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Everything posted by Brotoro

  1. Hot staging Starship? That's quite a shift in thinking. I wonder if they will only ignite a few of the Starship engines at first to decrease blast on the booster, then kick in the other engines after separation.
  2. I like a good view of the booster shadow during landing.
  3. First stage landed Nominal orbit. Good job.
  4. And landed. Interesting lingering shots of the booster on the drone ship at the end.
  5. Liftoff. 8th time on those fairings. Getting good at reusing them.
  6. At a point midway between Andromeda and the Milky Way, you could see both of those galaxies and the M33 galaxy as fuzzy patches of light, with both Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies being brighter than Andromeda is as seen fro Earth. But in the voids between superclusters, you should be far enough away from all galaxies that no galaxy would be visible to the naked eye.
  7. And another booster successfully lands. Nice booster shadow during landing.
  8. Yes, but they decided to fly without those three engines. Now that they know how much side-slide you get with engines out on the same side, they can just abort a launch and not release if that happens again. So this is not an ongoing problem.
  9. Ah! I didn't catch the SES-3 burn itself. When I checked back in they were releasing the satellites, and the velocity reading at that time looked way too low (I thought the display or units must be faulty). But geocentric coordinates with velocity relative to surface makes it all clear. Thanks!
  10. I think they need a thrust stand where they can do full-thrust, long-duration test firings of Super Heavy stages to properly learn how to startup all those engines and see that they'll work properly for extended periods.
  11. Don't know yet. Clock is now showing T-15 minutes
  12. Falcon Heavy is fully expended? That's no fun.
  13. Looks like Falcon Heavy bumped 24 hours to Friday (so says YouTube link)
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