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Everything posted by boomerdog2000

  1. I guess most people that want to leave the engines the way they are, are worried that the nerf will be too far the other way, making the engines too heavy or inefficient to get anything done. Thinking on it more and looking at Stupid_Chris' graphs I doubt this will be the case, but it may explain the significant backlash the idea is receiving.
  2. Your current missions get easier but the new missions that you're able to do (Jool, Duna, Eeloo, etc.) are still difficult. Going by your analogy they've been unlocking stuff in the low level area and can now go to the higher level area. The old low level area is much easier now but the new area with the higher monsters is challenging again.
  3. More on the dv bug. Mine seems to work with the new tanks but as soon as I attach one of the new engines, it fails to read its dv and then fails to update the dv when I take the engine off and replace it with an older one. Removing and replacing the MJ module causes it to start updating the dv values again as long as one of the new engines isn't attached. MJ does read the engine's thrust, mass, TWR and acceleration from vessel info, so it definitely knows the engine is there. The problem looks to be somewhere in solely the dv stats.
  4. I haven't played with the engines enough to know if their stats are unbalanced but that sounds like a good solution to me. A lot of people keep missing the idea that when economics are put in these things are most likely going to be the most expensive part we have ever seen.
  5. The question doesn't really make sense to me. The entire point of sandbox is to remove all restrictions which seems to throw most ideas of balance out the window. I understand the argument of parts being balanced against other parts but past a certain point some parts are going to have to be upgrades of others in certain regards. For instance the Mainsail is a better lifter than the LV-T30, but the LV-T30 is a better upper stage engine if you need more power since it's lighter. If you need less power use the 909. If you need fuel efficiency go for the Nerva. The progression through career mode starts you off with a few engines, meaning you have to use those engines for basically everything. Then later you unlock more specialised engines and slowly everything falls into its own little niche as you would expect.
  6. Personally I have faith that once the rest of career mode is in and balancing can truly begin the SLS will be be cost balanced along with the science rewards to ensure that the SLS is a late game tech and the previous missions will still be plenty challenging. Besides it's a very logical step to add bigger rockets if they eventually intend to add planets farther out as well.
  7. Plus our only introduction to these parts is in sandbox or endgame career. In sandbox the entire point is to have every part unlocked purely so you get that endgame content. Once money is implemented these parts will cost insane amounts of whatever currency we end up with. Encouraging the player to only use them when needed or take a huge financial hit.
  8. About what I expected. First asteroid I started tracking was a class D on a collision course with Kerbin. Managed to attach to it but didn't quite have the fuel to push it out of the atmosphere. Managed to kill off most of its velocity though so at least the collision wouldn't be that bad.
  9. Very first asteroid I start tracking is a class D on a collision course with Kerbin. Never rendezvoused with an asteroid before and I have a self imposed rule where if a class D or E hits Kerbin I end the save. So... the next few hours should be interesting...
  10. How do you keep the rails on the ground? This would require some form of anchoring system which (besides the Klaw) isn't in the stock game yet. Plus typical train rails don't hold the vehicle down. That's why trains can overturn but the rail will be fairly intact.
  11. Are you asking for "The possibility of discovering asteroids from other celestial bodies"? or are you asking for "The possibility of discovering asteroids that are orbiting other celestial bodies"? Because if it's the first that title is confusing.
  12. As you pointed out this has been suggested before, and I believe the issue came to be that the software they use for creating the terrain doesn't do caves very well. Personally I would love to see them, but if they can't be done well with the current system I'm content to live without them.
  13. One idea could be you know the planet, it's orbit, and maybe generally what it looks like for the closer ones, but maybe for more high-resolution mapping you need to send a probe first? Same for the moons of said planet. I would like for them to better nail down mapping in timewarp first but I think ScanSat had that working. We still don't actually know what Pluto even looks like. Hubble's best shot is just a yellow spot. New Horizons is going to take the first good pictures of it. So it doesn't seem too unrealistic that you might need a probe for good pictures of the planets farther out. Without having to discover the entire planet or its orbit.
  14. Definitely need this. I won't have to guess where the AN DN nodes are to push crafts into polar orbits anymore.
  15. Which is exactly why we talked about earlier generating them around the sun instead where the outgassing would be greater. I realize the orbits wouldn't be the same and that's not what I was suggesting. The system to create them is relatively the same just with a few minor tweaks. Instead of around Kerbin the trackable objects appear around the sun. Instead of a near circular orbit they have a highly elliptical one.
  16. Nexus: The Jupiter Incident did something that made me very happy. They actually put smaller engines on all the different axes your ship would have to move on. Meaning your ship had the main engines, smaller reverse engines on the front and an assortment of thrusters for lateral movement. http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/ibViWr9cAWw/maxresdefault.jpg Edit: In the picture the reverse engines are firing while the main engines (to the left) are inactive.
  17. It might be better if they showed the little question marks for the comets when they passed near the sun instead of Kerbin. The idea being the outgassing from the comets passing near the sun is easier to pick up then just the random odds of it traveling near Kerbin.
  18. Definitely precision landing anywhere, atmosphere or not it took me a while to get that right. But a new Munbase speaks to at least some measure of success.
  19. I'm currently working on a project for Mar's moon Deimos which has approximately .003 m/s^2 of gravity. To get a better idea of what that was like I tweaked the gravity on Bop using hyperedit to about that value. It's essentially 0g. Things will get to the ground if you wait for a few hours if they started with zero vertical velocity but at that point it's not fun anymore, it's boring. Having 0g for these asteroids makes sense physically and from a gameplay perspective
  20. They're on rails outside of the 2.5 km physics sphere I believe. Pretty sure aerocapture would be out of the question since that takes more physics. Munar assisted capture seems possible but unlikely.
  21. My guess is the SLS was added as a sort of precursor to a more realistic aerodynamics system (not that I'm saying we'll be getting one soon, just in the future). As many have been keen to point out in other threads, most asparagus designs tend to be somewhat less than aerodynamic. The SLS should allow us to have more typical launch vehicles but keep our heavy payloads.
  22. Same here, a bit of realism is good because it can make the player relate to the game or add challenge, but too much generally makes it boring or too complex for all but a few.
  23. I don't know about specialize, but my favorite things to build are bases and stations. The satisfaction of seeing all the parts come together just the way you want them is great.
  24. But it does encourage you to do new things. You can putter around the Kerbin system and unlock the entire tech-tree if you want, or if you get bored (which most probably will) you can go somewhere else. Duna maybe? A quick stop on Ike for a bit of extra science if you want. How about dropping a probe on Eve and landing on Gilly while you're there? Maybe a quick tour around some of Jool's moons if you're feeling up to it. The difference between the current system and the proposed system here is that in the current one you can go anywhere basically whenever you want. You are limited only by your design and your piloting skills. In the proposed system you would have to go to Duna, Eve, Laythe or some other body for your special achievement to get the parts you needed. That is the game forcing you into something very specific. I recognize that the game does need to tell you to do something for it to be career mode, but this suggestion is too specific for my taste to completely replace science as we have it now.
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