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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. Canopus, home of the planet Arrakis.
  2. I love this Liberty ship. All our spaceflight problems would be solved. Of course it would be awesome to have every engine on you site as a mod
  3. It would be a bit boring too. Flying in one direction all the time.
  4. Ys i know. it would kill the purpose of the game but it would be awesome to experiment with We need those things IRL NOW!
  5. Yes i had to see it. Sean Connery is one of my favourite actors.
  6. Nothing beats a good puppet as a movie monster or a model made out of common household materials as spacecraft
  7. Just found this preview for the short with equally awesome scenes and effects.
  8. Thats the best thing about it I wish more movies would go back to models. They feel so real.
  9. I could ask him to make one but he is currently working on many request so it'll have to wait.
  10. Thanks Rareden! It really is great work!
  11. But Sccoundrel, where are the nozzles on your bombs?
  12. Yes they are very cool. The Real Episodes are very interesting.
  13. I found this amazing short film and i don't know a better place than The KSP Forums to share it. It has a message, a great 80's style soundtrack was inspired by things like Mobile Suit Gundam, 2001: A Space Odyssey, old Sci-fi films in general and Carl Sagan's Cosmos but the best of all: it has no CGI whatsoever. Everything is a model or made with clever camera work. So here it is: enjoy
  14. Die LV-T45 hat es getan. Ich weiss nicht ob du die LV-T30 ohne Steuerung benutzt hast.
  15. Tataffe, ich hab deine Rakete aus langeweile nachgebaut und in einer stufe in die Umlaufbahn gebracht.
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