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Everything posted by joppiesaus

  1. I recommend a custom cooler. The stock coolers just get full of dust and it may give some problems later. Overall nice builds, but the graphics cards maybe a little overkill depending on what you want to do.
  2. I don't think it contains a virus - at least not a GPU Bitcoin mining virus. This would make no sense because Watch_Dogs already uses your GPU so much, and I didn't see anything suspisious. Also, the creators aren't stupid. And Uplay is not that evil yet. Besides that, the irony would be amazing!
  3. What do they do when a chemist dies? They barium
  4. Thanks for the info! Turns out my PSU provides almost too little power(well, it runs perfect. I did benchmarking. But according to the package of the GPU it's a too weak PSU)
  5. I host it here just in case I need to question about the universe but I don't remember the URL anymore. http://function1.nl/ques/tions.html But how does it work? I have no idea.
  6. Buy solar panels / a little turbine on your roof! It's a huge investment, but you'll get that back and the Earth becomes happy! I recycle stuff like plastic. I conserve electrical energy. And I bought the most efficient PSU I could get! But the climate change really scares me. It looks something to me like the story of Patterson, there's a nice Cosmos episode of it.
  7. Hello everyone, My brother is building a budget-gaming pc, but he's a little short on budget. I've a Asus GT640-2GD3(2GB, 901MHz, 384 kernels) in my pc, bought for ~ 100 euros (at that time). I want to replace the GPU for this one: MSI N760 HAWK(2GB, 1111MHz, 1152 kernels) for ~ 220 euros. Is it worth it?
  8. Steven Price does a pretty good job too! More adventurous:
  9. Brand: Derpina's master machines (Model: awesome Flip-Flop thinggy Model 1E)(own build desktop of course) CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz (thought when heavily loaded 3.8, not overclocked) GPU: ASUS GT640-2GD3 2GB 901MHz HDD: A Samsung EVO SSD 120 GB and another of 2TB RAM: Corsair, 16 GB 1866MHz(Maybe a little to much, but it's great for multitasking(and playing Planetary Annhilation )) Cooler: Arctic Freezer i30(Extremely silent air-cooling with giant heatsink) ~1 year old ~€ 1350 with assecoires Assecoires: OS: Windows 7 Home Premium MB: ASRock Fatal1ty Performance Z77 Keyboard: Das Keyboard Ultimate S International layout Screen : LG 22EA53 21 inch Build for an awesome programming experience!
  10. Well, I understand everything in "practice", but not in theory I've tried using the internet... But that's more confusing than reading my T-Shirt with the formulla of light as a joke. If you have a orbital mechanics degree, KSP is handy to understand everything how it works *in real life*, but that doesn't make you a master.
  11. It is possible. Try to land, and if you are at "low" speed(~200 m/s), just drop it. It will survive. Also it would be handy if you complete this yourself so you can see what's possible and what's not.
  12. Here's some "deep" music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZRQmcQK6Lk
  13. Hello, I made a nice puzzle just for you. It's about encryption, I made a simple encryption program. It works great! Here's the story: I "forgot" how it actually worked(not really). I want you to find out how it works! Here's the program!(Note: Written in C#, needs .NET 4 Framework) Rules: Don't use decompilers I want a step-by-step guide what happens when you encrypt a piece of text. For example: Hints: The system picks the ASCII value of characters A "d" has a value of 100! Something gets multiplied by two - and + is used, each one time Range is the range of the random Your reward is... the source code! If the answer is (close to) right of course. Have fun!
  14. Brand: Derpina's master machines(own build of course) Model: Derpina's awesome Flip-Flop thinggy Model 1E RAM: Corsair, 16 GB 1866MHz CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz (thought when heavily loaded 3.8) GPU: ASUS GT640-2GD3 2GB 901MHz HDD: A Samsung EVO SSD 128 GB and another of 2TB OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Cooler: Arctic Freezer i30 Assecoires: Keyboard: Das Keyboard Ultimate S International layout Screen : LG 22EA53 21 inch(I believe) Build for an awesome programming experience! It was arround € 1300 with everything including assecoires
  15. It'll just get developed until there's nothing to develop anymore. And of course it would get bigger.
  16. "FOR SCIENCE!" - Jebediah, K.I.A. somewhere on Vall seconds before disaster in 0.22.
  17. Moho is a pain in the ass. Pol's awsome for a base(for me). Moho costs much delta-V, and it has relatively a high gravity. EDIT: I forgot about Tylo! That's some real challenge.
  18. Dear Santa: I want this for Christmas in KSP: * A nice new planet * A function to space stations * More snacks for my Kerbals(They deserve it, they are over 5 years in a tiny capsule) * Maybe a doctor-who DVD + player for inside the capsule for my Kerbals(see row above) And remember: This is all FOR SCIENCE!
  19. Same as you(I think)! 5 km ape and 5 km per
  20. The Ludum Dare competition has great games. These are all small, but made awesome!
  21. Hahaha! Awsome! I like him. He was (and is still) always my "idol" in my back when I played KSP. I made a Space Station after him. Another thing, I saw him on TV just half an hour ago...
  22. Try to pick your toast from the toaster with your knife & fork
  23. Locomotion I still do not quite understand it. You must transport stuff to earn money. You must build the transport company litarly.
  24. Coding is just like tetris: Errors pile up, and acomplisments disappear. It's something.
  25. That would be cool. That would be wayyyyy more better than my try: Also I like kessler-bomb crafts.
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