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Everything posted by TaranisElsu

  1. Now available on Curse: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221160-tac-fuel-balancer
  2. Now available on Curse: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221163-tac-atomic-clock
  3. That would qualify as a bug. Thanks, I will look into it.
  4. This is what I meant by click "Releases": (Every repository on Github has a Releases page) Download the latest release file: The log file should be in {KSP}/KSP_Data/output_log.txt unless you are using Linux or Mac. Then it is somewhere different, and I forget where. I think that then you look for KSP.log in the {KSP} directory? Replace {KSP} with your install location, so if using Steam, {KSP} = c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\KSP (or something like that, I am not using the Steam version). keizerdoc is having trouble with all of them, which is why the other mods are being discussed. And thanks for helping answer questions, I really appreciate it.
  5. Did you download the "release" off the Releases page and not the "source"? You should have downloaded the TacFuelBalancer_2.3.0.2.zip from here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacFuelBalancer/releases. Would you be more descriptive than "it doesn't work"? Is nothing showing up? Is it causing problems? Also, please upload a log file somewhere* that I can see it. That always reveals a lot of information for me that helps when trying to help you. Blizzy's Toolbar is not required for any of my mods. It should fall back to using my icon if it cannot find the toolbar. ModuleManager is required though for TAC Life Support. I noticed that you also downloaded my TacFlightComputer. I have not released that one yet so you will have to compile the source yourself. Do you know how to do that? TacReactionWheels (i.e. TacMiscParts) is just some parts so that one should be working fine, but it also requires ModuleManager. BTW, I tried to upload the rest of my mods to Curse and they rejected them . They apparently don't like "See the forum" as the entirety of the description. I need to find the time to write up good descriptions for all of them. SoonTM * Good places to upload the log file include: Dropbox, Pastebin, Hastebin, and more.
  6. I really like that. Mainly so that I can make sure my mods are being reported correctly (making sure that I am filling out the Assembly information encoded in the DLL properly).
  7. I am pretty sure that I said I am working on that. My dev build displays in either 6-hour days or 24-hour days depending on the "Kerbin Time" setting. I am working on a few other fixes and tweaks too, like changing to "1 unit = 1 liter", adding supply containers that use the Modular Fuel Tanks mod, and rebalancing how much each container can hold. Coming soonTM. Sorry I don't have much time to spend on Kerbal lately . On another topic, several of you have made some really nice textures to use with my parts. Can any of you do 3D modelling? I need a greenhouse part plus drills for mining regolith and ice. Scanning dishes for regolith and ice would also be nice. If someone makes some good parts, I will include them in the main release with all credit going to you of course.
  8. Can you code? That would be a simple change but I would not want to include that in the main release, and I don't have much time right now. I'm struggling finding the time to get my next TAC LS release out the door
  9. Wait... this was only on Spaceport? Rubber Ducky, any plans to upload it somewhere else? Don't let it die This mod definitely deserves more love and attention. Why isn't this more popular?
  10. Would you confirm that you have the right file? It should be named "TacFuelBalancer_2.3.0.2.zip". You can download it from here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacFuelBalancer/releases If that is correct, then please please please upload your log file somewhere that I can look at it. "It doesn't work" does not give me anything to start from. Please please please upload your log file somewhere that I can look at it. "It doesn't work" does not give me anything to start from. Also, confirm that everything is installed in {KSP}/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacFuelBalancer.
  11. Did you download from http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221022-tac-life-support or https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/releases ? You should have a file named: "TacLifeSupport_0.8.0.4.zip".
  12. I don't know if it's related, but I had my first two uploads to CurseForge rejected. It turned out that Zip7 was inserting a link back to it's web site into the zip file. I think CurseForge was possibly seeing it as a virus? I then used the built in zip in Microsoft and the file was accepted. Looks like the problem had three contributing causes: I am having problems with my Internet. It sometimes takes 2-3 tries to load a webpage. Curse was having server issues last night. Someone else uploaded a copy of my mod to Curse, and it was still "in review" so I could not find it by searching. Please do not upload any of my stuff anywhere without asking me first. I know you were probably trying to help but you made it harder for me. Curse is the "official" site so a lot of people will expect this to be there. Many popular mods are already there, so a lot of people will expect this to be there. Are there any bandwidth limits for GitHub? I like download counters Some people will use Curse to browse for new mods to try. Some people will get confused by Github and not download from the Releases page, or might be confused by the number of downloads on the Releases page. It is better for them to have a single big "Download" button.
