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Everything posted by magnemoe

  1. I have a weird issue, probably with TAC 0.9 on 64 bit. First I thought it was B9, I added some B9 parts: cargo bay, fuel and crew compartment for an spaceplane, this sometimes crached the game during testing in sandbox, moving to career space plane hangar, fill up with crew and launch, game crashes. restart and I could not recover on runway as game crashed. Restored a save 24 hours back, removed all the B9 parts game now crash if I add and then move and pod or probe in VAB, this is also true in a new career game, however sandbox works well and if I go to career afterwards stuff work.
  2. Don't see refueling probes as relevant, yes you might want to launch a separate transfer stage but it can dock and burn automatically. Refueling and repairing satellites on the other hand is relevant, it should be cost effective to move an satelite to the space station, repair it and put it back. If you have an high ISP tug using something like vasmir, geo is also very relevant. This would not make the station go break even however it would be an nice side business who pays part of the cost and also give lot of experience.
  3. Balance is more of an problem than impact. you could use four of the small struts, yes the are at the end of tech tree. I would also do an powered landing back on kerbin, has bad experience with parachutes and rover seats. Has used a design like this a lot
  4. Low tech Mun lander, it uses 4 srb as first stage then three T30 with cross feed. The forward stack is drop tank for transfer+ goo and material lab for high above kerbin and near and close to Mun. Could have used more srb here. My minmus lander, landed in all biomes. uses the same drop tank system as the mun lander. skipper main stage retun to spaceport. Core of lander with all the science instruments cost 55000. core is around 17000 as I remember, reaction wheel probe power and mechjeb adds to cost.
  5. Wonder if you can save him if you eva him out and into another pod you then recover. Don't think the game cares about he reenter in a pod as long as he is inside one at recover? Tips two, if you use the rescued kerbal before returning him you don't get more rescue contracts until you return him.
  6. Add that you don't get surface deformation like you get below the pod, you can get clipping, I had an drop tank end up clipped however by the time I landed and eva over it was gone, I landed less than 2.4 km from it.
  7. Planes are far more efficient and I always use them for the kerbal to orbit, orbital tests or rescue missions unless I have lifeboats in orbit. Downside with planes is launching heavy or bulky stuff,
  8. If you want a fast rover, build it light, not only speed but crash tolerance increases far more. I driven on mun Jeb style: two rules, 1 full throttle 2 crater rims are fun. Just one damage to rover and that was then traveling slovenly: kerbal falling out and landing a kilometer away and poped tires don't count. It should perhaps be possible to select tires for body, low gravity tires has extreme grip but pops very easy with lots of pressure, either heavy load or jumps. Heavy rovers should also have better grip balancing this out.
  9. It might be smart to deploy some cheap pods with two life belt tanks a 48-7S, two solar panels, some struts of landing legs, they can be parasite cargo on large launches and is nice to pick up kerbals in orbit.
  10. Probes is also 100 kg or less, for atmospheric tests I tent to use small probes down to a 48-7S and a 45 liter tank, larger for some of the larger stuff, this keep the fuel cost low and it all land back at KSC. For orbital and other body tests its smart to bundle it on an mission, they are not as time critical as the 200-300 m/s at 8-9 km stuff. Leave an cash cow probe with a solar panel, a battery, thermometer and an antenna in low orbit everywhere for science reports. Might be smart with an small manned base for flag planting.
  11. How do you retrive the SRB? I also use lots of SRB however I use them as boosters and has started to stagger them if I use 4, 2 is on 75% power, you want to keep the main engine on low power during the SRB burn but also not get into terminal speed on SRB only. main stage return to runway, uses spaceplanes for kerbals, plans to expand this to lighter cargo. Already do kethane mining and is in the process to ramp up to orbital construction, I still have to pay for the parts but not for the launcher, Minmus orbit -> LKO is 300 m/s
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48461-Grand-tour-4-new-attempt-at-an-below-100-ton-grand-tour/page2 this is an 100 ton from LKO tour. I used two steps to save weight, the Eve, Moho and Tylo landers did not have seats to save 40 kg, kerbal jetpac is a 500 m/s upper stage I used two other tricks, first is an Ion craft from Eve to Moho and back. second is that I split the ship in two and only one part visited Ike and Dress, the other part went directly to Laythe, then Val and finally Tylo, as second stage had more fuel left I sent it to Bop while I went to Pol first. Now you could take this further at put up depots and even landers at Duna and Jool. The new ion engines also give some opportunities.
