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Everything posted by sparty48

  1. I'm having (I think) the same issue, most of the graphs and tables pages say "No Signal Found," with the exception of the retro-burn and some other at what seems like random. Any help anyone can give me would be amazing.
  2. Go get mfx and then fly a real plane. It would be a very... Kerbal landing. Basically, microsoft flight sim is nowhere near accurate.
  3. Boy do I have a challenge for you today. How quickly can you go without landing gear or wheels AND without leaving the ground. Additional Rules: 1. Ships must not exceed 100 parts. This is to prevent separation spam. 2. More rules to come Leaderboard: 1st. 2nd. 3rd.
  4. Allow me to explain. When people think of radiation, they think of nuclear things. when they think of nuclear things... they thing of this: By their logic, EVERYTHING WITH ANY TINY, TINY AMOUNT OF RADIATION IS EVIL AND SHOULD DIE!!!
  5. If multiplayer gets put in before resources... I will uninstall ksp, and cry while doing it. They announced it, they should at least put a basic model on.
  6. Banned for not using correct grammar.
  7. 17: When your craft melts down your computer. Planet Earth. HHGTTG Reference
  8. Just a curious dude, where would you get the .stl files for parts to 3d print parts?
  9. I summon WHACKJOB. But won't this soon break down to a computer fight? My machine can't handle heavy lifters, putting me at a disadvantage already.
  10. Yeah, If you want lagspikes like no else.
  11. I was just looking for some tips for a light rover to take to the mun. Where should I put the COM? Solar panels or otherwise?
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