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Everything posted by TaranisElsu

  1. I had not consider that yet. Will do. And: I am working on linking Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer so you can setup the same transfers for both. It will take me a while to get balancing around CoM and CoL, or CoT (thrust), to work so no promises. afranius recently posted code for making that work, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35400-Code-for-moving-fuel-to-place-center-of-mass-over-center-of-thrust, so I am looking at it to see if I can borrow it.
  2. Good news! The TAC Fuel Balancer version 2.0 is coming soon! New features: Edit the fuel amount before launch! Dump fuel! No parts needed! New screen icon for opening the GUI! Scroll bars! This is still very much a work in progress and there are a few known issues: The windows initially open quite small. Note that they remember the last size so it is not an issue after the first time. The GUI styling is somewhat inconsistent in some areas. Completely uninstall the old version before installing this. Download from https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pv79rkx87s1f1v/TacFuelBalancer_pre-2.0.a.zip Please let me know if you tried it out, and whether you had any issues. Also send me suggestions for improvements. Thanks!
  3. Also check out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26859-Win-Mac-Linux-%28Java%29-Cost-balancer. He made a script that balances the costs.
  4. Actually: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_insurance http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/9211051ec012.pdf?expires=1371360841&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=7DCBAB2E746F1174243C0EC9A55C500E http://worldspaceriskforum.com/2012/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/28JOHN1.pdf Most real life space companies offload the risks to the insurance companies. Of course, their insurance rates are based on the success rate, so more failures = higher insurance rates. But the company does not lose the entire cost with every failure. Another thing is, COST-PLUS contracts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost-plus_contract) are actually very common in the government. These are written such that the company gets reimbursed for the entire cost of developing or building some system, plus an agreed upon amount for profit. I was thinking of adding a parameter to missions where this would be an option. Obviously the rewards would not be as great, but it would be interesting to play with to see if it could be balanced and fun.
  5. Or just let it run overnight, or while you go get lunch/dinner/breakfast. No need to babysit it while running.
  6. I created a mod to display the Kerbin time in game: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25826-PLUGIN-0-19-1-TAC-Atomic-Clock, and I have done some calculations. I adjusted the Kerbin second to be different from ours so that there are: 12 Kerbin hours per Kerbin day, and 24 Kerbin minutes per Kerbin hour, and 24 Kerbin seconds per Kerbin minute. All numbers are fully adjustable so if you don't like mine, you can set them to what you want. P.S. my mod still works if you use the legacy install arrangement, though you might need to add "scale = 1" to the part.cfg. I am in the process of updating everything for 0.20.
  7. I'm still working out how to handle liquid fuel and oxidizer together, but I am thinking along the lines of having sections for LF, Ox, and LF/Ox. That way, you can manage LF and Ox separately, or together under LF/Ox. I am not sure how to handle the case where you want to manage LF/Ox together, but they are out of sync -- i.e. some tanks do not have the right ratio of LF to Ox. I am looking into it. I do not know how hard it will be. I am also looking into adding my module to all fuel tanks so that you can right click a part and toggle one of the modes (in/out/balance/etc).
  8. I've noticed that some times, a part's stage number is one higher than you would expect. I have especially noticed that with fuel tanks. Look closely at the Kerbal-X and you will see what I mean. Thanks
  9. You can use the Build Engineer part in the Kerbal Engineer, as it is intended to be used only in the editor and then removed. It does not give you anything during flight (the Flight Engineer part does both). That will give you 1 and 2. For phase angles, I recommend Protractor (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/protractor-for-ksp-0-18/) but it sounds like you want to keep your flights stock and just want help planning. See if this helps: "Interactive illustrated interplanetary guide and calculator for KSP" (http://ksp.olex.biz/) As 42undead2 said, you can switch between close vessels by using the [] keys -- close being defined as within 2.4 km. For others, you can click on them in the map view and select Switch To. There is also the Haystack mod (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/haystack/), which makes it easier.
