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Everything posted by TaranisElsu

  1. Sorry that I have not been as responsive lately. Real life, you know how it is. That and I've been trying to take some time and actually play KSP. I was spending too much time modding so I didn't have time to use anything that I had created. That is why there isn't any recycling yet. I have not needed it. I have yet to send Kerbals beyond the moons of Kerbin . I had a space station and manned missions to the moons, but I found it easy to keep those stocked with hundreds of days worth of resources. Don't worry though. I have not abandoned any of my mods, and a new update is coming soon TM. Sorry, I should document that better: I did not want someone to accidentally time warp right past resource depletion and crew death so the mod takes you out of time warp once when resources are "low" (< 10%) and again when resources are "critical" (0%). I had issues with dropping straight to 1x, so I have it gradually step down to 1x (note that both MechJeb and the Kerbal Alarm Clock also do it this way). The problem is stepping down to 1x before you run out of resources. So I check the amount of resources left and if you are in danger of running out within 1.1 real-time seconds (at whatever current warp rate), then I decrease the warp rate. That way, it should drop to 1x right before you run out and not minutes beforehand or afterward. Which means that if you are at 100,000x time warp then you need at least 110,000 seconds (30.5 hours) worth of remaining resources or the mod will drop your warp rate. Think about that in the context of ElectricCharge.... Who has made a rocket with over 110,000 units of ElectricCharge? And the ElectricCharge is constantly being refilled, so no rocket needs that much capacity... Any suggestions? If I decrease the 1.1 real-time seconds, then I run the danger of not slowing down early enough and overshooting by minutes (or hours at high time warp). The same issue will come up when recycling gets implemented because you will not need a large capacity for any of the resources. A work around for now to allow higher time warp rates is: add more batteries. More capacity means that you should have enough ElectricCharge remaining to pass the checks, so it will leave your time warp rate alone.
  2. I struggle with the attitude in posts like this. I am sorry that I am not a 3D modeller so the parts are a little ugly. I'm working on learning how . But to discard the entire mod because some parts are ugly? What about the hours and hours that I spent coding the functionality? And do you know how easy it is to modify some stock parts or another mod's parts to contain my resources*? You could even create some parts of your own and use them. Funny thing is the parts are a simple off-white or gray. I think it looks so terrible because of shadows or reflections or something... I think the parts would look much better if I knew how to give them a metal-like texture or pattern instead of a solid color. * Changing a mod's parts for personal use falls under "fair use" and is allowed, and most modders would not have a problem with you doing that. A problem only arises when you try to share or publish your changes. Then you need the original author's permission, and you need to give proper credit.
  3. Flying RC Model StarTrek USS-Enterprise NCC-1701-D Part 1 Pretty cool! And the lights!
  4. The travel time is heavily dependent on when you leave. Here are two great links for planning your launch window and the travel time: Web based: http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ Downloaded program: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36476-WIN-KSP-Trajectory-Optimization-Tool-v0-9-Now-with-Optimal-2-Burn-Orbit-Changes%21
  5. I actually noticed this (and fixed it) on Friday but have not had a chance to upload a new version yet. It is not a bug with either StretchyTanks or with TAC Fuel Balancer. Though it is an incompatibility in how we do things. When StretchyTanks loads, it replaces the Resource block in the part with a new one with the appropriate capacity. The problem is that my mod may have already iterated over the parts and grabbed the information about what resources were where, and retained a reference to the (now invalid) Resource block. I have changed my mod so that it now updates its reference to the new Resource block whenever it rebuilds the lists. My mod will also wait a short time after loading before grabbing the resources information, which allows StretchyTanks to make its change first. Not sure why it looked that way, unless the initialization order changed with Chatterer. The issue has nothing to do with Chatterer nor any other mod. You must have something else going on. There is no restriction on when or where you can dump fuel. Though you can hide the Dump option in the settings. You can also Edit the amount of fuel while prelaunch -- i.e. type in how much you want up to the capacity.
  6. The problem with balancing per stage is reliably determining which stage each tank is in. There is a field for stage number on each part, but I have found that it is not always what I expect. And sometimes, because of fuel lines, you may be drawing fuel from multiple "stages". For an example of the problem: open the Kerbal-X. Notice that the LV-T45 engines are all in stage 8, but the fuel tanks above them are in stage 9. Also, notice that all of the FL-T400 tanks are in stage 9 even though the Kerbal-X uses asparagus staging and the tanks will be dropped at different times. I have been thinking about doing that. The only issue is adding that many options to the right click menu. I am afraid that on some tanks, the right click menu will be miles long... Assuming I have options for Balance, In, Out, Dump, Stop (only shown if appropriate) for each resource type in a tank. I had not thought about it making it easier to save the state, thanks for that tip.
