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Everything posted by Brotoro

  1. That's a bug? The program is working as they intended it to work.
  2. I don't know if you can just change the gravitational constant without messing up the relationships of the fundamental constants of nature... BUT, if you want a star that has 10 times the radius of Kerbol but has the same surface gravity of Kerbol, that would mean a star with 8.7% of the Sun's mass (a quite low mass red dwarf). And a star with that mass in our universe would NOT have 10 times the radius of Kerbol.
  3. I'm annoyed because when my orbit is nearly circular, and I click on the orbit, the box with the buttons to "add a maneuver node" and "warp to here" is oscillating madly as I try to click on one BUT ACCIDENTALLY CLICK THE OTHER.
  4. Red means cool in the temperature overlay. And the thermometer is measuring temperatures using the Kelvin scale. Because K
  5. I beg to differ. The text color-change indicating whether or not the place you are trying to click would result in an obstructed fairing or not caused me lots of problems (since I'm colorblind).
  6. You assume that Kerbol is the same type of star as our Sun? It's not the same mass. And you have to assume interesting things about it having a small, very high density core to even get it to fuse hydrogen at all.
  7. Ah ha! Somebody pointed out in a different thread that there is apparently a color change (from orange to green) of the text that tells you whether or not you can click with the left mouse button to stick down a fairing spot while building. But I certainly can't see that color change, since I'm colorblind. So probably my problem with building fairings was because of that. I hope squad improves that interface.
  8. In general, I like the 1.0.2 aero better...but I didn't use 1.0 for very long before the updates started coming out, so I'm no expert. I had some stuff that worked in 1.0 that no longer work in 1.0.2, but I think that may be because they nerfed jet engines (and RAPIERs in jet mode) again in 1.0.1 (they did, right?). Reentry heating was a big concern in 1.0, but I find that I can basically ignore it in 1.0.2...so I expect that needs to get bumped back up a notch. I wouldn't mind if the fairings were made slipperier and lighter (but not massless again!) to encourage their use by making them more effective.
  9. Ah... This "color" thing you people keep talking about. Yes, I could easily be missing a color change from orange to green because I'm colorblind. Why do people insist on simple color changes as an indicator? Why not just have the text telling you to left-click appear or disappear depending on whether or not there is a collision? Or have a little check mark appear. If the makers of DVD/BD menus could learn to follow this simple rule, my life would be happier.
  10. Yes, I ran into the problem where it refused to recognize my mouse-clicks most of the time. I was using the fairing around a high-part-count payload, so I thought it might be due to lag effects in the editor. Also, the rocket was VERY laggy during flight with the fairing compared to without...and the extreme legginess continued after I blew off the confetti. At least my rocket was probably safe from radar-guided missile attack with all that chaff I dumped.
  11. I tried fairings for the first time tonight. The payload was my 60 tonne Duna Base payload on a modified Big Advanced Reusable Rocket (you can follow the Developing Duna link in my sig to see this stuff if you care). First I tried to launch the payload on the rocket with no fairing (for a control). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the payload boosted in a proper turn without flipping out of control. The payload stack was just a bit too flexible, I think, so the rocket bent enough to put it out of control. Then I tried it with the fairing. The building of the fairing was difficult -- the interface wasn't responding well to my mouse clicks...but I'm not sure why. Maybe because the payload/rocket has 400+ parts, so there might have been lag in recognizing my clicks. Or something else...I dunno. Anyway, I finally got the fairing built and launched it. Arrrgh, it was terribly laggy. Quite a bit laggier that without the fairing. Painfully laggy. BUT...the fairing allowed me to get the rocket through the boost. But, oh, the lag. Oddly enough, the lag continued even after I blew off the confetti at 40,000 meters. Weird. And painful. But fairings DID allow me to fly a payload that I was no longer able to boost in 1.0.2.
  12. Damn...I've been found out! And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids and your dog.
  13. ^^THIS is what I found out as well. The increase of drag in the transonic region was having a BIG effect on my vehicles. With spaceplanes, my plane would get stuck bumping up against that drag-increase spike and simply couldn't push through to the promised land where the drag coefficient drops again. But, by getting to the correct altitude and flying horizontally (some planes can benefit from a bit of a dive here, especially if their TWR is low), I could get the plane through the barrier and speed would increase rapidly. For rockets, I found that the drag bump in the transonic region was causing my rockets to tumble because the drag forces on the nose that are the cause of the tumble increase rapidly then. So, after launch (upon hitting 80 m/s) I pitch over pretty aggressively (still keeping the heading pointer close to the prograde marker). But as the ship reaches the mid-300 m/s speed, I pull back my heading pointer close to the center of the prograde marker until the rocket's speed has gotten up into the 400+ m/s region and increasing...then I go back to increasing pitchover.
  14. I don't know what kind of hot dogs you people eat, but neither of OP's examples look like a hot dog. These actual spaceplanes and spaceplane concepts, on the other hand, might go well with mustard:
  15. I would like the option to make any tank contain customizable amounts of liquid fuel and oxidizer, including being 100% one or the other. If I can't have that, then a LFO / LF-only / O-only option would be OK. I don't particularly want Squad to make even more tanks just to allow the LF-only option, because there are already a lot of parts to confuse me.
  16. I think the new aerodynamics are certainly better. I was just flying a plane on Duna, and it was behaving much better than it did back in 0.90.
  17. So, I did some experiments with a Fuel Cell DunaDog (or, Elon Kerman's engineers have been doing computer simulations, I mean). The 48-7S is too lame now, so I replaced them with LV-909 engines. Oh, wait...I'm supposed to be calling these things 'Sparks' and 'Terriers' now, right? The ion engines (excuse me...Dawn engines) only produce about 1.7 to 1.8 kN of thrust now in Duna's atmosphere, so more of them are needed to maintain airspeed...a total of six now instead of four. And since each set of two ion (Dawn) engines requires a six-pack of Fuel Cells ('Chemi-Electro Buddies'...oh wait...they don't have a name), that means laying three of those units on the plane. Luckily, all this extra mass can still be supported by the tri-wings. What kind of distance can be gotten out of a fuel load......is as yet unknown. But, here's a few interesting things I found out: 1) Parachutes don't seem to be as effective on Duna as they were before. 2) There actually seems to be a lot of drag on this plane, at least at hundreds-of-meters elevation, so it slows down quite nicely, and I was able to glide in for landings twice without problems (in lowlands). This is certainly different. Parachute-assisted landings, in fact, were more difficult (requiring the full thrust of the 909...Terrier...to keep from smacking in hard, even with four chutes). 3) Dropping in from Duna orbit was no problem, at least in 1.0.2. I suspected this would be the case because I was never seeing any entry flames before when dropping into Duna from low orbit. So I think Elon Kerman may be sending out some FuelCell DunaDogs in the future. It will certainly be nice to not have to pay attention to the sun angle when flying.
  18. We don't have Duna in real life. Duna's atmosphere is actually very thick compared to, say, Mars.
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