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Everything posted by AfailingHORSE

  1. landing on minmus at a relatively flat angle and suddenly, mountain.
  2. From experimentation, I can tell you it takes 16 LVNs to get an orange tank to orbit.
  3. It worked, however, it was not the quicksave.sfs but the persistent.sfs I need. Thanks
  4. Anyway the Spaceport will now join kerbalspaceprogram.net, can't say I'm sad about that. Most of decrepit mods I have had I no longer use (outside of B9, this should be port to curse ASAP)
  5. The LVNs, and there is no empty tanks, I went into notepad and filled everything with fuel (the game cheated me, I feel no shame in cheating it). Right then, dont look at the destroyer then, that is 800+ parts and a docked ship. I will upload the PU after I finish this capture
  6. That is the same tank the LVNs are connected to. It also has mechjeb on it due to part count (over 700)
  7. And picture, when I tested it fuel was going through the bicoupler. and thank you mod
  8. When I activated the engines was when the shrouds came off, I'll post a pic of the behemoth later. Also, completely forgot about the gameplay subforum...
  9. I launched something yesterday that was had some LVNs with a decoupler on them, when I jettisoned the coverings they hit noting, yet my nukes arent getting any fuel. When I asked about this in the IRC yesterday I was told that it was because that LVNs partially broke off, is there a way to fix this in notepad?
  10. ISS - Imperial Space Ship (Civilian)\Imperial Space Station (all kinds) IMS - Imperial Military Ship IMS© - Imperial Military Ship (convict operated) IDS - Imperial Diplomat Ship
  11. I decide to make the kerbol system in Planetary Annihilation with the system editor and I need the Position (x,y), sadly 3d planet placement is not in yet, Velocity (x,y (for eccentric-y)), Mass, Radius, and temperature. Any help would be nice. also, I was not sure were this would go.
  12. The only thing that I know that will not make this possible is the 2km render distance
  13. I unfortunately do not have pictures from mine comes from, but it dates back to before landing legs, back to the old parts. Back when hitting the moon was a real challenge. But I did it, and I did not even know how move the capsule up in the VAB. And that vehicle is still one of my most efficient not LV-N powered ships.
  14. they generally come when they come, I just saw the tech tree and thought it might break saves.
  15. I finally got my mun base back to pre patch .21 and only began expanding it again, and I will be kind of heart broken if .22 breaks the save again.
  16. GR:FS seemed to have this problem at first because people who are Activision lap dogs wanted a new game to play. Then as they realized that Ghost Recon requires team play to win, they all pretty much left. He might be a masochists, you never know.
  17. now Im kind of mad that I got Mirror's Edge during the summer steam sale. I've never though I be saying that for my life.
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