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Posts posted by AfailingHORSE

  1. If I really want to do something that the stock game doesn't allow I'll try and find a mod for it, you'd be surprised how many dead ends you can get past using mods. Some people like to stay stock which is perfectly fine also.

    Know of a mod off the top of your head that allows for multiple non-player controlled objects to enter the atmosphere of a planet and not get deleted?
  2. I've built half a dozen different launchers, saved them all in the subassembly loader mod, and then stopped building launchers. Now it's all about building a payload and then slapping an appropriately-sized launcher on the bottom.
    same, with the except of the latest series of mission, which im going for style my then anything else, and 100% of my launchers are not the best looking, but very practical for getting 80m minimum orbits
  3. theoretically, my colony ship that can hold up to 25 kerbals could make interstellar space, but it was designed in such a way that it needs an external drive core to be interplanetary in a solar system or else it would run out of fuel before getting half way to Duna. I would have to "redesign" the drive core (that is, add a Sr docking port on the bottom since all the engines are on the side) so it can store more fuel.

  4. The only time cheat is when the game cheats me. that is to say, for example, the other day I finally got my 1500 part colony ship to duna only to have a part around the docking port randomly accelerate destroying the entire ship and all 13 kerbals on board. So I hyper edited another ship back in, then burned around duna for a while to get approximately to the fuel level I had before (I had not use RCS at this point)

  5. When you make and get an elaborate Duna colony ship, that holds up to 25 kerbals (works better with 13, 12 colonists + 1 pilot) in it, to Duna that uses a drop pod system with 6 pods dropping at once and only then realizing that if your not controlling the ship when it enters atmosphere, the ship auto deletes.

  6. my first probe was to Eeloo, got an intercept, but ion engines being ion engines means I over shot, so now that probe is on the wall at the edge of the solar system. my first landing outside of mun, minmus, and kerbin was on duna the other week when I decide to take a break from making my geo stationary dry dock station around kerbin for construction of ships in space and sent a probe with a rover attached to it, and now I have a colony ship enroute to duna. I also have an Eeloo lander staged up to leave, its just waiting for one final peice for the Eeloo base.

  7. Have you never wondered why the altimeter gets screwy once you 'leave' the solar system? Have you never wondered why some call the stars the 'Skybox?'

    We're inside a Dyson Sphere I tell ya! Studied by strange aliens with tiny heads and skin of many colours apart from green! I tell you that not only did they build the sphere but our whole universe, kept trapped in their great construction for their own amusement!

    I'd to correct you by saying that were not in a sphere, but a box.
  8. I have an obsession with putting relevant parts from every mod on most of my ships to cover all possible scenarios. Over-engineering to the highest degree. Does my command module need more batteries, aux tanks, communications and scientific scanners? Yes it does. 64 bit unity will be a godsend for me.
    You must be secretly German...
  9. I use mechjeb for lift off and ascent.

    Because time is very long, not interesting to follow a path, the autopilot does it better.

    But always land manually, that's the most exiting.

    I completely agree, with the exception that I always launch the test of that design by hand first as a proof of concept, and I would add when docking to large ships together.

    OT: I believe my duna colony ship is the largest ive lunched at around 150t (roughly 1000 parts) for the ship, plus the 112.47tdrive (over 300 parts). So when docked its about 262.47t. However the game just cheated me and randomly accelerated something around the new docking port and destroyed the ship.

    however, my friend did manage to get a 61 kerbal city to minmus with stock parts

  10. Name of Utility: Imperial Proto-Station Core




    Here is the Mobile Imperial Dock Yard (under construction) based around the Imperial Proto-Station Core:


    Weight: 17.279 units, 83 parts

    File: Imperial Proto-Station Core .craft file

    Additional Details: It will launch with two Kerbals in the lander can, however, the external computer cores means that it does not need anyone to pilot it. Also, while optimum power is when in direct sun light, the 3 batteries and 4 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators means that the sun can go piss off for a while and it will still have power. There are lights around the docking ports that, potentially, make docking that much easier. There is also limited maneuvering from 8 RCS thrusters. Please note that the Imperial Proto-Station Core was originally designed to orbit Laythe, Jool, and Dres and the original launch vehicle does have the capability to reach those destinations.

    Name: AfailingHORSE

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