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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. The chinese invented blackpowder but in my country we build the first funtional rockets with liquid fuel engines. That is quite a difference.
  2. It is as likely that he eliminates KSP entirely, creating something like the typical Grandfather Paradox.
  3. I thought about starting to play that game but i guess it is kinda hard to get into.
  4. If you would believe all those storys the Soviets wouldn't have to fear anything since they allegedly had their own "Area 51".
  5. Who says Mustaches are only trait of Male Kerbals? Anyway tons of these threads exist and the devs surely took notice. Please read the "What not to suggest" thread next time.
  6. Sorry but i don't think he started shoving his opinion into your face, wasn't the guy who said Evolution isn't happening doing that first?
  7. Hey awsumindyman answer this: do cakes procreate? You better don't say anything more or you will just embarass yourself further.
  8. There are some extremist groups in all countries that want people not native to their country to be sent back where they came from. Does that mean it happens? No it doesn't because no one cares about them. Has anyone here thought about the fact that no goverment can keep things secret for very long? It doesn't work simply for the fact that so many people would still be involved and they wouldn't be quiet for ever.
  9. If they are Aliens i highly doubt they would go to any Earth Government at all.
  10. Take the iPad. I don't want to talk about it though.
  11. Gameplay wise there is no point as they all do the same.And don't call beginners Noobs please.
  12. There are three types of ladders in this game already. You can find them in the utility tab i think it is called. And why use real topography? The star system in KSP isn't our own. Also i don't think anyone here is working with NASA.
  13. They had an browser game about this which inspired a very early version of KSP too.
  14. I am also sure that object you are talking about has nothing to do with that picture.
  15. How was it discovered then? The photo that is visible all over the web shows a very clear picture as if it was travelling at similar velocities to the craft that took it (the space shuttle?) so it is likely that it is part of the same vehicle.
  16. My theory is that its just a story and it doesn't exist. I also thinks this falls under the category of conspiracies.
  17. As already said this isn't the place for suggestion and it was made clear thal Lagrangian points won't ve implemented.
  18. what a coincidence. Im watching it right now too.
  19. People here mostly seem to expect too much of the regular blockbuster cinema. You shouldn't think too much about a movie like this because if you do, you realize that not only this but atleast 80% of modern cinema is complete bull****. Appreciate the fact that giant monsters fight giant robots and let the director have some fun realizing their ideas. If you know from the start that you won't enjoy a movie, you could also just avoid the movie. (this ofcourse doesn't mean that i don't appreciate every more accurate and sophisticated movie)
  20. I could understand if you would have just said bronies but the rest?
  21. They still were there first, just not with the Lunokhod.
  22. The A4 was actually steered by fins in the Rockets exaust. So as long as the engine is running it would be pilotable.But yes i too would love to go to the past and show the things like my Smartphone or tell them about the future.
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