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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Definetely the LV45, i use it in the most of my lander, high TWR and good efficiency
  2. Try to enter the atmosphere following the prograde marker, then when you are decelerated to about 160 m/s use some Separatrons (look for C-130 assisted landing ) and you should be able to perform a secure landing
  3. I think that it will be 10 times more funny to make ship...
  4. Only one bug: -random exploding ship when using vessel with two pod...
  5. Only one bug: -random exploding ship when using vessel with two pod...
  6. Maybe putting my Soyuz equivalent in orbit without RCS engine
  7. Nice pics, hope to see a launch with my eyes one day
  8. Have tried all kind of simmetry and point to attach them but it was still going to wobble, the only way to stop it was to put strut on two truss up and down the decoupler...
  9. Yeah, this is what i wish to do... Maybe in future update Thx to all
  10. So it's referred to the firt stage after lift off?
  11. In about 7 months of game i never understand how to use it... Someone could explain to me?
  12. You don't have to feel like a "cheater", you can use that design to see where your previously design was wrong
  13. I've made this for you, it has ~8100dV, so it will be easy to manage, the only thing that change with the real Saturn V is that the lander is up when it should be down... https://www.dropbox.com/s/n76kvzfws2bvu8f/Katve-Apollo.craft
  14. Oh, i forgot this, it would be epic to connect for example the different module of Mun Base (Like on Moonbase Alpha)
  15. Little SAS/ASAS (0.65m) Payload fairings (maybe with improved aerodynamics? ) Better IVA implementation A sort of hot air balloons Bigger engines + fuel tanks (5m would be perfect) More EVA actions
  16. This is the flag: Someone know why on KSP appear those random pixel on "e"?
  17. Someone know how to fix the wobbling from Rockomack decoupler on Skipper?
  18. Ready to start a new adventure!
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