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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. Dragon got banned? Aw excrements... Ever considered unbanning him @Red Iron Crown ? He brought us so much cool stuff...
  2. Why not, it's good to know these things at times, even when it's just about an internet community. It does make more sense than seeing a single post in 3 weeks getting a warning.^^
  3. Stock aerodynamics can be pretty brutal when it comes to rocket flipping. I'm assuming it's because of the high lift you even get at low speeds. Good for easy planes, but somewhat tricky when using rockets.
  4. Eh, it's not like he's asking repeatedly or the question is being spammed over here. Baha just said he wanted to wait how wheels play out, which was three weeks and two patches ago.
  5. LV909, terrier, i think the two stronger 0.625 engines, probably the radial engines too. Maybe the skipper, not sure about the others. Their gimbals are confused. AFAIR they only yaw, but do a pitch action when you try to roll (with a single centered engine), maybe it was the other way round. Some work, e.g. the bollards gimbal thrusters. A whole bunch of engines. I could check the engines and post them back, but idk if it's even worth to do so much work on the configs (especially when you gotta remove 2/3rd of the engines anyway!), instead of just waiting for 1.1.
  6. Nice, that's gonna be very helpful for people who don't want to search through giant cfgs.
  7. No notable crashes here. Only sometimes when removing parts in VAB, but that's most likely a mods fault. One of the ~40+ i'm using.
  8. So you want to make them only 100 times as strong as real life reaction wheels while ignoring basic, physical rules? That totally sounds balanced and not stupidly op.
  9. Maybe it's broken? I think you can kill the landing gear by putting them under too much stress, just like the rover wheels.
  10. Just scare them away, bugs are dumb. At least as long as its not a brain bug. In that case, run!
  11. Thank you, gotta farm that karma. :3 Most mods won't work in 1.1.2 until the Module Manager gets fixed.
  12. B9 part switcher might not actually be the issue. Apparently there is a change that breaks Module Manager, so who knows whats going wrong there. Well, just gotta wait. ~
  13. Looking at the Guthub, a patch for 1.1.2 is already in the works. Just gotta wait. https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch
  14. Can someone confirm issues with b9 part switcher during loading? My game freezes, log says:
  15. Yeah, that was the thing that totally stood out to me. Gonna help, especially with FAR, where you got like 80m/s landing speeds at times!
  16. Hm, didn't thoroughly test it or anything, but seems to work for me.
  17. You can actually switch KER to partless in it's settings menu (e.g. in VAB) so you should be able to use KER without ever using a part.
  18. Interesting, the screens, at least for B9, seemed to work with 111 tho. Well, I guess it's just an incompatability issue or something. Can't be an old file or anything, i've only used RSP after downloading B9 today (reminded me of how cool those displays are :3 ), and the vanilla install I tried was completely clean. Gonna check back when the update is there. I'll just wait until then, take your time. We might have to play a while without IVA displays, but RL goes first.
  19. Those check can become a bit annoying, tho. Gotta klick away like 10 error messages every start atm.
  20. Nope, went as expected. Vanilla with just RPM, still got the MK2 pod IVA for the new inline pod. Checked the configs, but I can't read much out of them It's 1.1.1 tho. Maybe that changed something, although there isn't anything in particular about the MK2 inline pod in the changelog.
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