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Everything posted by llamatoes

  1. As much as I agree that it would be awesome, IMHO, manned space flight is all well and good, but we should wait for it to be cheaper, or as my dad say, when a space elevator is built (which I doubt the practicality of), I agree that NASA pootling around in LEO with the space station has not been good for space flight. Also, the shuttle stifled growth in the private sector of space travel, SpaceX would have been set up much earlier( by that I mean any private spacecraft allowed to dock with the iss). Haven't NASA read voyager, they could improve by setting it as standard reading material for their entire faculty.
  2. , I did ths challenge pre-forum explosion, and I would like to take it again, is it cheating if I have FAR installed?
  3. I'd say Bout 275 parts with only Telemachus, b9, firespitter, kethane and KSPX installed.
  4. I'd say, either also sprach zathrusa (or how ever you spell it), I have the vinyl/use Kevin macleod's system. Fire fire by steam powered giraffe, as it sums up disasters for me. Whatever else I can find that's indie and in the spectrum of rock, folk, ragtime, and classical. I will listen to anything, but those are my favourites.
  5. You may want to try to do something to the launch vehicle, it lags out a bit.
  6. Sigh... you're all so unoriginal. If anyone needs me, I'll be out back, crying over the lack of creativity of my fellow forum users.
  7. For my spacecraft, I refer to them as ships, boats, barges, yachts, launches and other such terms which are used to describe sailing vessels, but most of my ships do look like Nuclear powered barges.
  8. Kay, I have my new version of my tug type thing, it carries 9 grubs, six stacks of torpedoes, 5,500 m/s, six nukes and has a trailer for refueling other boats from. transferring to the Mun In orbit to the Mun Munar orbit. craft https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B13W1Qcyhbc5VDhZYzJRZXNnb3c/edit?usp=sharing
  9. The idea is, the small thing at the bottom detaches, and is used by one of the droids, which I will replace with grubs, to refil things. And yes, it is laythe capable.
  10. Okay, I have my Hive completed. This only MK.1, I will probably reduce the number of Bees, and redo the panels.
  11. Does it have to have a capsule?
  12. I go sailing, as I have to do some things IRL, and it is the most similar thing to spacecraft I could find, and it is similar (ish) (I probably should stop looking for my prograde marker on my compass though). Anyone else sail?
  13. I would do the same, but most of my friends also absolutely hate memes, as they are just not funny.
  14. I have a design for the bee and the hive, but I have IRL for the whole of the long weekend so I can only upload tonight.
  15. I'm not judging you, I made an Arrow to the knee joke last week, due to spasticated British heather, it randomly started hailing. And I was hit in the knee.
  16. I use four to eight SRBs in my launch stage, which is when I go balls to the wall to make sure I get as much of the thrust in thinner atmosphere.
  17. I tend to have Kethane, a big fuel depot and a landing site.
  18. I usually just stick more probe cores if I want to Torque more.
  19. That was why I quit memebase and other such websites, we need more originality in humor. the last meme I referenced was Arrow to the knee, and that was sued extremely Ironically. Because yeah, I'm totally hipster
  20. One thing that actually caused me pain and fear was that my youngest sister made a Harlem Shake reference, while trying to claim she was more up-to-date on the internet than me. I had Gangnam style when it was just emerging), and it stopped being good by the time she got it
  21. I have the first prototype of My take on the Bee, The head contains all the docking gear, the Thorax contains the fuel and mono-prop for the other craft, and the abdomen has the engine and own power. Note how Poncyily I have set up the solar panels like wings. The Craft: Yes... I know the launch vehicle is too big Having almost one and a quarter tanks left, we decided to take a joy ride test flight to Mun and Minmus The actual craft(with resupply torpedos
  22. I went off Memes at the end of last year, and this fact was just shoved in my face like salt over an open wound, after one of the people in my class shared an Aliens meme (you know the one, if Trux reads this, sorry), and I just went and pretty much delivered as much sass as I could muster in ICT the next day. That is also one of the reasons why I avoid Reddit like the plague.
  23. No wonder, nice drawing though, I guess...
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