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Everything posted by oberlerchner123

  1. Alright, more detailed terrain, now that's something save breaking is worth it for. Too bad if it's just the Mun though, that would mean there's probably another save breaking update coming up if they want the other planets more detailed. But oh well.
  2. Thanks for posting this that was hilarious. haha It looked it was swimming into the air. Try using a proxy.
  3. I learnt docking by doing it with a SSTO plane first. (That was my second try, I tryed a rocket first and failed pretty hard. lol) I found the shape of it made it much easier for me to keep track of what is going on in both the picture and the nav ball at the same time, and getting a feel how they relate to each other while coming in to dock. Same thing probably goes for rockets, I would make sure they aren't shaped like just a cylinder when you're trying to learn it. Definitly get RCS, try to keep it small for your first docking craft for quicker response, set the other docking port as target and switch the nav ball to target mode. Try to make sure your orbit isn't massively different than the target orbit. A close encounter won't help you much if you're zooming past at ridiculous speeds. Try the chase camera and move the camera around to get the view from different directions as you're coming close. That's all I could think of.
  4. I presume he ment releasing those specs before 0.21 is released, so somebody can already get working on that.
  5. I think this is probably my favorite screenie from my visit to Laythe. It's just after I got the plane part back into orbit and docked it to the interplanetary drive section: This is a bit earlier with Jeb posing next to the landed plane and the flag he planted:
  6. Congratulations! As for the flag, that happened to me as well. Seams to have to do with a precision error clipping it into the ground when the physics get loaded. You might want to try planting it a few meters away from that location, then switching to the tracking station and back again to make sure it's safe.
  7. As much as I like the current Laythe, I think putting more details on all the planets, like volcanos on Laythe would be pretty cool. Radiation I don't know. If that's just the excuse why Kerbals stay in their EVA suits, fair enough. If it means I can't put Kerbals on EVA there anymore, that'd be pretty annoying.
  8. I know what you mean. Bad physics in space games and sci-fi movies have also messed up my thinking in the regard. Glad to have found a game like Kerbal, a game you actually learn some science from, while just being really entertaining. Sounds like the way to go. Reuseability is definitely something I'll look into in the future. And well that sucks, sorry to hear that. Kind of worrying, I probably should start doing my monthly backups again. Got lucky so far, the only time I had a harddisk fail on me, I got it working again long enough to get all the files off of it.
  9. Ah how could I have missed that. Being the guy that usually instantly reads up every single thing he thinks of on wikipedia if he's sitting at a computer... Thanks. Edit: And bringing them down with parachutes. That's something I havn't thought about. Interesting. I suppose that could be done with other stages too making them reuseable. Hmm. Cool.
  10. I know... It's a game and crashing my nuclear rockets into Kerbin won't really hurt anyone. But I don't like the thought of doing it anyway. The thought hit me as I am about to return my spaceplane from Laythe back to Kerbin. Spaceplane Laythe Orbit And I figured it probably wouldn't be very nice to deorbit the nuclear rocket section it's docked to and let it rain radioactive waste over the homes of other Kerbals. I suppose there's several options, like aerobraking and keeping it in orbit and maybe sending it on a 1 way trip somewhere with a new payload. Or just setting it up to miss and keeping it flying in a eccentric orbit around the sun, while letting my space plane return on it's own power. I could just smash it into the Mun too I suppose. A few days ago I also sent a rocket to Duna to put a rover onto the surface and place a satellite in orbit around it and Ike. When everything was deployed what I was left with was a nuclear engine strapped to a Rockomax 16 tank. I could have just clicked End Flight but it was still 3/4 full and it seamed like a waste and I wanted to do something with it. So I now end up with the butt ugly rocket "landed" near the north pole of Ike instead. And it can still fly... I'm just curious, what is everyone else doing with their spent nuclear rockets? Also as a side question does anyone know how far radiation would be spread if a rocket like the LV-N would really explode on reentry?
  11. Yeah the wiki is pretty good, as it also has pictures to illustrate. But let's say you're already in orbit. Looking straight along the way you're going with the planet below you. Straight ahead is prograde (green circle with dot), burning that way will raise your speed and the height of your orbit along to the other side of the planet. If you turn around looking the way you came from, that's retrograde (green circle with X), burning that way will slow you down and lower the height of your orbit along to the other side. If you look right upwards away from the planet, that's radial out (cyan circle with dot). If you burn that way it will raise the orbit immediately ahead of you, but lower it behind you once you come around the next time. If you look right down towards the planet, that's radial in (cyan with X). If you burn that away it will lower the orbit immediately ahead of you, but raise it behind you when you come back around. It kinda looks as if the orbit were a hula hoop and your grab it at one point and rotate your wrist. If you have the planet beneath you, burning left or right by 90°, is either normal (pink triangle) or anti-normal (pink triangle with 3 lines). Doing this will change at which angle you go around the planet. Let's say your orbiting around earth in a equatorial geosynchronous orbit. You end up going over Africa, Indonesia, South America. If you burned anti-normal now you would go Africa, Australia, North America.
  12. Hmm question, what is the anomaly dot for? Stuff like the Mun arch and the 2nd space center? I noticed that the SSTO symbol doesn't seam to be working for Kerbin orbit. It shows it in the selection screen, but doesn't come out in the final signature.
  13. Just now when starting to build at an asymmetric part of the rocket. I built a rover first than built the rocket around it afterwards. Quite the stupid idea it seams, it messed up symmetry for the whole rocket and I had to do everything manually... Oh well, I finished it anyway.
  14. I got Bill into the Fuel Tanker now by putting the Jebediah clone into a vehicle on the runway.
  15. Yeah I'm not using any mods either and I've had it happen twice so far. As in brought all the Jebediahs home, and it happened again afterwards. If I just keep pressing launch, I always end up with the same pilot anyway I know. I'm not quite sure but maybe it's related to docking? Both times it happened I had Jebediah switching craft. Once boarding the Mun rover, and now docking the spaceplane to the tanks with the nuclear engines in orbit. Not really sure though considering how few missions I've actually done so far.
  16. Just wanted to say hey to everyone! I've been playing KSP for a few weeks and it's a lot of fun. So far I've landed on Mun, built a rover (that exploded when I drove it up the launch area ramp at speed ), then put a rover or rather a car on Mun for Jebediah and Bob to drive around while Bill took a nap in the lander. After they returned I've flown around Kerbin with a plane for a bit. I suppose kind of sticking with the "combine the last 2 things you did" pattern I thought I should try to see if I can get a space plane to Laythe. (I should probably play more and read the wiki less eh?) Anyway just earlier I have put a space plane into orbit and docked it to my "interplantary drive section", fancy for bunch of fuel tanks with 2 NERVAs on it. Being a bit short on fuel I built another rocket with a fuel tank and a docking port on top. I havn't had time to fly it up there yet, but I put it on the launch pad just to see if it wobbles or not, and for some reason Jebediah was the pilot... even though he's currently in orbit on the space plane. Any idea how I can get the game to skip over him when selecting pilots?
  17. I believe this mod is what you're looking for: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/subassembly-saver-loader/
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