  10. Unzip it to the root KSP directory since that mod includes the complete directory structure. In the zip file, it has \GameData\HrmHaystack\Plugins\<files> In your directory, they should be in: {KSP}\GameData\HrmHaystack\Plugins\<files> * Make sure you have the latest version ( http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/haystack/ Hope that helps!
  11. Possible bug report: I am having problems using the Flight Computer to change inclination on a small probe with the Ant engine. This isn't the first time that it has happened to me: a 5.1 m/s burn lasted over 3.5 minutes until it burned through all of my fuel. And it is still trying to burn. It happened again with an LV-909, so I do not think it is the engine. A 5.0 m/s burn lasted over 4.5 minutes and exceeded it by 300.2 m/s. My steps to recreate: 1) Launch a probe with RemoteTech and MechJeb 2.0.8 2) Get into a 100x100 circular orbit. My inclination ends up between 0.2-1.0 degrees. 3) Using MJ's Maneuver Planner, set up a maneuver node to zero out the inclination at either the equatorial ascending node (AN) or descending node (DN). This gives me a node dV of around 5.0 m/s. 4) Enter the node parameters (dV and time to node) into the throttle window. My throttle setting depends on the engine, but I was shooting for a 5-10 second burn time. Set the attitude to normal/anti-normal or the maneuver node direction. 5) Time warp to the node, careful that you do not overshoot it. 6) Watch it burn for way too long . My hunch is that RT is watching the orbital velocity and waiting for it to change by the 5.0 m/s. Since I am burning normal or anti-normal, it doesn't change my orbital velocity. It works if I enter the burn time in seconds, but then I have to do math to figure out the burn time at my desired throttle level and neither the game nor MJ shows the node burn time in fractional seconds . I also have a suggestion: since you have access to the maneuver node information, make it so that we can just click a button to copy the node parameters into the Throttle window. Thanks!
  12. The recommendation is {KSP}/GameData/<modname>/<mod files> Putting everything for a mod in its own mod folder keeps everything together, and makes it easier to upgrade or uninstall the mod. The mod's files can be organized in any way you want within the folder.
  13. Well, the people have spoken. Part-less functionality will be coming soon.
  14. I've had that happen too. Quite frustrating. I will add it to my list of possible features. I may eventually add more columns and allow configuring which ones are visible. I kept it to a minimum for the initial release to keep it from being overwhelming.
  15. That might work. Good idea. The only problem will be dealing with horizontal decouplers, because right now I am not walking the part tree. Instead I am just sorting on the Y-position of each part.
  16. I thought about doing that for parts placed using symmetry, but I do not want to roll all duplicate parts into one line because I want it to list the parts from top to bottom.
  17. You do not need to dial the numbers into RT. Just setup the maneuver node in MJ: then tell RT to point in the direction of the node, enter the dV of the burn, enter the delay until the burn, and click Send.
  18. I'm still around, and I'm working on an update. Adding several requested features in addition to updating it for 0.20. I apologize because it is taking longer than anticipated. It works under 0.20, especially if you leave it in the legacy folders. The only thing that I had to do was add "scale = 1" to the part.cfg.
