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Mecha Pants

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Everything posted by Mecha Pants

  1. I am probably running a very inefficient ascent path then, I'll have to play with that and see what happens. I've been pondering adding a probe core and some RCS blocks to deobit the cradle, but my launches tend to have it fall back on its own. On a probably more exciting note: Nomad download here
  2. Working on the lifter rig for the Nomad, it's probably twice the mass of the next biggest ship, so it's giving me some issues. I hope to have it ready by the end of the day. Edit: Quick and dirty Nomad lifter is done, but it has some flaws. Like the Sojourn lifter, it uses the payloads engines during final ascent, but to a greater degree, leaving the Nomad with about 3600dV once circularized. On the upside, the Nomad has more docking ports and is easier* to dock with, so refueling before any interplanetary transfers shouldn't be a huge problem. Will have a download up shortly. * About as hard, really. Just more options. It is recommended that the nomad be the static element in any docking procedures, as its RCS control isn't well arranged for the port locations.
  3. How do we go about making submissions? I have a very basic light kethane lander/refiner unit that costs 61,180 acording to kerbal engineer.
  4. I suspect that it's the fuel tank just above the engine, found in the AIES Aerospace mod.
  5. You enter through the hatch on the airlock, and then use the Kerbal crew manifest mod (available here) to move them between modules as a substitute for IVA movement.
  6. That's the K1 Truss section from Fusty's original Fustek station parts pack.
  7. Thanks! I played waaay too much Homeworld 2 in days gone past, and its ship design style has stuck with me. Also, download up for the Sojourn class spacecraft, and links to (hopefully) all the mods used in these ships.
  8. I was was playing around with some interplanetary designs and things got out of hand. Fast. It all started with this: With ~5500m/s dV I had intended to use this as a crew rotation vessel for some kind of Duna station. Then I decided to throw the station idea away and just build long range research ships instead. What I ended up with were a bunch of pretty, if useless, ships with interplanetary capability, here they are, in no particular order: Nomad class heavy research vessel: Available Here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/nomad-class-heavy-frigate/ Haven class medium research vessel: Wanderer class small research vessel: Sojourn class hydroponics research vessel: note: this ship has an absolutely miniscule amount of monopropellant, 300 to be more specific, use it for emergency turns only. Available Here:http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/soujourn-class-research-frigate/ mods used: B9 Aerospace, Fustek Station Parts, Sumgai's Fustek Expansion, KW Rocketry, RLA Stockalike, AIES Aerospace, Nucleonics ltd. sockalike, KSPX, Kerbal Crew Manifest, and zzz's great greenhouse part, which I acquired here I think that's all of them, i assume someone will catch any omissions pretty quickly They're all fairly mod heavy, only a few of them have fully capable launch rigs, those that do are litterbugs, dumping stack decouplers when separating from their launch cradles. I'm a bit OCD about left behind strut heads, so the launch rigs are monstrously overcomplicated, only attaching to the ship via stack decouplers. Most of them look something like this as they strain to get off the ground. I'll look into posting the .craft files as soon as they all have reliable lift rigs if anyone wants to test them out. Bonus Round Spacecraft These are one-offs that add a new mod, or are otherwise special. KSN Farsight Download This is a monstrously huge ship, weighing in at 1096 tons and 407 parts. Requires USAF Orion mod, By Nyrath. Available HERE NOTE: To prevent Rapid Unexpected Deconstruction Turn on unbreakable joints and no crash damage cheats for the initial physics load, then turn them off. edit 7/7/13: mod link updated
  9. I got it into my head to build something decidedly unstationlike and ended up with this: Planning on using it to rotate crew members on my Duna-bound station. Edit: An hour or so spent in the VAB, and the first test ship is already obsolete before making a single trip. This is the new verion, weighing in at just over twice the mass, and about triple the parts:
  10. As is the Kerbal way, I decided to jump past all reasonable launch vehicles and go strait for massive overkill. The center unit gets it all off the ground on 400MN charges, once in orbit I drained the remaining 400MN charges through all seven engines up to its last recorded speed of 87,000 m/s. just under 70k liquid fuel for the 6 FTM 240 proximity use engines, and about 4 thousand 3mn charges left... Now I need to start building an interstellar colony to stick on top... Also update to the new version. Interestingly, the heavier the next thing after the engines is, the more stable it is on the launch pad. I can't get this beast to sit on the ground without flying away unless I have at least one full large spherical tank and six 400MN magazines sitting on the center engine.
  11. Kerbal Engineer has been ignoring any SRB's placed on radial decouplers when calculating Delta-V in my game, haven't tested to see if it takes radial Liquid fueled rockets into account.
  12. Are we allowed to do micro-part in space refueling? Not that lining those up for docking would be anything but horribly time consuming. Edit: I guess, though, If I can get full tanks up there anyway I might as well put a micro-engine on them.
  13. I have to say, putting your communications and solar arrays on an arm of an artificial gravity system would put a lot of work on the rotation motors for the panels, not to mention constantly realigning the comms dishes as they spun around the ship. That having been said, not a bad start. I'll see what I can come up with in the way of station modules after work.
  14. Started the day by trying out a platform for my second generation Duna utility vehicle, ended up building a 81 ton kerbal habitat that can do its own semi-powered landings. The new rover on its landing platform, parachutes were on I-beams in the corners, ejected after touchdown. It's a Rocket-house, I dunno what else to say really. need to build a transfer stage for it though, and a launch rig. I think it's pretty obvious at this point, but I think these are great structure pieces.
  15. Very nice! I've put them to use as Duna landing platforms for structures. The five nodes on either side make it pretty easy to build habitats and the like, Also, for rover landing platforms. Duna 5 Action News and Weather station This weather monitoring station was originally the third stucture for this little colony site, but the primary habitat came down hard some 30km away on the crater slope, sadly all six brave colonists on board were lost in the crash. The platform for the rover landed about 150m away. Rover landing platform There was a bit of a mishap in the landing sequence on this one, the parachutes were not mounted quite high enough, and caused the platform to flip over when they fully deployed, managed to land it on one edge and use the legs to correct the flub after the chutes cut.
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