  13. Because I had not had time to put them up. Now I've spent 4 hours tonight trying to upload it without success. I don't have that kind of time to waste right now.
  14. https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/releases As acc said above, download it from Github until I get everything rehosted somewhere: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/releases. This is true for all of my mods, see my signature.
  15. Please use Github for downloading until I get my mods rehosted somewhere. See instructions in my signature.
  16. See my signature. I am working on an update along with getting all of my mods rehosted somewhere.
  17. Do I need to make any changes here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64117?p=903545&viewfull=1#post903545 to reflect changes between v4.2 -> v5.0? Should we move that write-up to a wiki page on Github?
  18. I am working on rehosting my mods somewhere. See my signature.
  19. Did you download the source or the release from this page: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacSelfDestruct/releases ? The release download is the same zip that was hosted on Spaceport, with everything compiled and ready to go. If you get it another way, you will have to compile it yourself.
  20. Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I am still around and am continuing to work on my mods with what little time I have. Don't give up on me Thank you to everyone that has been answering questions for me. I really appreciate the way the community here helps each other out.
  21. And everyone else posting bug reports: I need the full log file and a full mod list before I can even begin to figure out what is going on. For it to rebuild the resource list, something must be changing the number of parts, the current flight state, or the current active vessel. So what happened before that? Or what other mod is causing it? Trebiane: same thing, I have not seen that happen to me. Give me more information: full log file and a full list of mods. Please also include your OS version.
  22. Everything is here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacSelfDestruct, including the Blender and Unity files (in the Unity directory). Also, I am adding code to hide the countdown when the UI is hidden (F2) and making it togglable by right-clicking the part. New update coming SoonTM.
  23. That's okay. Glad you got it figured out. But that is one of the things that I can catch by looking at the log file. Unfortunately, you have to keep it in the proper place because of how KSP maps the files. It refers to everything relative to the GameData folder instead of where my DLL is located.
  24. Are you on Windows, Mac, or Linux? On Windows, I would prefer the output_log.txt in the {KSP}/KSP_Data folder. I don't know where Mac or Linux puts it. In that case, the KSP.log is probably the right file.
  25. As jinks said, it could be an issue with my mod still using Earth days (24 hours) and the game now defaulting to Kerbin days (6 hours). You can change that back in the game settings. I will be uploading a new version SoonTM that switches away from "1 unit per day" because of the ambiguity. CoolBeer beat me to it so you can use his files until I get it finished. Also, there is a known bug in the current release that incorrectly limited Electricity consumption on loaded vessels. It was an unintended side effect of disabling Electricity consumption on unloaded vessels. It has been fixed for the next release. Actually jinks, the difference for this mod is between "loaded" and "unloaded". Everything within 2.4 km is "loaded" and consumption is calculated and applied with each time step, regardless of whether the vessel is being controlled by the user or if time warping. For unloaded vessels, I record the last updated time and do the consumption calculations when the vessel is next loaded. That's why you will sometimes notice it catching up when you switch to a vessel, and why the crew is not killed until you switch. Even though I am American, you will notice that I have not used any imperial units in any of my mods. I wish we would switch to the metric system. I did use "planning units" though (1 unit per day [24-hour]). It always has calculated consumption for unloaded vessels. From the very first release. I just calculate how much would have been consumed the next time the vessel is loaded rather than continually calculating it. And yes, consumption will be calculated for the time spent time warping in the Space Center and Tracking Station scenes but there will be no warnings when resources become low. You will need to be in the Flight scene to see the monitoring window. I hope to have that fixed soon. BTW, I am in the process of moving from one side of the US to the other (~2600 miles), so I am a bit busy and may be without internet for a while.
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