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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Esattamente! Ho dovuto fare prima un 2 lanci di prova per calibrare bene gli RCS
  2. Finalmente dopo mesi di tentativi e di insegnamenti dal nostro Pino ( ) son riuscito a far il mio primo SSTO funzionale Eccolo qui dockato alla Phad:
  3. I hope no, is irrealistic (yes i know that KSP is not a real simulator bla bla bla... but is totally crazy)
  4. ... what is the highest gravitational acceleration of Jool's moon?
  5. Wei! Un paio di domande: 1) Come posso fare per creare un SSTO che usi un LV-N? Mi spiego meglio, quando provo a montarcelo ed ad usarlo al posto degli aerospikes noto subito che il TWR è troppo basso e di conseguenza non mi alza l'apogeo come vorrei... Suggerimenti? 2)Vi gusta la mia Phad? (Si è inspirata alla ISS )
  6. The max gravitational acceleration it must tolerate?
  7. I want to help but here's a question: why we need military equipment in a colonization mission?
  8. At least they could post some pics
  9. I don't think it exist a particulary maximum payload, imo it all depend on how much asparagus your pc can tolerate
  10. A really really beautiful design, congratulations
  11. 25. Please add some of Mass Effect ships
  12. My Phad WIP (yes, it's inspired by ISS )
  13. Here's my MiniMun, my smallest Mun lander (it can also do a powered landing on Kerbin! ) ...and this is my 2 seat lander which i used to learn to my cousin how to do a Mun landing
  14. Maybe you could use them in an ascent from a planet/moon? (Yes, it's a crazy idea but ehy!... this is KSP!)
  15. OMFG. I hope one day Squad will add this kind of ""wheels""
  16. MIR and Buran from Soviet Pack of BobCat! If you have the same pack and you want the MIR completed ask me for persistence... and: A Munar eclipse during a rendezvous
  17. I would suggest to stop the use of the mod and to let the students themselves to make the maths
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