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Everything posted by TaranisElsu

  1. Yes, like this: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacSelfDestruct/blob/master/Source/TacSelfDestruct.cs#L38 Look at the UI_* attributes.
  2. I would like that. I was just looking up the size: please make them 24x24. And yes, please include the Photoshop files in case I need to tweak something.
  3. Version 1.1 is now available! Changes Updated for 0.23
  4. More information please... Were you using the converter module that turns IntakeAir into Oxygen? Did you try it with and without that part? Were there any errors in the debug window? Which OS are you using: Windows/Mac/Linux? Is it happening with one particular plane or with several? Could you post pictures of your planes?
  5. Well, since you all are getting way ahead of me on texturing, may I make a request? What icon should I use for the Life Support button so that I can add it to the toolbar? I would prefer one that can be green when everything is good, turn yellow when a ship might need attention, and turn red when a ship is in dire straights -- like the numbers in the monitoring window do now. I was thinking of using the food one from above. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  6. Changes Updated to 0.23 The Time Delay and whether to allow staging are both now changeable in game thanks to tweakables. Note that I removed the second part because it is redundant. If you are using it on any of your vessels: Backup your persistent.sfs file. Open the persistent.sfs file in your favorite editor, and replace every instance of "TacSelfDestruct_Stagable" with "TacSelfDestruct" Download from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-self-destruct-2/
  7. Changes Updated to 0.23. The active vessel is now always listed first in the monitoring window. Added a Build Aid window that you can use in the editor to see how many days the food/water/oxygen supplies on the vessel will last with the currently assigned crew and with the maximum number of crew the vessel can hold. Implemented a work around for the part zooming bug in the editor. Download from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-life-support/
  8. Could you give more information? First, is it still happening? Are there any errors in the debug window? Can you upload the log file to somewhere (maybe dropbox or pastebin) so I can look at it? How long were you gone from the vessel, less than 24 hours or much much longer? Which OS are you on: Windows/Mac/Linux? Would you explain a little more about what you are seeing? Is it during the first 1-2 seconds after level load? Or is it longer or happen much later during the same scene (without switching vessels)? Which OS are you on: Windows/Mac/Linux? Are there any errors in the debug window? Can you upload the log file to somewhere (maybe dropbox or pastebin) so I can look at it? Thanks!
  9. Did you launch the rocket? It does not do anything until the rocket or plane is launched. That way you can timewarp to your launch window without worrying about the crew. If you did launch, and the rocket isn't still just sitting on the pad, then you need to give me more information than "it's not working". (1) Did you check the debug log? Please upload it somewhere (dropbox or pastebin) so that I can look at it. You can find it at {KSP}/KSP_Data/output_log.txt (2) What other mods do you have? (3) Which operating system are you on: Windows/Linux/Mac? Thanks!
  10. ^ what jrandom said. The conversionRate is in units per day, which is multiplied by the number in the inputResources/outputResources. So the Carbon Extractor generates 8 * 0.9 units of Oxygen per day, and consumes 8 * 1 units of CarbonDioxide per day. https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/blob/master/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportRecyclers/Recycler_CarbonExtractor.cfg#L55
  11. I got to 44,170 m with thrust limited to 37.5% (TWR=2), and 47,265 m with thrust limited to 32.5% (TWR=1.75)
  12. Use either OnGUI or RenderingManager, not both. I recommend sticking with RenderingManager. Your code here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61639-Two-questions-I-can-t-pin-down-about-hidden-parts-and-GUI-updating?p=838979&viewfull=1#post838979 looks good if you delete the OnGUI method. You will probably also need to move "if (!_hasInitStyles) InitStyles();" to your OnDraw method. Do you have any errors related to that? If not, then I am mistaken and it is fine there.
  13. Which version? 0.22 or 0.23? I have not been able to update yet, so I can't test it
  14. First thing I will do is see how high I can get a rocket to go, consisting of parachute-mk1pod-small srb, by tweaking the maximum thrust. My theory is that by limiting the thrust, the SRB will burn longer and won't work so hard pushing through the lower atmosphere.
  15. Many thanks to Tyrope, this now comes with KAS integration! If you have the Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) installed, you can detach, attach, store, and move around the Self Destruct part. Want to fly up to some debris previously left in orbit and dispose of it? Now you can! Requires KAS. I also added a new part that can be activated by staging. For now there are two separate parts: one allows staging and one that does not allow staging. I hope to eliminate the redundancy once 0.23 and tweakables are released. Download from: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-self-destruct-2/ It does now!
  16. I love this mod, really improves the ambiance of the game. One request though: would you add an option to disable it in MapView? I love it in the regular flight view, but in map view it makes it harder to see the terrain and it can interfere with Kethane's grid display.
