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Everything posted by Levelord

  1. Holy crap we had similar ideas! The Mk2 crew cabin is awesome! Though, my craft used a bit of clipping on the nuke engines....
  2. The aero news makes me all tingly inside! I'm looking forwards to the new update and I want to make sure my SSTO fleet is up to the new challenges.
  3. Is there an alternative download link? I can't seem to download anything from Curse. The downloads keep failing from that site. Can't I have a mediafire/dropbox/kerbalstuff link instead?
  4. If you open up your KSP folder and head on to the saves folder and your current career save folder inside it, there is a file called 'persistent.sfs'. Open the file in notepad and Press ctrl + F, then search for the term 'funds'. Once you found it, change the numerical values to whatever you'd like. What you do in your game with those funds are your business, you should not need to justify how you play your game to complete strangers
  5. Career mode also need to only start with $2 to make it harder. Oh! And the engines need to overheat the moment you go over 10% throttle!
  6. On a semi-related tidbit, There's an area on Titan that scientists have named 'Kraken Mare'.
  7. I think it might have to do with the insane amount of intakes you have supplying just one engine.
  8. I never feel bad about my Kerbals dying, mostly because they always come back in the astronaut recruitment center. To me they are like Wile. E. Coyote whenever they fail. He disappears for a while, but always comes back with a new idea. Kerbals are like cartoon characters to me.
  9. You'd think that Kerbals would have invented the wheel before rockets, but apparently it's not the case.
  10. From what I understand the 'SAS' module provides the torque needed to steer the craft, while the pilot provides the control inputs for the torque. Basically, the pilot enables you to hold a heading while the SAS simply makes the steering force of the craft stronger.
  11. Very few Asians are interested in space travel. This disappoints me
  12. I landed a research base near the Duna face site and pretended that the Kerbals were doing research on the face itself. I had a total of about 20 Kerbals with Karbonite drilling equipment and assorted rovers, living facilities, hydroponics and utilities. When I eventually got back to the small colony a few days later it was completely empty. No Kerbals to be found, but the base was entirely intact. I don't use any life support mods so they couldn't have died of starvation. I did however found one of my rovers that had drifted off about 1.8km away from the base with Desberry Kerman in it. He had a terrified look on his face and it momentarily spooked me. He never told me what happened though.
  13. It probably was launched vertically.... *Mind blown*
  14. I use the stock aerodynamics because I share my craft often and I assume most of the people who download them do not have modified games. I could have 2 copies of KSP with one running FAR and make a FAR version of my crafts, but that would take too much work, so my crafts remain using stock aerodynamics for simplicity. This is correct, the OP needs to change the description. It's implying he's making a loaded question and pre-emptively making degrading remarks about people who do use stock. Elitism at its finest.
  15. Here you go buddy, flies like a dream now. Larger wings are not needed. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16683090/KSP/W_H_A_L_E.craft (Right click the link and save as a text file ending with .craft)
  16. My theory is that Kerbals multiply when they explode in rocket launches, which disperse their spores all around the KSC, growing into new Kerbals.
  17. daboomafoo Join Date: Nov 2014 Posts: 1 Makes extraordinary claim. Yeah, I'm not buying this post.
  18. There are a few reasons for this. Asteroids are considered ship debris and will despawn if you are further than 2.5km away unless you have a command pod or an active probe core attached. If you have ship debris amount set to zero in the options, it's likely that the game removes the thing entirely when you go to the tracking station even when you are within ship range to start with.
  19. I actually run a theme replacer in my KSP so that this soundtrack plays: The music makes these images pop into my head:
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