  7. If anyone is having this issue and is NOT on Linux, please let me know. It seems to be a problem with Unity and mouse handling on Linux. I am trying (unsuccessfully) to set up a Linux test box. Until then, I have no way to debug the issue. I also do not know of any workarounds -- does any else know of something that I can try? My source code is available on Github (link in the OP).
  8. evilC did some interesting work with my TacLib: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37664-A-GUI-framework-for-modders. He was trying to create an example project that could help people get started writing plugins. Take a look at that and feel free to ask me any questions. My library: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLib evilC's fork: https://github.com/evilC/TacLib
  9. A problem with KSPAddons is there is nothing telling you when to load or save, unlike PartModules which have the OnLoad and OnSave methods. Two options are: Implement OnDestroy (http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.OnDestroy.html). It is called whenever the GameObject your MonoBehaviour is attached to is destroyed, like when exiting the scene -- unless you used DontDestroyOnLoad. See an example here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacFuelBalancer/blob/master/Source/FuelBalanceController.cs#L78. Implement OnLevelWasLoaded (http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.OnLevelWasLoaded.html). It is called whenever the game changes scenes, i.e. from Flight to the Space Center. Note that when "overriding" methods from MonoBehaviour, you do not use the override keyword. Unity does not use true overriding, but instead does some trickery with reflection. Also note that neither solution works with Quicksave/Quickload. Do not save data that you expect to be loaded when the user quickloads. The only workaround I have found for that is to add a PartModule to the vessel so that it can notify me when the game is being loaded or saved. See https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/blob/master/Source/LifeSupportModule.cs#L50. P.S. I recommend using ConfigNode (as Iannic-ann-od did) instead of PluginConfiguration.
  10. It is a KSP bug, but not the one Starwaster mentioned. It has to do with suddenly dropping out of time warp. As discussed in these links: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24786-0-21-Kerbal-Alarm-Clock-v2-5-0-0-%28July-27%29?p=489342&viewfull=1#post489342 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/38130-Velocity-vector-changed-when-exiting-time-warp The issue has to do with calling TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true); to instantly drop out of time warp. You will notice that both MechJeb and the Kerbal Alarm Clock gradually drop you back down to 1x time. That is to avoid this issue. Unfortunately, that is the only way around it that I know of. You will need to know when you want to be back to 1x, and start gradually dropping out of time warp in advance. You do not run into this issue when manually controlling warp because you cannot hit the keys fast enough to cause the bug.
  11. Interesting. I experienced that when I had two KSPAddon MonoBehaviors in the same plugin that both only wanted to be started once. Nice to see that it wasn't something that I was doing wrong.
  12. What are you transferring that you need x100? While waiting for an update, you can change the max fuel flow rate in the settings. Hopefully that helps for now.
  13. I will eventually have some sort of greenhouse part, soonTM. My goal is to make the recycling as realistic as possible, while keeping it fun. Don't worry , it will get there. Laythe's atmosphere also contains oxygen, so Kerbals will not need oxygen supplies there.
  14. There was a mod that added refueling at the KSC and KSC2: the Refuel Assistant System (RAS) http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ras/. But it seems to have been abandoned . If your vessel is considered "Landed", then my Fuel Balancer mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25823) will allow you to edit the amount of fuel in the tanks. You could use that to top off your fuel trucks, then drive them over to your space plane and refuel it using KAS or something.
  15. Open the part's config file: {KSP}/GameData/TacSelfDestruct/Parts/TacSelfDestruct/part.cfg and change the line that says timeDelay = 10.0 to timeDelay = 60.0 Glad you like it
  16. Not sure that I understand what you are saying. Life support supplies are only needed by Kerbals. So a vessel with three empty hitchhiker containers would not use any supplies. It would have supplies, just nothing would be consuming the supplies.
  17. I think that only Jebediah Kerman is badass. No other Kerbal (or human) comes close to his awesomeness. Except Chuck Norris.
