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Everything posted by Scotius

  1. I think three main specialities would be enough: Pilot, Engineer and Scientist. Each main speciality could have variants: Plane pilot, Lander Pilot. Propulsion Engineer, Structural Engineer. Geologist, Biologist, Astrophysicist. Each kerbonaut could have three slots for specialisation - primary (adding bonus to performed actions), secondary (no bonuses and penalties), tertiary (Kerbal can perform the action, but with penalties). Every specialisation can be trained, but higher tiers require actual experience to be reached. Let's take a look at Newb Kerman. He's a good Lander Pilot (he can land anything, anywhere, anytime), mediocre Geologist (he can pick samples all right, won't mistake piece of copper for gold nugget, but he will miss a breakthrough discovery unless he'll faceplant into it), and bad Structural Engineer (he can inflate popped tire on a rover, but tell him to replace batteries and something will explode). He can upgrade his primary rating to Excellent only through missions, secondary and tertiary can be trained in Space Training Camp, and during the mission. What do you think?
  2. I'm a visualist - i loke to see how my orbit will look after the maneuver. Set of dry numbers from Protractor and Engineer Redux does not work as good for me.
  3. Your habitat module makes pretty good rover body Could you make a version working as command module, with a panoramic window on the front? I've made a refuelling truck out of the basic version - lots of space to place batteries, RTGs and solar panels.
  4. Do you use any mods? I know that ISA Mapsat causes lag when a ship with orbital scanner flies above KSP.
  5. Looks like the fairing is smashing into monopropellant tanks on the craft's bottom. Try to place them in different spot.
  6. Thats why i pay attention to place at least one, easily accessible docking port on my interplanetary ships. Even best laid plan does not guarantee you will not have to send tanker to refuel on the other side of the system.
  7. That's like saying we don't need intercontinental airliners, because we have perfectly good sea-going ships. If there would be a viable way to cut travel time from month to, lets say a day or two of course we would use it. Maybe not immediately, and only for specific tasks at first.
  8. There will be a bunch of new threads with users nerdgasming over new features. And posting their ungodly creations and some threads about newfound bugs. That's about all.
  9. It could provide Aussies with a way to escape from all those hellishly poisonous creatures roaming their country Sorry Australians, i hail from a country where we have exactly one species of poisonous snake, it's rare, not very dangerous and avoids humans. Whew.
  10. One more reason to go to space. Compared to good old void, ocean is a hellhole teeming with untold, eldritch abominations of all sizes and shapes.
  11. Afer couple of decades alien astronomers would be quite mystified what happened to that one, insignificant but fairly normal yellow dwarf. What could cause it to shrink so abruptly?
  12. Very nice crafts. Would work great as crew carriers on low-g worlds. Can you share .craft files? As for fuel problem, i recommend TAC Fuel Balancer mod. It lets you decide which tank(s) should be drained, or set them up to drain equally from all.
  13. I like it Can you make them in different sizes? Smaller versions for 1-man landers, big verisons, comparable in capacity to jumbo tank for interplanetary motherships etc.
  14. What about retractable radiator plates? I imagine it like a radial attachment port with X-shaped cross-cut. Plates are retracted during atmospheric flight, or when engines are turned off. But when they do work, plates start to emerge. When they are fully deployed, and there is still heat to radiate, they might start to glow What do you think?
  15. Why did you put ion engine on your probe? Was it firing through heat shield during deorbit burn?
  16. "Project Babylon - Laythe or Bust!"
  17. Tur 2 Interplanetary tug. It weights 77 tons. Lifting it to orbit was a herculean task, but it was worth it. My ship can get a full jumbo tank to Duna, and carries its own medium Rockomax tank, so it works well as an emergency fuel/monopropellant tanker. When i add a lander to forward docking port, it acts as a long range exploration vessel. Only problem i have with this ship, is seemingly unsatiable thirst for monopropellant. One docking can burn through half of my RCS tank.
  18. I will gush over new interiors. And build ejecting seat. And rovers. Many rovers with proper seats Maybe even glider. Hopefully update will be released before the end of the month. Because we have a holiday in Poland, which means 4 free days. So much time to play. Wohoo!
  19. This mod gets better and better. Congrats. Couple of suggestions: Foldable ramps for Kerbals and vehicles? Some sort of a mast, that can be used as a comm tower or a base for solar panels. Reactor module with heat radiators.
  20. Those heat radiators will not work well in space. It seems you used processor cooler as an inspiration, but those work mainly due to convection. There's no air in space Main method of thermal transfer there is radiation, and your parallel plates will radiate heat into each other. You would want something like fins on stock RTG, spaced by 90 degrees. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/basicdesign.php#id--Heat_Radiators Here's the relevant link. (Thank you Nyrath )
  21. You had to do this, K^2. Didn't you? Remind us that people managed to prove that 2+2 not always equals 4. You couldn't leave us in sweet, sweet ignorance of this fact, and spare non-math oriented people headache? Damn you, math-geeks! *shakes fist at mathematicians in a fit of rage and frustration*
  22. Looks like you have a nice, simple, universal lander that can get you almost anywhere - from Mun to Eeloo. Well done.
  23. Uh oh. On the first look your orbit is too perfect. You might be in resonance with Duna - which mean you will never get rendezvous despite your orbit crossing Duna's. Try to do small correction burn to change your AP or PA.
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