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Everything posted by AfailingHORSE

  1. must... not... say... "and Tyler too" damn it
  2. If I had too pay (barely got in, bought the full version in late April), it would have to be no more the $10 for me too pay without thinking for KSP, they would really have to sell it at $15, anything more, I might as well buy a new game.
  3. I have the S55, more specifically I have this S55. For most games I play, I can run them from upper medium to max settings, this includes The Witcher 2. KSP on the other hand, I can run at max for medium sized ships (about around 150 parts for me) before I start feeling crippling lag. One thing you should note is that the vents for the s55 are rather small and on the bottom, so you have to elevate the back it, also the heat sink is right side were you would rest your hands, so it can get pretty warm there after a while. But over all, I'm happy with it.
  4. The closest thing abandonment was a station that I was sending to Moho. However, a launch incident forced me to stage earlier then I wanted causing me to run out of fuel way early. But I re-purposed it to be a Kerbol orbital station that may or may not one day hit Eve or Moho.
  5. Or just make another key command to toggle the old SAS, like say... Ctrl+8+6
  6. I think they are just big slot cars, the Kerbals are just there for show (or Union reasons, one of the two)
  7. This is probably the sole reason why I don't patch right away, for the love of god I hope they fix this.
  8. never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by ignorance.
  9. while I agree that it COULD be done in a single launch, for structural rigidity reason I recommend assembling it at the mun, however large sections can be launched in one piece.
  10. How big we talking, theoretically you could assemble it in LKO then attach two tugs with enough thrust to get to the mun, pointing in opposite directions (so you dont have to turn the damn thing around). However, at a certain point in the stations size, any form of movement can cause deadly oscillation, especially if you have SAS enabled and its not .21.
  11. Rarely use the function, not because I don't 'believe' in it, but merely because I forget it exists half the time.
  12. it depends on the station's size and how symmetrical it will be.
  13. Ok, the red arrows just made it seem like it work best if it returning to Kerbin.
  14. are these values for returning to Kerbin or leaving Kerbin?
  15. explain your meaning of back fire, I have overly strutted stages to keep them from spontaneously disassembling during launch like they have in the pasted, only to have them spontaneously disassemble on me even faster.
  16. and your not going to throw in free RTGs, batteries, and/or solar panels to keep them alive...? You MONSTER!
  17. Only really two come to mind. One was when I was make a interplanetary burn for a Laythe colony ship, normally I do all the node work my self but the ship was pretty big and laggy so I let mechjeb do it for me. Then out of no where an old interplanetary drive slammed into ship taking out the pilot and the colony habitation modules with all 24 colonists in it, none survived. That was a frustrating moment seeing as the next craft to be launched was one to recover that spent drive. The second time really cant be called space debris, but it was still an unwanted encounter. I was setting up a support station in eve orbit, I was bringing the last piece into the station, I was doing my eve capture (for me that was creating an eccentric orbit as soon as I hit the encounter then coasting down to periapsis to circularize) all the while explaining the game to my younger cousin. I got up to go greet some more family that just came over, and when I got back to told me he was practicing with the game and told me he did not hit the shift key or space bar. I checked my resources and noticed that my mono propellent was lower, until the crash I just thought that he played with WASD with RCS on. Thinking nothing was wrong I started to time warp down to periapsis, when suddenly, Gilly. Remember when I said I though he was playing with WASD? Well I was wrong, turns out he found the translation controls, I knew I was going to come close to Gilly, I promised I would show him it we came in to circularize, and he moved the ship enough to hit Gilly. Fortunately this was a fairly routine station assembly launch and it was unmanned.
  18. Everyone has a price*, everyone.*price does not have to be a monetary amount, for example it could be services rendered, or a gift of some sort.
  19. They still make good game, it just seems like the management seems hell bent on getting every little penny out of people and the ensure that they don't lose money by putting outrageous DRM on there games (which from a managerial perspective makes perfect sense), if Sim City did not have the DRM, I would have been perfectly fine with it only because mods could fix everything that was 'wrong' about it.
  20. you would have to pay for every strut individually (to be fair, this is probably a little over the top) however, this is not.
  21. God I hope this is modeled in Planetary Annihilation.
  22. Every time I see the name Gus, I instantly think of the end of the RTAA OmniGus episode.
  23. So what would orbits look like if one was to take a noticeable chunk of the planet, say with an comet or so something.
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