  18. Another thing to keep in mind is that if your circularization burn at the apoasis is huge, then you aren't doing enough or early enough of a gravity turn. Your orbital speed should be over 1500 m/s when you get to your apoapsis. The recommended gravity turn is: straight up to 5-10 km, then start slowly nudging over towards the East (90 degrees), try to drop the nose 5 degrees for every 1000-2000 meters of altitude. You should finish your gravity turn (nose pointed at the horizon) before your apoapsis reaches 80 km. Of course, don't do too aggressive of a gravity turn or you will spend too much time in the thick atmosphere fighting drag. It is a balance, and you will get the hang of it soon enough .
  19. Yes, you can remove the "_TAC" from the resource names. I did that to avoid conflicts with other mods. Make sure you change the name in both TacResources.cfg and LifeSupport.cfg (created after the first time that you run it). Full file paths: {KSP}\GameData\TacLifeSupport\TacResources.cfg {KSP}\GameData\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport\LifeSupport.cfg
  20. Sorry I did not reply earlier. I have been thinking about this, and I like the idea... but it would be nice if that was optional. I'm not sure how to make it so that you can turn on/off activation by staging. Maybe I'll need to make a second part...
  21. While I think that I have the weight of the supplies correct, I have not done the research nor the calculations to figure out how much space the different resources will take up so my parts are probably way over-sized. As I figure out the balance, that will get better. Note that the parts containing "Life Support" have all three resources so you don't need to add separate containers for Food, Water, and Oxygen. Glad you like it Dead Kerbals disappear. We can assume that they are given a proper space burial if/when a salvage vessel comes along. I'm glad you like this and my fuel balancer mod . As has been mentioned, I am working on recycling parts. SoonTM I'm glad you like it. Thank you. Note that command pods (or anything with crew capacity) automatically come stocked with three days of resources, which is plenty to make a trip to the Mun or Minmus and back with some time to spare. You can look at my supply containers for examples, or copy the following into whichever part's cfg file. Note that 12 hours = 0.5 * (# of crew) and 24 hours = 1.0 * (# of crew). RESOURCE { name = Food_TAC amount = 0.5 maxAmount = 0.5 } RESOURCE { name = Water_TAC amount = 0.5 maxAmount = 0.5 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen_TAC amount = 0.5 maxAmount = 0.5 }
  22. Use of ModuleManager is never mandatory even if the mod relies on it. There should be a cfg file with the edits that will be applied by Module Manager. You can easily edit that file and make whatever changes you want, or you can go apply those changes yourself (and delete the cfg and Module Manager's DLL). I personally love Module Manager, not for my own mods (which don't actually use it yet), but for tweaking others' mods to my liking. I can easily add a mod's functionality to other parts (like those from other mods), or tweak the numbers used by a mod. My changes are kept separate, so it is easier to manage my changes and it is easier to update their mod to a newer version. @KhaosCorp -- I am curious and would like to know what is causing an incompatibility with Module Manager.
  23. I will need more information: Are there any errors in the Debug Log (Alt+F12)? Or in the log file {KSP}/KSP_Data/output_log.txt? Search the file for "TAC" and look for errors around those lines. Please upload the log file to http://pastebin.com/ or somewhere. Does it crash with every vessel? Are simpler designs less likely to crash? Or are they the same? Can you upload pictures and craft files for vessels that make it crash more often than others? Or at least, vessels you were trying to launch when it crashed? Do you have the following files in EXACTLY these directories: {KSP}/GameData/TacFuelBalancer_v2.0.txt {KSP}/GameData/TacFuelBalancer/TacFuelBalancer.dll {KSP}/GameData/TacFuelBalancer/PluginData/TacFuelBalancer {KSP}/GameData/TacFuelBalancer/PluginData/TacFuelBalancer/icon.png {KSP}/GameData/TacFuelBalancer/PluginData/TacFuelBalancer/resize.png {KSP}/GameData/TacFuelBalancer/PluginData/TacFuelBalancer/FuelBalancer.cfg -- created after running it for the first time. Are there any other copies of the TacFuelBalancer.dll? Did you upgrade from the previous version or did you do a clean install? Have you tried removing my mod and reinstalling it? Right-click the TacFuelBalancer.dll, click the Details tab, and tell me what it says for the "File Version" or "Product Version". It should be or 2.0.0, respectively. Try deleting FuelBalancer.cfg and see if it makes a difference. I hope that helps. I will try to do more after I get the log file and test vessels. Thanks.
  24. Awesome video. Very nicely done -- both the playing and the editing.
  25. Remember that 'X' cuts the throttle down to zero. Also, (shameless plug) check out my Fuel Balancer mod for transferring fuel around: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25823
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