  19. Presenting Thunder Aerospace Corporation's Part Lister The latest release is version 1.4.1 which works with KSP 1.0.2. Download below or read the release announcement. Having problems with this mod (or any others)? Read the [Official] How To Get Support. I cannot do much to help without log files. Have you ever wanted to minimize the mass or cost of a rocket? Have you wanted to see how much each part was contributing to the total? Well now you can have the information at your fingertips, in a nice list format, showing every part along with its mass and cost. Features In the editor, it lists all parts in the vessel showing the name, stage number, mass, and cost of each. It also displays the empty and resource mass and cost. The total mass and total cost are listed at the bottom. The window can be shown or hidden by clicking the icon. The icon, a small clipboard, can be re-positioned anywhere around the edges of the screen by dragging it. The window can be resized by dragging the lower right corner. Pictures Download Available on Kerbal Space Program's Curse website. (Alternate download) Source code available on GitHub. Works with the Toolbar mod from blizzy78. Not required, but if you have it, the icon will be added to the toolbar instead of being by itself. Change log Release 1.4.1 - Updated for KSP 1.0.2 - Updated MiniAVC to v1.0.3.0 - Updated to latest TacLib: sets the min/max KSP version, hoping that future KSP updates won't break too much. Release v1.3 - Updated for KSP 0.25 - Displays each part's full, empty, and resource cost/mass information, along with totals. Includes contributions by girka2k. - Added a settings window to allow changing which columns are displayed. - Now ignores the mass of physics-less parts plus fuel lines, struts, and launch clamps. - Now prevents click-through on the GUI. - Reorganized the directory structure so that it is no longer placed in ThunderAerospace. - Added support for the KSP Add-on Version Checker (KSP-AVC) and the KSP-AVC plug-in Known issue: hiding a column zeros the total for that column (displayed along the bottom). I am working on a fix but it will require extensive changes. Warning: make sure that you completely uninstall any previous versions. I moved everything from KSP/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacPartLister to just KSP/GameData/TacPartLister. Release v1.2 - See release announcement. Release v1.1 - See release announcement. Release v1.0.1 - Minor tweaks and bug fixes, nothing major - Thoroughly tested for 0.20.2 Release v1.0 - Initial version, made for version 0.20 License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Notice This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Credits Includes contributions by girka2k.
  20. Just a heads up: In 0.19.1, I was able to use ConfigNode.Load("myfile.cfg") and ConfigNode.Save("myfile.cfg") and the files were put in my plug-in directory. That does not work anymore in 0.20. Save was putting the file in the root KSP directory. And Load was never able to find the file, either in the plug-in directory or in the root KSP directory. I found that I can get it to work by doing this instead: string filename = IOUtils.GetFilePathFor(this.GetType(), "myfile.cfg"); ConfigNode.Load(filename); // or Save(filename)
  21. My recommendation would be to use MechJeb* to plan the maneuver node, then program it into RemoteTech's Flight Computer to have RemoteTech execute it rather than MJ. * I assume you are using MJ2.
  22. The new way to make Part-less plugins is to use the KSPAddon attribute, like this: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny, false)] public class Class1 : MonoBehaviour { private float lastUpdate = 0; void Awake() { Debug.Log("TAC [" + this.GetInstanceID().ToString("X") + "][" + Time.time + "] Awake"); } void Update() { float delta = Time.time - lastUpdate; if (delta > 15) { Debug.Log("TAC [" + this.GetInstanceID().ToString("X") + "][" + Time.time + "] Update"); lastUpdate = Time.time; } } } This class will be loaded every time the scene is changed to the Editor, and Awake will be called. And it will be unloaded when the scene is changed to something else, but until then Update() will be called.
  23. Their English is not very good, but I think that 1.i. is saying that they will not upload your mod to any other site. I do not think you are restricted from doing so. The entire 1. section is describing authorizations and restrictions that you are granting to them. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/commercial-package-submission-guidelines/
  24. You do top it. +1 Internets for you. Did you change your e-mail password afterwards though? It is possible that someone hacked it and used it to sign up for an account.
  25. Have you watched the Phoenix Project tutorial from pepplegarden? This is the first part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5fHnNRbKME. He did a really good job explaining how to rendezvous and dock, including explaining how the navball helps when you get close. As Atanar said, the navball helps a lot when trying to match velocities with another vessel. When in target mode, the prograde and retrograde markers indicate the direction of your velocity relative to the other vessel. Burn towards the retrograde marker to zero out your relative velocity. Also keep in mind that because of small differences in gravity forces over time, you will not stay in the same relative position unless you dock. EDIT: ninja'd by Xenophobe
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