  17. I have been asked to weigh in on the discussion here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61296-Build-a-Centralized-Modder-Unified-Resource-Catalog What are your opinions? It would mean giving up the convenient 1 unit per Kerbal per day resource consumption rates. Keep in mind that the actual amount consumed, the mass, would not change. The only thing that would change is the resource display. Kerbals would still need 0.317 kg of Food, 1.798 kg of Water, and 0.429 kg of Oxygen per 24 hours, but it would change to something like 1.798 units (liters) of Water and 1.490 units (liters) of Oxygen per 24 hours instead of 1 unit of Water and 1 unit of Oxygen per 24 hours. I could offer config files for both, but that would make it difficult for people to make parts for my mod. They would also have to provide two config files for each part.
  18. This is not finished yet, I just have not had time to work on it much lately. I agree that the documentation needs to be filled in more, and I should probably link to a few tutorials on programming. This project assumes that you have experience working with Visual Studio and writing C# code. To answer your question (sorry for the long delay): open TacExamples.sln in Visual Studio, then right click the project that you want to compile and select "Build". The batch files (deploy and test) were there to show how I automatically copy the files to my test install of KSP and to my regular play install. You will need to edit them or create the KSP_TEST and KSP_PLAY environment variables. You will also need to fix the paths for the KSP dll's in each project file. You're welcome!
  19. We could make a part that does that. Which planets make sense to do that for them? No. I do not actually do anything with a craft while it is unloaded. I just keep track of the last time that I updated things, so when a craft is reloaded I know how much time to "catch up." It will have no effect on other mods.
  20. I might get around to it eventually. I would prefer to allow users the option to use it or not, rather than make it a hard dependency on it.
  21. You definitely can use KSPFields for loading values from the part.cfg file. I started writing an example showing how here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacExamples/tree/master/05-KspFields. It is unfinished though . I could not get my type (that extends IConfigNode) to work even though it should. I did find that KSPField's do not work if they are double's. Change your code above to float's and it should work fine.
  22. Yes. You will need an air intake (for jet engines), and the Air Filter part. The Air Filter will filter the oxygen out of the IntakeAir. This only works on planets with an oxygen-containing atmosphere like Kerbin and Laythe. Note that Kerbals will not consume Oxygen while on Kerbin under a reasonable altitude (pressure greater than 0.2 atmo, which is approximately 8km). They will consume Oxygen on Laythe because I am assuming the air is not the right mix for Kerbals to breathe, because of the EVA reports from the surface.
  23. Yes, I did. Did you actually launch the vessel? Or was it just sitting on the pad? The mod does not track usage until after the vessel has been launched, not just moved to the launchpad. That way you can time warp until your launch window without worrying about using up all your resources. If you stick a decoupler under it and activate the decoupler, the game will consider the vessel to be launched (assuming it moves at least a little).
  24. I have been working on fixing bugs and other issues, and have had some time to test it, so I think Release 0.6 is now ready. This is still a Work In Progress (WIP) though. Download: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-life-support/ Changes since v0.5: Fixed issue with EVA'ing before launch Fixed issue with turning off resource flow. All calculations and estimates will ignore any parts with resource flow turned off. Added a placeholder part that can extract Oxygen from IntakeAir. You will need an Intake part to get the air. Only works on Kerbin and Laythe because those are the only two that have Oxygen in their atmospheres. Added a placeholder part that splits Water into Oxygen and Waste (hydrogen). I found and fixed the bug that Shimmy ran into on his live stream that caused twice as much resources to be consumed when switching vessels. What was happening: when switching between vessels in the Map View, the Flight scene would get reloaded but the old instance of my class was not destroyed until after a new instance was created. For a brief moment, two instances existed and it would consume twice the resources that it should have based on the amount of time since you last loaded the vessel. So if you were gone for 4 hours, it would consume 8 hours of supplies . It's fixed now though ! The consumption calculations and the converters no longer use ElectricCharge while the vessel is unloaded. Unfortunately, the game does not seem to track ElectricCharge very well while the vessel is unloaded. I have seen some strange jumps in the amount on a vessel even without my mod installed. So things will only require ElectricCharge if on the active vessel or anything within the load range (2.4km). Various other bug fixes. Note that the new converters are not balanced yet (the old ones weren't really balanced yet either). I plan to use the numbers eggrobin gave to better balance the output rates and energy requirements, but I have not had a chance to do that yet. @Beetlecat and @WafflesToo and @rosenkranz: please try the new version and see if that has the problem that you talked about. It should work better now. @Jasmir: I will try to recreate that problem when I get a chance. And thanks @WafflesToo for working on the textures.
  25. What are your thoughts on alphabetizing or applying some other ordering? It is weird to me that the resources are always in a different order. It also happens with the stock resource panel, so not unique to your mod. Anyway, just curious.
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