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Everything posted by boomerdog2000

  1. While this is all true, unfortunately it doesn't matter what people know, it matters, for a game, what they think. While it may be true that kerbal genders are indistinguishable the current ones will be applied human characteristics by new players, since that's what our brains do. Based on the current model our brains pick out more male characteristics.
  2. Ion engine might work. Be pretty slow though. Of course if you're travelling by water that doesn't seem to matter, since it takes forever to go anywhere on the surface anyway.
  3. While it sounds like a good idea I would be worried about the physics not cooperating. It seems like you might get an effect similar to when you enter a new SOI at high warp and it messes with your trajectory also, wouldn't it have to take other ships into account? Ships which might be entering new SOIs.
  4. Agreed, so now our alternatives are to remake the kerbals into some un-relatable asexual being, or just add female kerbals. Personally I prefer the latter.
  5. Total Dv yes but on the interplanetary craft you now have full tanks.
  6. Actually is it too unreasonable to assume that kerbals can't maneuver through a radially attached docking port? It might limit some IVA components of space station design but I think it makes more sense that slapping a docking port on some random section of a hitchhiker doesn't just add the ability for kerbals to head out through it.
  7. This would take a bit of graphical remodeling since neither of the command pods have exit hatches on the bottom. I suppose it makes sense for the mk.1 to not have one since it's so small but not really for the mk.2.
  8. Yes but that's different. You're docking multiple ports simultaneously which is possible if somewhat difficult. He is trying to dock a portion of the ship to the same ship without undocking which I don't think is possible. Example would be: You're using your 3-way adapter with 3 docking ports, but only 2 of the ports connect. Don't you have to undock then redock and hope that all 3 connect? OP is trying to get that 3rd docking port to connect without undocking.
  9. I don't think you can. Fairly certain since the ship is already a ship, it can't dock itself to itself.
  10. Practice and experience. I definitely haven't got precision landing down yet but I'm getting better. I can at the very least hit the body in question.
  11. Disregarding decay due to the atmosphere that Smidge pointed out and n-body physics which you probably aren't using anyway I believe the math works out. I was actually using some to figure out the most efficient orbit to put my mapping satellite.
  12. What about if the parachute would actually just shear off? It may theoretically have the drag to slow the craft down but if you flew the craft itself it would fail.
  13. Multiple people flying multiple vessels is working. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55835-Kmp-0-22-wip-alpha Best of luck.
  14. There might be a cost that it can't determine, like if I'm going somewhere with more valuable science, but it uses up my science modules. Then I would have 10 or so prompts asking me if I wanted to do science only for me to scroll through all of them clicking no. The current system which I prefer. I will give you that this would make it easier for new players but I believe a lot would just find it annoying. Also something else that hasn't been taken into account. If you're running a multi-ship mission somewhere, You're going to have multiple ships with their science modules passing through the same areas. Your system would make them all want to sample the same data because, since it hasn't been returned or transmitted yet, it still has the initial value. I'm sure we could think of ways around these problems, especially with your prompt, but I just don't like the idea. If we automate too much stuff in this game what are we going to do? I like the feeling of checking the science modules I placed, on the ship I designed, on the course I set. If I start having some computer nag me about sampling science in locations I don't want to it would take me out of the experience.
  15. Your design may reward experimentation but it doesn't reward exploration, which seems to be one of the core concepts of the game. This system would basically ignore all landings, sample returns, and most experiments in space. I feel the current system works very well if you don't abuse it. I did a career mode run without transmitting anything except readings from detectors (gravioli, seismic, etc.) and crew reports, and I had to do many flights and a 3 ship Jool mission to unlock the whole tree. Most of the grinding aspect will be irrelevant with the .23 update anyway, which will fix the ability to gain all the science just by transmitting.
  16. I feel like the current clicking grind that people are complaining about is because they are already trying to game the system by transmitting everything. In the .23 update they are supposedly fixing the ability to gain all the science by transmitting it which will encourage you to return samples, which should fix your grinding. Also I believe they said some experiments won't be able to be reset anymore, which might cause an automatic system to annoy people, especially since you might travel through several different biomes on your way to your destination. For example, you might want to use your goo modules on the surface of the Mun but they automatically trigger in space near Mun and you can't reset them.
  17. Rocket construction taking time would make more sense if you had other things to do during that time. Any time based components of a game require you to have other activities for you to do during said time. At the moment what we do is launch and design rockets. So having to have time in-between launching and designing said rockets leaves you with nothing to do, which defeats the purpose of the game.
  18. Maybe you could have a secretive, shadow group like the X-Com council paying you for any you find. After all we can't have the general public finding out about possible proof of aliens now can we?
  19. There's a difference between the game asking you to do something, and the game telling you to do something. Unless it's a tutorial or incredibly general, the second one is usually bad. I can say no to someone asking me to do something.
  20. That's what I thought after the predicted 4000 dv needed to circularize a Vall orbit, good news is the mission was a success after a quickload. Also Nitro think of it this way. The planet is orbiting 50m/s we'll call its direction positive for this. First Example: You are traveling in the same direction 100 m/s. To slow down to the planet's 50m/s from your 100 m/s you have to slow down 50 m/s. Second Example: If you are traveling retrograde you are traveling -100m/s. Now you have to speed up to the planet's 50m/s. To speed up to that you have to cancel out your 100m/s then speed up to the planet's 50m/s First example: 50-100=-50 50m/s against the planet's rotation Second exmple: 50--100=150 150m/s with the planet's rotation
  21. Back to the OP, will a retrograde planetary orbit cause you to need more delta-v for encounters with said planets moons? I think it should but I'm not certain.
  22. No it generally takes the 280 odd days. But I like to use the same crew for many missions. I feel like them dying midway would be considered random failures, which I am very against.
  23. I don't think I like the idea of my crew dying on their way to Jool based on some arbitrary age limit.
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