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Everything posted by Daze

  1. The Planets from Holst it's amazing: and also: all Hurry Up We Are Dreaming from M83, this: http://youtu.be/17zgrCPEb78 and maybe all the song from this channel: http://www.youtube.com/mrsuicidesheep
  2. Here's to you http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content.php/164-Update-on-the-0-20-Update
  3. The dV is the variation of velocity needed to perform a manuever in orbital mechanics (for example manuever node in KSP is measured in how much dV do you need...) Taking for example the system Kerbin-Mun on the picture we can see how much dV we need to perform a successfully landing on Mun. Starting from Kerbin you can see 4500dV, this means that you need about 4500dV to put a spacecraft in LKO (Low Kerbin Orbit), after this we see that on the line which connect Kerbin to Mun there's a "860dV" this dV is the dV that you need to perform a transfer from LKO to a Mun orbit intersection (For example: the velocity when you are in LKO is about 2300-2400 m/s right? Now you have to increase that speed of 860 m/s, so you have to reach about 3160-3260 m/s in LKO to make an intersection with Mun obit. Now you can see another number on the Mun icon, which indicate how much dV do you need to Land and (next to circle) another number which explain how much dV do you need to make a stable orbit around Mun; so for your lander you will need 640(landing dV)+210(orbit dV)+400-700(for human error and to reach escape velocity) To know how much dV has you spacecraft you can use mod like MechJeb or Kerbal Engineer Redux Sorry for bad english, hope you understand
  4. If you want to use 4 SRB use this configuration: @Brabbit: I had the same question some time ago... I want to use it but i want to know if the future improvement of aerodynamic would be similar to FAR
  5. I think the main problem is because the rocket is too much wider than tall...
  6. I can still remember my first rendezvous and docking, it was awesome! You must be proud of you, you have achieved one of the most difficult thing in the game
  7. Could i suggest you to use mod like Kerbal Engineer Redux? It will show you the dV (variation of velocity) of your spacecraft so you can know where you can go with that vessel. dV Map:
  8. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    I don't want it for realism but only for the visual impact that a bigger planet will give instead of smaller... But i think that this will be solved with introducing of clouds and civilization elements
  9. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    Mhm, this sentence changed my mind, actual Kerbin is empty but when the devs will add city and clouds it will become beautiful as a 1:1 planet... @WhiteWeasel: For now it's not possible
  10. 100% yes, and when you approach Eve remember to do a aerobraking to save more fuel, so you can also return on Kerbin (maybe )
  11. Beautiful job, try to make it a little more realistic and it will be my next desktop wallpaper
  12. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    This is the exactly word to explain why i would this... EDIT: Nova, a question: in future instead of bigger planets will we have bigger parts (5m for example or maybe 8-10m) for our rockets?
  13. Finally i've made mine! (WIP) Daze Space Agency here! Hail to you my friend
  14. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    On my second quote it should be fun understood as arcade, my fault.
  15. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    I know that you and the devs would not change your idea i'm not trying to convince you, it's only a clarification on what is the problem...
  16. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    I understand the difference of time which can be boring for long time but substantially is a technical problem right?
  17. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    So the real problem is technical? Nothing to do with: Bigger Planet is boring (lol), it's a fun game and is not a simulator?
  18. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    So why not to make instead of rover some kind of Autobot?
  19. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    It's fun because it change the approach with player difference to Orbiter
  20. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    Isn't a FUN video game, a fun video game about space is for example Dead Space or Mass Effect this is a simulative game, the only thing that change is it approach with the player
  21. Daze

    1:1 Planets?

    Is necessary useless and flaming comment?
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