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Posts posted by hoodedarche0

  1. Underwater walking? Does this mean it's possible to construct craft you can EVA within without being full of water?

    Not technically, the code has already been created that allows us to have the kerbals walk on the sea floor and not shoot up to the surface, the sub will still fill with water, but the kerbals will be able to walk around still.

  2. Hey ID if I make some boat models do you think you can use them in your boat pack? Im an expert modeler in AutoCAD and 3DSmax :D

    Although I have never modeled boats it should be fun

    Currently we aren't looking at expanding but any hirings would have to be through messaging InfiniteDice directly. We have actually just downsized so its all up to him.

    P.S. TO ALL FANS FOR OUR ADDON: I will be posting some screenshots from InfiniteDice and my most recent Skype chat. So keep you eyes open for that!

  3. Have you download and install correctly the plugins (check Instruction file in the archive for links).

    What is your error? Can you post a screenshot?


    The primary problem that I can see with the MEM is that it is currently missing the model.mu files that are supposed to be there so there is no shape for the Lander itself. The command module works perfectly fine just the Landers pod is missing the models.

  4. Wonderful! Glad to see it getting back into the water at least!

    Just one question, will some of the weapons systems be released in the .21 update for this mod or as a different pack? If I remember correctly I saw somewhere they might be released seperatly.

    They will be released separately.

  5. Hello Infinite, I absolutely love your mod and have a lot of fun with it.

    But I have a small request for separate air brakes or a way to implement your system to fs air brake or b9 air brake.

    There are airbrakes actually built into one of our plane parts that is already released. Please look again.

  6. You should talk with Pirate... he's making canister based anti aircraft missiles like SEA RAM and Patriot... so his mod could complement your mod. :) XD.

    Andrew he has no intent to work on ideas that other people want him to. He has said before that he is only working on projects that he wants and then decides to graciously release to users like yourself. Please respect that. ALSO on another note please do not double post. Edit your posts if you want to add more questions.

  7. I have a release time frame for everyone.

    Just skyped with Infinite very briefly, there was a problem with the code as usually there is when he went to go and fix the one error another 2 came up.

    THIS IS MINOR AND WILL NOT PUSH BACK THE RELEASE IT WILL STILL HAPPEN TODAY!!! InfiniteDice is taking a dinner break as it is that time for us up here in Canada right now. When he gets back he and I will be going through the code (his job) and test running the carrier parts to make sure it all works (my job) we should be done this process at around 8pm Canada Central Time (approx. 2 1/2 hours) once we are satisfied we will release it then at that time. We thank you for your loyalty and love for our addons. We appreciate and understand that people are literally updating this forum page every few seconds to see if the release is out yet.


    During this time we also want to announce that to make up for this delay we will attempt to finish up the work on the Naval Aircraft parts and Weapons pack that we have been working on that alot of you are anticipating the release of, within ONE OR TWO WEEKS MIN. It might be more it might not be. (Remember with creating completely new things in KSP there are no reference pages we can go to for troubleshooting.)

    In closing all of us here on the InfiniteDice Boat Parts and Naval Equipment company would like to thank you for your continued patronage during this time of no Boat Parts. We hope to continue to supply all of you with the parts you need to build your own Kerbal Navy's now and in the future.

    P.S. Here is the quote from our conversation with his name changed to protect him from harassing Skype calls in the future.

    "[2013-06-15 5:32:05 PM] InfiniteDice: Can't talk... yeah there were issues... not serious enough to postpone... you can tell everyone it should be available by around 8pm est. give or take

    [2013-06-15 5:32:09 PM] InfiniteDice: need to run

    P.S.S. No promises on the Naval Aircraft and Weapons Pack release date as we may run into problems again.

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