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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. Yep, it works in .21 for me. I haven't tried a fast lap yet, the white loop should be similar to the .20 course, the red loop is a bit harder - I got some gates into quite inaccessible areas . You can go first and set the benchmark.
  2. The instruments are from Bucky-s-Instruments-v0-0-4-RAD-ALT-and-VSI-update?highlight=bucky+altimeter, I've got a new course up, it needs some to confirm it works , the red loop is quite hard - I have made it around a couple of times though, let me know what you think or post a time
  3. It's quite an easy course to fly slowly but that's not a bad thing, I've got a few advanced gates in the archways that may test you a bit . I just had a particularly unlucky run though, the Start and Finish pair of gates both glitched and flew off as I started the lap. I've noticed when you fly really close to a gate they jump (seem to move up and down a small amount and either just handle it or fly off). I've had a similar problem with the arches but it doesn't seem as often - I've not had it happen in .21 yet but I've only flown around twice. Mine aren't fixed to the ground though, just driven into place and dumped on the ground. Sorry but I don't have any idea how to stop it happening.
  4. Every time I've tried to edit a ship in the .sfs I've wrecked it , I've got HyperEdit exploding things when I try and land them at the moment as well and Editor Tools wont make the new SPH larger. I think it'll be a better challenge with courses from different people though - I hope you get one together.
  5. Yeah, I just loaded up .21 and had a look - I'll be making a new course with the archways and hopefully we're getting the_bT's pylons as well.
  6. It looks good, how easy are they to move? If you want to create another course the_bT I can add it to the OP in a new category or build it in the existing scenario and I'll update it so there's two to try, you may do a better job than I would.
  7. If you're going for points it'll be the final weight at the last gate, racing for time though you just need to do a complete lap - anything before or after is fine.
  8. They'd need to stand up on uneven ground, I'm not sure what can be done with launch clamps, I've seen a part with the center of mass outside and below the model (the Bobcat bike), if that's possible you wouldn't need wider legs at the bottom and there's a small chance if you clip it lightly it'll just stand back up. There's other options as well, for instance the real red bull gates don't kill your plane if you hit them, we could just have a collider at the bottom.
  9. Hyperedit landed them within about 2Km of the final positions, they had decouplers and wheels on the bottom and I drove them around the mountain (with an amount of failure ), I wanted the lowest final part count I could get. I'm not really skilled enough to make parts and certainly shouldn't let me near plugin code. I'm not sure why they glitch, it only happens sometimes and for me not the same gates - maybe I should've increased the mass once I'd moved them, I made them almost weightless for their size.If you have ideas for parts that could be rescaled to make better gates I'd like to know. I could make another course in some more challenging terrain, there would be a bit of a trek to reach the course from KSC though.
  10. I was struggling with flying fast and getting screenies as well. That's a fast lap, I'll need to add another engine to my bi-plane to have a chance of getting close to it - I'll update the op.
  11. If you could turn down the throttle lag vs. the stock jets it would be nice, that looks great though - can't wait to try it.
  12. I'd be prepared to allow refuelling stops for a mainsail powered aircraft
  13. I've got an entry ready. The rear facing gunner (Jeb) has a swivelling canon that can scare any threats out of the sky with small puffs of RCS compressed air, there's four control-surface stabilized missiles which aren't air or ground specific - just anything that's big enough and close enough, and four control-surface stabilized bombs on the bottom. I could have, Take-off Speed: 20 Maneuverability: 20 Engine Type: 30 Weapons: 180? Bonus Points: 75 It'll carry a lot more weapons but doesn't look like it should so I didn't stick them on
  14. I'd probably get Hyperedit, remove the ascent package and put it in LKO - you should be able to fly the mission yourself from there.
  15. FireSpitter has a module to lock control surfaces and also adjust their range, I have fitted it to the stock ones in the past (.cfg edit), I'm guessing it's still possible in the latest version.
  16. Well, they're low powered but also very low mass and have thrust reversing which allows for extremely small rovers with the necessary 12:1 TWR for tier 1 acceleration. I've got a 0.76T 18 part two man lawn mower that could make it into tier 1 Austerity and Funky modes, I've also reached 15,100m height and cleared the launchpad plus 4 or 5 times further with a reverse thrust landing and 5% damage with both kerbs surviving - I could maybe argue some extra points for the excess on the Insane mode challenges.
  17. TT's MultiWheels has a Damned Robotics free spinning rotatatron, you'll need the Infernal Robotics version to get it going in 0.20.1.
  18. Once you get one into the seat he controls the craft, it always launches with the seat empty. I either add a probe to the craft or have a Kerb stood by the runway/launchpad ready to board but you have to add a kerb to the seat after launch.
  19. Are FS propeller engines acceptable? There's also some aviation fuel/RCS/Electric engines that specifically power the TT multi-wheels. Both of them seem to have been reasonably balanced to the stock parts.
  20. I have one that can go in a couple of classes. It's 25 parts, weighs 5.33T, accelerates 0-200m/s in under 6 seconds and decelerates 200-0m/s in 9 seconds, Top speed is 264m/s. It uses Sceppies mini-pack, TT Wheels/MK4 jet engine and FS Air-brakes. It looks like: Skunk Mode - Tier 2 - (500 + (55*10) + (94*2)) = 1238 Austerity Mode - Tier 1 - (1000 + (25*40) + (94*6)) = 2846 Funky Mode - Tier 1 - (1000 + (55*20) + (64*4)) = 2356 Insane Mode - The minimalist, The Fly By (2500 + 2500) = 5000 The total is 11440, Insane mode seems to have a couple of easy large point'ers. I have a vid of the flyby if you want to see it - the short way over not the long way.
  21. I think it would've been quite fast, my best was only around 210m/s which was my biplanes top speed. Nice lap. I'm surprised the gate held up to that, they weigh virtually nothing and broke more than you can believe when I was attempting to place them.
  22. 32 propeller engined twin axle quad death wheel. Went down to about 15FPS, I can't do much more. It got to about 70m/s on the flat before disaster, two of the lander can hubs disintegrated in the water but the one with Jeb in survived
  23. The lander cans could be in the spoke hubs but I stopped development after a test run thinking it wasn't really a wheel of death any more. I think it'll go fast if I strut the engines on, they're too weak at the moment.
  24. When does it stop being a wheel of death? I stuck four wheels of death onto a chassis with TT/DR free bearings and four wheel drive may be a winner - it's just more of a "car of not really death".
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