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    Choo choo mech

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  1. as the title states above what mod does this cockpit come from?
  2. Its flipping............. WHAT WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS FLIPPING!!!!! You can't just flip 200 Tons of steel!!! the landing gear just did............................... ................ .......... ........ *@^&!!!!!!!! .............. Someone get the kraken exterminator to get this fixed ASAP!!!!! were loosing valuable time and money.......
  3. Something Big is coming............................
  4. HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM since this is navel battles i think its fair enough to do this >:D
  5. I have seen some entries with 1.5 it counts as mk1 and mk2 parts passenger count wise
  6. Holy heck i have not been here a while but does this still work with the recent update to KSP or no?
  7. Ok, then a post later on tonight with my planes but for now here's a preview of few test i was conducting last night
  8. I have a question can we enter 1 plane for 2 categories XD supersonic and small regional.
  9. Try a fuel tanker that exceeds 208 mph on the water XD and has and OBSENE amount of fuel that can power 1000 v8s for 5 years
  10. My sub and refuler for the sub and i bought PLENTY OF FUEL
  11. DISREGARD MY PREVIOUS SUBMISSIONS AS MY HHD WAS WIPED im going to be building another Sub for this
  12. apologies, I forgot to tweak my question to where you can see the logs. I have the dump as well as the text it a spoiler but, I had the screenshot take up most of the space to where it would confuse some people. i moved the screenshot into it own spoiler and the logs should be visible (the dump download is at the very bottom of the log spoiler.)
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