6. Made a plane with FAR that managed to complete 4 visual survey missions in one go, would've made it back to KSC were it not for the forward landing gear getting stuck in the ground after completing the EVA part of a contract (wish i knew EVA report while flying above the site worked before lowering the gear)
  7. At best, the way to improve EVA's is to add a compass to the HUD, then at least you know what direction to go, relatively.
  8. Used this capsule on a rescue mission to recover a kerbal stuck in orbit (Seriously, how do they do that?), before the game crashed and killed Jeb (restarting my career save:(). Perfect ship for the Job, especially since I use RT2.
  9. Game crashed, seemed like a memory overload from hours of play, and Jeb died because of it, now restarting my career save....
  10. Very useful, saving for future reference, and who cares about artsy, its practical and that's all that matters.
  11. Saw your video for the mass driver, my only gripe with it is that there is sound, since its really just an over sized ion drive, using rock, it shouldn't make noise. Otherwise Looks amazing.
  12. What is this madness! And a sugestion for the mass driver, what if you were to designate an asteroid to be only used for the mass driver, would you be able to cut it up to say 90% mass as usable for the mass driver, but can't have anything stored in it other than rock, would that be fesable?
  13. Good preview video, can't wait to see the mass driver in work.
  14. Its the intended behaviour, when you set it to 0%, the actual thrust is 50% of max.
  15. Nice to hear, when do we get to see the teaser for the Mass Driver?
  16. Sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation, can't wait to see. (starts plotting on ways to use it for a mothership, and wonders if its possible to make even bigger than E class roids)
  17. I would love to see a teaser for the mass driver *wink wink, nudge nudge* Keep up the great work.
  18. Looking good. Looking forward to seeing it get released.
  19. Glad to hear that, now you made me eager to see what you'll cook up.
  20. If your saving the rock, you should save it for a mass driver http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_driver#Spacecraft-based_mass_drivers. That way, you can use the asteroid itself to bring it to Kerbin.
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