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Everything posted by smunisto

  1. I am aware of the memory limitations of KSP mate, however this is not the case.No crashes occur and KSP does not pass the threshold of 3.34 Gb.I stated that I have removed all textures and tried running KSP with just skybox, but to no avail.I am unconvinced loading up RAM memory can in any way affect FPS of the game. Especifically when you get issues like increased FPS drops when holding a part.P.S.: Which forum admin had the clever idea of removing new lines. It just blows my mind away, the "brilliant mind" behind it...
  2. So, I figured out the cause for the massive framerate drops in KSP.My rig specs of note here are:CPU: Phenom II x4 955 @ 4GHzGPU: Palit GTX 670 @ 916/3305 eff.RAM: 2x4Gb Kingston HyperX @1666 9-9-9-24. The mods I use (half of the folders are plugins) are: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ge174fytudg8q05/1.png I get a consistent framerate of 21-20 FPS when inside the VAB or SPH with a drop to 17-18 when holding a part(the famous bug of the previous versions of UR).When on the launchpad FPS is still around 20, never exceeding 24, and when in orbit - it is still the same.Now, the framerate drop was present with the realistic skybox, which is 4096p, and with the Dreamscape one too.I first removed all planet textures and reinstalled the latest 4.0 version of the plugin to make sure it is not caused by them and to narrow down the possible reasons.GPU was not getting clocked properly while running KSP so i tweaked it's settings to maintain max clocks, and this is not the issue too.My FPS is steady at 60 without UR, each time I install UR and put ANY textures in it, it starts exibiting the problems described above.
  3. Great, the new version is awesome. You actually got me back into playing KSP, i had burned myself from gameplay. I only wish we didn't need Crew Manifest to move kerbals between modules.
  4. A few things, since FusTek is loosely related to the real ISS: 1. Vertical or horizontal are not applicable directions in space, technically if the bunks are perpendicular to the module length(as in the real ISS) there is more internal space for utilities. 2. Having illuminators next to the bunks - if you have seen the real ISS you know that illuminators in space bring very bright sunlight inside, which is why most of the time they have closed shutters. Now if the hab module with bunk illuminators have shutters it would be ok. In my personal opinion no illuminators near the bunks + shutters on a pair of illuminators on the far side of the hab module would looke perfectly. The irregularity - just a pair of illuminators on one end of the hab module will make it look even more polished and distinguish it.
  5. I'll make some test, since I am pretty sure my KSP is already running near its memory limit. I have like 10 addons. If it starts crashing I'll know it's the textures, since so far I have had no crashes.
  6. Wow, this thread evolved so much since I last posted. Um, get me up to speed - If I use 8k textures and clouds on all planets will it tax the memory too much? Or does the game unload everything that is not currently near me? Like, unless i focus a planet/moon specifically on the map view - textures won't be loaded? Or everything is loaded and i should just leave the planet textures for planets i plan to visit?
  7. Absolutely, however most of the opinions in this thread are related to the autodocking routine of MJ, which is absolutely off-topic I can't stop chuckling here, funny little dude, aren't ya IF you have anything else to say you can use the PM system.
  8. Auto-docking is for MJ. If it has issues with it - direct them in MJ's thread. Why would u have the whole addon if 100m before the actual dock you say "**** this, autocheatpilotehactivateh". So you spent 10 minutes getting an encounter and decreasing rvel to target...then u want autopilot?!?!?..Actually scratch that, you probably use MJ to get you an encounter too. People's laziness amazes me sometimes. The mod looks fine as it is, even if it can with a bit more vel indicators, like text ones(the same as the ones on the lazor docking cam), and is designed to help us people who like to do MANUAL docking. If you want autopilot you can look at mechjeb.
  9. Both of your suggestions are covered by the new kethane map. The hex grid has quantities, which are actively updated, so you can track the amount of kethane left in real time. The grid also shows accurately where you have landed(or fairly, because of the map height over the surface).
  10. I was wondering about the same things. Most of the parts are terribly scattered around all tabs. Actually everything needs some ordering, i was about to say the Fuel tanks and engines were fine, but there are RCS tanks in Control and radial engines in...some other plac.
  11. Ah, cool. I thought all the adapters were not part of the first post, and also they had their nodes displaced. Anyways, I will get on with collecting them all.
  12. Much better if all information is centered at one place. If you have ever used the Lazor Docking Cam and have gotten around to becoming familiar with its indications you will know that you stop using the navball at all for docking. It's getting better and better, NavyFish. I am considering switching to your incarnation of docking assistant entirely, since it now offers much more info. Now if you could only add all the rvel options it would be the final thing to make me to switch - I mean x, y and z velocities Also the roll indicator back would be nice, even if it is on this type of orange crosshair. Keep up the good work!
  13. Can someone share an archive of his THSS JAFR folder with all the parts, as updated for 0.21?
  14. The only mod that conflicts with it is the Lazor docking cam, but the only effect is that the image from the Lazor Docking Cam the image blurry and white(no, more than usual, pretty distinctive)
  15. When you do - please do share a 4096x4096 version. I tried dl-ing your 2048x2048 skybox, and after renaming the textures still don't match.
  16. http://pastebin.com/MhWjeseD No idea. I tried opening and closing the window multiple times during the test game, with various tweaks - one time i just opened the settings, then i opened the settings and switched to Sets, then i closed the window, then i opened the settings again and changed the skin. I don't think any of it shows the log though. I only get FPS drop when I am on the "Settings" tab, the moment i switch to another tab - the FPS drop disappears completely.
  17. Any idea about the lag though? Is it perhaps a related issue that has been fixed?
  18. Thanks for the replies. I'd be glad for any updates possible, however I understand Unity's limitations.
  19. Yeah, but there are like 6 files, 2048x2048 each, for each side of the skybox. I guess I have to use the pic in Rareden's post #71? It's 1920x1080 though... Do i have to cut it and use CubeTheSphere? Everyone seems to get how to make these skyboxes, I still don't get it. Would someone mind to make a step by step guide? Thanks in advance!
  20. So how do u install the larger 4096 p pic?
  21. I am noticing that each time I resume a flight or launch a new one - i get the options window open, even though I have turned off the "preset per vehicle" option. And the bigger issue is that until I close the options window the game lags(FPS drops from 60 to like 15-20). The second i close the options window it disappears. When I open it again - the FPS drops again.
  22. Novapunch crashing on initial game loading on Linux Mint 15.
  23. So, don't we need more than 1 image for the skybox to work? I mean - there is a bright version, and there are a few versions gradually dimming more and more, right? Or?
  24. Whoa whoa whoa. Let's all remember this is a game. I love creating my own relay network for the level of realism, but programming on python? Thanks, but no thanks. I realise this will probably be optional, but still basing the concepts of this mod around executing commands via programming would make most people turn their heads away.
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