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Everything posted by AustralianFries

  1. Awesome video. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on the success it's gotten.
  2. I believe the chart starts at "Suborbital Craft", which is located at the bottom-ish right-ish. My Mission Plans: -Build craft -Launch Craft -??? -Orbit -Go places -Try to get back to Kerbin
  3. I'd call that more of a Gravity Cannon, rather than a tug...
  4. I'm an experienced player. I can help with whatever you want me to. I can pretty much do anything you listed, from flying the ships to video editing; put me where you need me.
  5. Nice... I've used the Mass Relay (kind of like the one seen ) on my station to send a kerbal pretty much straight down into Kerbin. The orbital line was perfectly straight and was directed into the core of Kerbin. Needless to say, that kerbal did not have fun.
  6. If you want to go worship the old parts, go to the base on the island offshore from the main KSP site.
  7. Psh, all of you are wrong. SRB's are obviously used for docking. Because real men dock with SRB's. /sarcasm SRB's are used for the takeoff stage of flight (and if you count the Seperatrons, which use solid fuel as well, those are used for blasting away spent stages). The other engines are used for everything else.
  8. I was referring to two different instances. I guess I didn't word that so well. I meant: I've used the Mun as a slingshot to escape Kerbin's SOI, and have also used it to get to Minimus in a more efficient manner.
  9. Do slingshots work? Yes. Can you consistently plan them? Usually not. When you get everything in the right place and all aligned, slingshots are a very cost efficient way of getting to places. However, it's usually not something you can plan to do. It kind of just has to happen at the right moment. I've used the Mun as a slingshot to escape Kerbin's SOI and have gotten to Minimus way more efficiently.
  10. Hello, 1) Please take a screenshot of your ship. Press F1, go to this website, upload, and paste in the "direct" link. 2) Have you tried adding SAS (different than ASAS) parts on the rocket? (Most ships usually only need one SAS, but bigger ones may need more.) 3) Adding and strategically placing RCS will probably help.
  11. Post your animated image sequences! I'll go first. Testing my high speed bomber, the Spirit Mk6. Very balanced, and flies nicely: The Bolt Mk10 is one of my VTOL's. It is still in testing, and is rather unstable: Here is me testing my new ejection method: If you don't know how to make these, you can either just spam click F1 (which is what I do), or find a automated screencap program. Then, upload to a website like this, download the file and reupload it to a hoster like Fileize. Take that file, and paste the "direct" link it gives you into the reply, slap some tags around it, and there you go!
  12. I wish I still had my screenshots from pre .10ish... Got any more? For nostalgia's sake?
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