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Everything posted by redwolfy

  1. so if there is going to be armadillos in ksp then why make them normal?, i think killer armadillos are much better
  2. no the user below me uses 4chan
  3. you clearly were not on the postcards from laythe thread and progect engma thread soon afterwards to see what happened also i quote
  4. this is not on mun but one time on duna i landed flew my lander/plane around for 5 minutes then crashed upon trying to land
  5. salmonelladingdong is one of the main ones (i think)
  6. we should rebel jokes please don't kill me mods
  7. banned for living in a molten hole
  8. banned for knowing about them armadillos
  9. from the look of this am i the only one who logged on with no hassle?
  10. what is that? sorry for using white colouration
  11. it is the cycle of life you do realise the mods can probably see that <-- and we can see this too
  12. tell us! do you want to be turned into a cow because there is also a banana slug setting
  13. banned for banning something someone already banned me for
  14. banned for browsing the forums while in school
  15. it would be interesting if you could live on beer alone (not that i drink beer)
  16. banned for using a guy from hd history
  17. banned for having a broken post count
  18. not really it was just a fun conversational topic
  19. the top one it cant be split in half by a single powerful shot spirit of fire vs enterprise
  20. wait so what happened in the pfl thread? it is closed and seems the same to me?
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