  13. Mun multi mission. I was told to plant a flag on Mun so I decided to do some science, that rover has 8 material labs but I forgot goo containers. Carries an Kethane mapper who can also do orbital science. The top tank was originally thought for the Mun transfer but the reusable tug also carries an mainsail and a ant engine to Mun for testing so I used it for the tug and dropped it. Put the mainsail engine module in LKO as I might get use for it later. The small thing with the static solar panel is an probe I planned to drop on Mun for ground science, I had to keep it until takeoff as I forgot antennas on the rover.
  14. Mun is so fun with fast rovers, hunt for crater rims and see how much airtime you can get. In ksp you can easy do 45 m/s over rough ground, that is 150 km/h speed like this is hard on bad paved or gravel roads even if the road is straight and wide.
  15. Group trips to Eve for bathing, then return to Kerbin.
  16. One plan was to launch an thin base cable to geo, then lower the edge down to earth, this will push the drum outward. Then you have the edge at earth you send up spinners who increase the cable strength, you power them with lasers from earth
  17. Laythe can give an 6000 m/s aerobrake if unlucky. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48461-Grand-tour-4-new-attempt-at-an-below-100-ton-grand-tour/page2 Here is my dV breakdown for a grand tour who includes Jool's moons.
  18. How about the recurring get science from Kerbin, Mun and Minmus orbit: probe core, power, thermometer and an antenna. I tend to get all three at once. 120.000 for a minute work. Guess it will repeat itself then I get to Eve and Duna, One note if you use the kerbals in orbit you will not get more of the missions, an Eeloo mission takes many years
  19. How are they better than the 48-7S who has better ISP, the monoprop engines is nice for tugs and other stuff who need rcs anyway.
  20. 1) it might be smart to visit Pol before Bop, the Bop plane change is cheaper between Pol to Bop than Tylo - Bop. 2) Laythe aerobrake is cheaper but pretty much require mechjeb, braking speed depend on where it is in orbit around Jool. because of Laythe aerobrake you will end in a orbit with low Pe and high Ap, not a huge problem wait until you can burn 3-400 m/s to get to Val. 3) An Kerbin SSTO can land on laythe and take off, main issue is to hit flat land, a plane or mechjeb is pretty much required here for me. If plane is unable to make it back to mothership use the Val lander as a ferry. Leave the plane in orbit for later use. Use the same tactic on Tylo, 4) It cost around 3-4000 m/s to get into low orbit of all the muns. Tips. don't go into low orbit, just get inside the SOI with the mothership, this cut the cost a lot you can get from an high Ap- low Pe orbit around Tylo to Pol, then Bop and back to Jool orbit with 3000 m/s use the Val lander for this. 5) you might want to drop your Pe close to Jool or perhaps get an Tylo gravity assist then burning home.
  21. Use SRB as first stage, they are cheaper than the extra fuel used to make an SSTO, return the expensive core to KSC. Debris on ground or splashed down don't show up unless you set filter to show them. They will also not show that you get money back however if you watch the fund counter you see you get paid.
  22. Thanks but no thanks, I wait for the carbon nanotube version, Much better for my BMI
  23. Yes, theories that the races look as different mostly because of different view of beauty, again this was mostly in prehistoric times. more than 9/10 of the time as hunter gatherers. One interesting thing who might had an impact is that the European cities during medieval to industrial times was so unhealthy , no sanitation and so much diseases they needed lots of immigrants to keep the population up, they would qualify as death camps by modern standards. This might have left Europeans more resistant to diseases than many other groups. Might also explain allergic, everybody from the area had their immune system hard locked on kill anything who moves, if it don't move kill it anyway. Now enter a world where you shower twice a day and never touch anything dirty. Are you mad you can't touch an unknown cat
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