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Everything posted by boomerdog2000

  1. I get it! Side-note can we at least view the flag plaque whilst flying said flag? Unless it's a colony I'm probably not going to land in the same place twice.
  2. I guess the problem they're trying to fix is making permanent space stations more relevant in regards to science, which doesn't easily fit with the current one time science experiments, the argue for having a budget to manage will depend on how they implement the budget.
  3. Then the entire game would become laggy all the time. Having the events trigger recalculation would still run into the problem of calculating the physics of multiple crafts at once.
  4. I would assume, given the nature of the game, that the way to play it is the way you have fun playing it. If you enjoy hyper-editing massive ships into Jool orbit for some roleplay thing more power to you. If you enjoy playing the game with the developer given limitations that's fine too.
  5. Triggering (skippable) cutscenes at certain tech-node purchases makes sense. It could be a way to assist the player in figuring out what certain parts do, of course in their usual kerbal way.
  6. Pretty sure this would lead to a lag spike every(whatever interval you go with) since at that moment the game would have to simulate the physics of every part of every ship in your save file.
  7. To be fair that looks like a large amount of weight in fuel and engines.
  8. I haven't had a problem. Landed a probe on Eve, manned landers on Duna, Mun, Minmus, Pol, Vall, Bop and Gilly. Unless you're going overboard with your designs or are in higher gravity they work fine.
  9. Escape means you are leaving its gravity well and you will no longer be orbiting it. If your planned space station is in Kerbin orbit this is bad. Have you just been burning straight up this whole time?
  10. Alright cool. I figured it would involve the Science Lab but in the first post it only says the Science Lab can create liquid fuel and oxidizer through electrolysis of water, and aluminum and oxidizer on Ike and the Mun.
  11. End flight button in tracking center will achieve this, while killing the kerbals onboard. Although I believe they will respawn over time.
  12. With reasonable sized craft, the game runs fine. The devs cannot start catering to the massively over-complicated ships that some people can build (sorry Whackjob) until the game is done. Once the features are in place and they know where and how they can optimize, then they should optimize. The only exception to this would be if a completely game-breaking bug where revealed during one of the releases, but given their current job of testing the releases and ensuring everyone has a playable version I doubt this will happen.
  13. Unless it's an ion engine, but yes all other engines can activate without power as long as there is a kerbal in the capsule.
  14. Hi, brand new to this modpack, since I finished off the current tech-tree I figured I would give it a try. Been experimenting with the Vista Fusion Engine. Already know how to connect generators, reactors, radiators and what-not, but I noticed it consumes tritium and deuterium. I also saw that nuclear reactors can breed tritium but I was wondering if there was a way to manufacture deuterium?
  15. Docking mode has nothing to do with if the ships actually dock or not, that is all based on distance between the docking ports. That said, after you undock you have to put a certain distance between your two ports before they can dock again. This is so you actually can undock without being sucked in again by the magnetism.
  16. Eh call me a traditionalist but I'm going to keep my jet engines for planes. I'm not against others doing it, it just feels weird to me.
  17. For fixing the lag on Eve, have you tried the fix for the terrible ocean lag?
  18. It sounds incredibly annoying and I feel nearly everyone would put their craft above said height limit, disregarding the lack of physics on inactive craft.
  19. Not to mention being able to repair components when we get more of that.
  20. Try only transmitting crew reports, and data-type science(thermometer, gravioli detector, etc.). It made it necessary for me to go to Duna to keep going, but that's mainly because I only did about 5 munar landings, and 1 minmus landing.
  21. I don't know about you but surface space is at a premium on many of my landers now that I cover them in science. It might be an interesting step between extendable solar panels and 1 static one, but I think it might be fairly difficult to do. Set curves generally don't seem too friendly when you have so many things that are different shapes.
  22. I'll agree something is up with the music, but besides that I have been seeing less lag. My Eve and Gilly landings were fine as well.
  23. Integrating it into the tank might work, but it seems like just having a curved part might not work since there are different diameters and sizes, especially with command modules.
  24. Done with the stock tree, playing around with Interstellar now. Should have enough to unlock it once my science fleet gets back from Jool.
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