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Everything posted by kookoo_gr

  1. Something similar happened at the end of black adder season 1
  2. of course if someone answered they could go in the lines of this guy
  3. If you buy the the xt8 it will give you pretty nice images. I have the Skywatcher dob 8'' (same tube specs) and it hasn't disapointed me for the last 8 years i use it for observation. As for the eyepieces i would hold back from buying the case with all those eyepieces and instead i would buy seperate eyepieces. It is better to get your bearings first with the factory eyepieces and then decide what eyepieces you need and any other accesories. Your scope comes with two eyepieces a 25mm and a 35mm which are good for deep sky targets since they give you low magnification and a large field of view. For planets you will need another eyepiece, a 10mm should be fine for planets. I also have a 5mm skywatcher wide angle but i rarely use it since the seeing conditions rarely allow me for that high magnification. The scope i have comes with a 25mm and a 10mm super plossl eyepieces and they provide very good images. I have the same barlow that the xt8 provides but under the skywatcher brand and it gives very good images, i also have bought a second barlow 2x (a televue one), a barlow 3x and a powermate 5x mostly for planetary imaging but they too provide very good images with the eyepieces when seeing conditions allow it. (seeing is how stable is the atmosphere allowing you to see more planetary details in high magnification) In a nutshell here are my recomendations 1. Don't buy yet another eyepiece, learn your scope with the factory eyepieces, if you must buy another eyepiece for planets i suggest a 10mm super plosl, super plosl eyepieces are relatively cheap and they give good images. 2. For now keep the factory barlow it will serve you very well with this scope, later you could buy a 3x or a higher magnification eyepiece for planets. Keep in mind though that high magnifications have a smaller field of view, you need to manually follow the target over shorter periods of time, the image is dimmer and if seeing is bad you can't see many details. In most cases half of the scope's maximum magnification is used. 3. For filters buy a moon filter since the moon's brightness near full moon is overwellming for the eye. Red, green, blue filtres aka planetary filters are rarely used in order to enhance some planetary features so you can skip those. You can however invest in filters for deep sky observing like a Ha, OIII or a UHC-S in order to make nebulae more visible through the eyepice, these filters are more expensive than a planetary one 4. Buy a telrad finder and use it in conjuction with a star map like the pocket sky atlas http://www.amazon.com/Sky-Telescopes-Pocket-Atlas/dp/1931559317 or you can find free star charts that will help you with stargazing. 5. For the maintenance of your scope at some point i suggest to buy a chessire eyepiece. It is a zero magnification eyepiece with a crosshair that allows you to collimate (align) the mirrors of the scope. You will find instructions for collimating a newton scope at the scope's manual or you can google it or watch some youtube videos. A collimated scope will give you much better images than a non collimated one. 6. Before buying the scope, if possible, go to a star party or contact a star club near your area, i believe they will help you with any questions you may have and allow you to watch from their scopes. At this site http://www.12dstring.me.uk/fovcalc.php you can have an idea what magnification and field of view you will have with certain eyepieces and barlows. Simply enter the specs of the equipment at the requierd fields and from the top down menus select a target and the mode to eyepiece. Even though the images at this site are coloured in reality you will see the images in grey hues.
  4. 14 YEARS IN SPACE?! Why didn't nasa or the Russian Space Agency send him to Mars or Jupiter and back? Also Is there another space station in opertaion that i didn't know. Finally i would like to know how he copped with space madness, do all of his thoughts have to do with cheese?
  5. at the store thers is a link only for 1.0.5
  6. at the store download page there is an icon for downloading 1.1 but it's inactive
  7. I love how the story evolves, hope that Kuzz will have some event that will make him abort the rescue mission and the twins will end up at Dres. Does Kerenna know that the twins are with Kuzz (did she asume they are with Kuzz from the flag or did they leave a message) and acts crazy? Sorry for your cat, i lost my dog at christmass 2014 from old age at the age of 18 and it was a sad thing. P.S. May i suggest a soundtrack from the game Solar winds? There are portions that fit well with the plot
  8. Ok, i finished Dark Souls, now Squad where is my KSP 1.1 (store owner) HYPE
  9. well i don't mind the release being pushed back, this gives me time to beat the final boss at dark souls
  10. well, until then can we at least get to page 100? also Hype
  11. that's what i was thinking when i saw the image. Couldn't just block thedispenser with just her hand? Of course this is jim's story and i like anyway he goes with the story ( i am also not nitpicking at his story), after all he has a plan for the story
  12. Is it out yet???? Is it out yet???? Is it out yet???? Is it out yet???? Is it out yet???? (kidding like the quote are we there yet?)
  13. squad did mention at a devnote that they fixed this issue but it's nice to actually see it
  14. Thompberry reminds me the Joker from the dark knight. i hope those guys at duna station put him...it down for good.
  15. Kuz after you finish the launch Kenlie should take a hydrazine test i think you drank more that he had to and he kept messing his words. Great update
  16. Jim, i am spit-balling here but here's a thought about the magic boulder. Would it be possible to transfer one of your ships or a probe at a version that has the magic boulder eg 0.18, 0.19 and do some storytelling? (this is your story with your ideas and i didn't want to interfere at your storytelling). I believe you would have to transfer the necessary parts to the older version and use the male kerbals if you used a manned mission. #BringBacktheMagicBoulder
  17. Dang it, i hate that squad removed the magic boulder, i can only wonder what you could do with that in your story. Also Jim you HAVE to read the saga of the seven suns, the last two chapters were amazingly similar to the books. I can't wait what you come up with the story (Apollo 18 maybe?)
  18. here's a thought. At the eve of 1.0 release we broke all records of hype posting with the servers giving 404 errors with a new page every few seconds. Now with the new forum outline how will the servers behave? This hit me when i got a notification (along with a sound) that a new post was made at a topic i was reading. Imagine the day of the release each one of us who is watching this thread to hear a constant ''ping'' every second.
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