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Everything posted by magnemoe

  1. This, just nutrition, Americans was taller than Europeans during 19th century because they had more food. Now if you go back 10.000 year people was tall too as they had plenty of food, then you got to much people, you invented farming but was not very good at it, however more kids helps run the farm, 10k years later they found that combiners and fertilizer was an better idea.
  2. True, you explained it better than me, and yes they are on both sides of the spectrum, Far left and far right. Chem-trails however is the most absurd of them all. Its no problems getting all the commercial flights who leaves contrails, and yes its all the countries who operate long range flights. Yes you have other freight, charter, private and military planes again from most countries, yes its an high chance an canadian F16 dump stuff in the atmosphere over US, espesialy then the plane is going to the US for service: that is expect vapor, CO2 and half burned hydrocarbons And new world order was an phase used after the end of the cold war, supposed to be the end of war Did not work that way, however the dynamic is totally different, during the cold war it was ramp up to Ragnarok, now its the great game, Ukraine is pretty much an template for future wars.
  3. It does, however its far easier to add some core than to increase the clock frequency. You will also run into other issues anyway like cache misses who force the cpu to wait for data from main memory, that will only hit one core. As for games overall I guess it will be more an focus on multicore, almost any gaming pc has 4 cores, more important PS4 and One has 8 pretty slow cores, 1.8 GHz or something. PS3 had one core and 7 small special, 360 had 3, core 2 was most common for pc at that time. Most other programs who are cpu killers are multicore, video, rendering and that sort of stuff. In short, clock speeds are going up slowly, far slower than the transistor count in chips, main issue is power usage. Yes you could make an diamond heat sink and LN2 under pressure to cool it.
  4. Found that RF radiation scare is common in two groups who are pretty opposite, one is the liberal alternative, typical vegan and the other stuff. Other is far more rednecks and often paranoid. UV light an up is dangerous, that includes sunlight, lower frequency especially microwaves is dangerous over a high threshold, sunlight through a magnifying glass is also harmful even if it stop UV. You don't run into that unless you 1) disassemble an microwave oven, climb up in transmission towers or radars. Some military radars is know to kill birds in the air, this could potentially been used as a weapon however an M2 is cheaper easier and more fun to use. (yes F22 has an option to use it radar as a weapon but then mostly to disturb electronic.)
  5. Stuff who tend to absorb static like mad, especially if its the cheap stuff you buy on mail order or outdoor markets, and yes they tend to be illegal to use as they send out lots of static too.
  6. Well that pretty much qualify for http://www.darwinawards.com/
  7. Some chance other take over or start their own development if it looks good, US air force is researching scramjets, they do it for missiles who is far easier than spaceplanes. They want an supersonic cruise missile as they don't want to use use long range ballistic missiles as other can take it for an nuclear attack, yes its a bit fishy, perhaps they like fast planes
  8. More it reinforced an trend, core stage with SRB to help, they are cheap, cheaper than fuel for an ssto. Mun landers, put all the expensive stuff on the core you return Will start looking into planes again for light payload and kerbals
  9. I found I use the skipper a lot, skipper + orange tank + 2-4 large SRB, power, some struts for landing legs and its nice for 8-12 ton to LKO. only used the 3.75 meter tanks once and that was primarly to create an fuel depot in LKO. Will probably need the huge engines next as I will launch the orbital construction facility to minmus. Poodle is nice for larger landers, tend to use them on kethane miners.
  10. yes, the science bonus is nice, I was able to get all the science equipment before going to Minmus, did one trip to Mun doing one biome, then minmus and did all to unlock the tree.
  11. Two idiot mistakes however not related to 0.24, first send an rover to Mun with 8 material labs, no goo containers and I forgot to add the antenna, luckily I had an probe who I was supposed to deploy from the rover after landing to do science on Mun surface so I kept it while driving around. Second was using goo containers instead of monoprop tanks on a kethanen miner, again nice to have lots of docking ports
  12. OK so right click and chrome looks like are common problems?
  13. Don't have "run test" on it, has on most other engines except SRB, that was why I treated it as an SRB, launched upside down on another launcher, then activate with space then in correct orbit, I now managed to get the engine to activate but it did not help. Yes this is test three, two with the upside down launch, this used a mainsail rater than another 1x2 as lifter.
  14. I have serious problems with this, first I tried to reuse it in orbit, that is you use it going into orbit, then disable engine, put it up in next stage and press space to stage. This did not work so I had to do it like I test SRB however this I wanted to return to pad so I added probe, power and a reaction wheel, decoupled once in orbit and staged, engine did not activate and not completed. In short the engine does not activate by staging in orbit, it does on pad. Any tips?
  15. Has only tried 64 bit and have found one weird thing in 0.24, its a lag then right clicking on parts, this also affect tabs in chrome but not IE for some weird reason. Else the main problem is mods, KAS is broken for 64 bit and this is the major issue, firespitter don't work yet and is used by lots of mods for stuff like cargo doors.
  16. probe + solar panel + thermometer + antenna. this is parasite cargo, you can add an and oscar to put it into orbit during a slow flyby or aerobreak.
  17. Breaking news, we are proud to announce an mission extension of our first Mun landing into an permanent Mun base. The landing legs, engine and fuel tank worked well as crumbling zone so the landing was successful.
  18. You remember to press r to activate the jetpack Also if he don't respond you might want to go to tracking station and back.
  19. Yes, you can fly to equator or other places for launch, also if you stage at 10 km you can design the rocket first stage with a vacuum specified engine, you don't have to compromise on the engine.
  20. Deadlines matter on interplanetary missions, at least if your first try fails.
  21. I have that too, I hoped I could just, disable engine and stage it again but that don't work even if it has worked on other engines.
  22. Yes, found this myself, leave a probe, a solar panel an thermometer and a antenna in orbit. If you want to do real science use a recoverable lander. Just dipped below 2 million because of the 300 k kethane miner. Did some innovative stuff like the kethane mined had a mainsail engine at bottom docking port to increase TWR during gravity turn, normally I would have dropped it before circulating however as I'm asked to test it around Mun I put probe and docking port on it so I will take it to Mun later, will probably take it back to LKO as I guess I get an Minmus test with it too.
  23. The 55 radial is pretty powerful, put them on a 180 liter tank with a probe and a battery. If you miss it on the way up do it going down. All of my in flight tests are done with probes, added benefit is that if you burn straight up you end up back at KSC,
  24. Perfect is an enemy of good enough. On the other hand its fun to make complex missions like landing on all of minmus biomes in one go. I found that most of the in flight test are best done by probes, as they are launched strait up they land back on pad and most only use 45 liter fuel.
  25. Yes tried forever to get a large SRB to trigger, it did not even if it passed the height inside the speed limit. Then found you had to activate it, at point. Strapped two liquid fuel tanks and engines on side of the almost empty booster and activated by staging. That is another issue, some test ask you to run test other require staging. Hint you can disable an engine put it one step up in staging and stage to unlock, very practical then testing large engines.
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