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daniel l.

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Everything posted by daniel l.

  1. Well... I'm not quite sure which one I'd prefer. I don't have a bank account as yet, unfortunately, so I have no place to keep the money. Though I would welcome any volunteer artists. However, I'm pretty decent with programs like Gimp and Photoshop, so my inability to make the cover myself is more of an ideas thing. I have no idea what I want it to look like.
  2. Wait... Are you offering to make me a cover? Or giving me money to hire someone?
  3. I've just released the first chapter of the first book of the Spiritwolf series: a novelization of Macey Dean's classic youtube series which inspired many to buy the game and has forever influenced stock space combat in KSP.

    Here is the wattpad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/124903164-spiritwolf-part-i-flashpoint

    Here is a specially formatted PDF (It's what the E-books and physical copies will look like when I publish them.): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ranlyufmcda01vx/Document.pdf?dl=0

  4. I proudly reveal my longest single work. Not a series of chapters, but a single one. 8k words. Compiled into a PDF. WARNING: Lots of violence and explicit descriptions of gore. There is also a good bit of political opinion expressed in this story. Spoiler Below: Spiritwolf: Part I - Hanland. [snip] And for those who don't care for formatting: Wattpad Link (I could use an artist for the cover work, ) Paging @Spaceception Wanna give it a read?
  5. I'm currently 3/4ths done writing the first chapter of Flashpoint, a novella chronicling the rise of Macey Dean's Spiritwolf and Hanland corporations, along with the origin of their conflict. I'm planning on a final length of 25-30k words for the book, and I'm also hoping to publish it on Createspace when it's done. (It'll also be readable for free on Wattpad.) The first chapter should be done by tomorrow. I hope to reveal it then.
  6. Idea pitch:

    In the early 23rd century, an experimental vessel is launched from Earth-orbit. It is the first vessel to be equipped with a Quantum Drive (Just a handwavey space-drive-thingy.), capable of instantly accelerating the ship and all its contents to such high speeds as to be capable of crossing a lightyear in half a day (If you go fast enough, time slows down for you.).

    Due to the dangers of testing this new drive with a live crew. It is manned by volunteers and ex-convicts who are offered freedom in exchange for a year of their lives aboard this starship.

    The mission? Chart all star systems within a hundred lightyears of Sol. Then return with the information so a thousand new starships can be launched to seed the stars with life and expand humanity's horizons.

    Unfortunately, after completing their first mission, they return to find Earth destroyed by an unknown calamity. Only a heavily-bombarded moon and a debris ring around the sun exists to tell of Earth having ever existed.

    In their moment of despair, the crew suddenly gain a mysterious desire to reach the Galactic Core, from which something calls to them, touching the basest parts of their minds.

    The trip will take decades, with stops required every now and then to refuel.

    Imagine it as like Star Trek: Voyager mixed with Battlestar Galactica. Except there would be no real enemies, not hostile aliens or creations of Humanity. Just a vast universe with all its wonders layed open for the eyes of the last humans. And a mysterious goal, the center of the galaxy.

    I can imagine it being highly mystical in tone, perhaps even with religious undertones. Except that everything except the starship's propulsion would be fully explained with actual science.

    If it were a Television series. It would likely separate episodes by months, even years. The actors would be either aged via makeup and CGI, or the episodes could be filmed over the years to allow for natural aging.

  7. Still, despite the flaws, those walls would make a starting point. Fill in the cracks with resin, and cover it all over with perhaps a spray-on sealant that could be made from local materials. In all, such an endeavor might cost only a couple hundred million. It could be done almost entirely by robots.
  8. Sure. But it would be a perfect long-run goal. And hey! Maybe there's ice down there that we can get oxygen from. Such a cave would provide great amounts of shade, allowing deposits of ice to exist.
  9. Anyone got a big glass cork? That cave could be capped off and pressurized.
  10. I also want the sun to go FLASH. BANG. Then the solar system is stripped of all this silly air, and all is stripped of their silly fleshes to free their long-imprisoned skeletons. Just in time for Halloween.
  11. But those neutron stars are too far away. I want EVERYONE to be skeletonized.
  12. A little idea, perhaps you could make a massive crater at the north pole, and give that crater a thin atmosphere. Like a bowl filled with water. Also, here's some ambient noise for SoundTrackEditor: https://goo.gl/xdCy6i
  13. When you consider the fact that, once hollowed out, asteroids are extremely versatile. Everything from agriculture to mass-inhabitation or industrial purposes. Very rarely does a star system have habitable planets, but they all have asteroids, at least a few. Also, the radiation emitted by the star might prohibit humans from surviving in the open. Asteroids, on the other hand, can shield those who live in its interior. Ultimately, colonizing an entire asteroid belt would be more practical than any single planet. Since each asteroid is separate from another by millions of miles, it is unlikely that any one calamity could destroy the entirety of a civilization that had an entire belt settled. Trade between asteroids would actually be quite a bit easier than between asteroids or even between cities on a planetary surface. An Ion engine or a solar sail is all that's needed to cross the vast distances between them, making shipping an extremely inexpensive thing because little to no fuel is needed. I believe that planets will be regarded primarily as the gems of space; pretty, but largely unimportant. The few habitable worlds in the galaxy might be designated as giant parks, or perhaps inhabited by people of importance, such as leaders of state. Most of humanity will live inside asteroids. And no, it won't be anything like The Expanse. Automation will prevent such dark scenarios from happening.
  14. Well. If I want to live in the clouds on a giant pool floaty. Then Venus. If I want solid ground beneath my feet and not have to worry about falling out the window to a terrible death. Then Mars.
  15. Not currently. I may get back to it someday though. But I've had other things in my life lately.
  16. Whow what a fun-looking cahd game. *snicker* Too bad cahd games ah fiction.
  17. Once cleansed, these bones shall NEVAH see the stain of flesh again! GOOD DAY, SIR!
  19. BROTHERS! We must spread our power! Take the skeleton name to SOCIAL MEDIA! ARHARHAR!!!!!
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