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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. I do love this mod... One query Shadowmage... didn't the Landercore tanks used to have built in landing gear in 1.0.5 or am I imagining it. I can't seem to find out how to get the landing gear to appear even though the cutouts are there in the tank.
  2. I don't like shattering fairings. I tend to use procedural fairings that break away or the petal fairings from SSTU (like below).
  3. Hmmm... this got fixed ages ago. I haven't had a problem with shielded docking ports since back in 2013... Are you using an Apollo mod, and if so which one?
  4. Yeah, I use the SpaceY and NFT parts too. I particularly like the SpaceY heavy duty launch clamps too. The NFT parts are always in my large builds... There is one really bad thing I have found about the new 64 bit build of KSP... it lets you run a ridiculous amount of mods now and still runs crazily fast. So my main messing about build has way too many parts available. That's why SSTU has become a saviour... it reduces my part count significantly even though I am running mods from 60 different modders. Oh and here is one that I use so much I can't play the game without it heh. It's called Smart Parts and it just got updated to run with 1.1.3. I like making automated rockets you see.
  5. Got to admit the reason I was looking for this was me re-reading "Live Free or Die" by John Ringo where mankind gets aliens hooked on maple syrup and uses the profits to fortify the solar system... and one of the things they do is build a gas mine heh... over in Wolf 359. Sounds bonkers but it's another good Ringo book for those who are into military SciFi. But as this is real SCIENCE fiction it throws in a bunch of real science too... but then it gets the "I wonder if I can do that in Kerbal Space Program" juices flowing heh... and then 48 hours pass and you wonder why you are hungry and thirsty and still you need to get that rocket build just right... grrr. That's the one big problem with long distance commutes... having to haul your fuel and food all the way there and back... with no motorway service station in sight.
  6. I'm loving playing with SSTU because it is so darn flexible. It's definitely a work in progress but even now I'm really having fun with it. Add Procedural Parts and Tweakscale and you can pretty much build anything. What's your favourite mods that are compatible with 1.1.3?
  7. There are Bussard mods out there... here for instance -> http://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/225798-bussard-fuel-scoop-system What I'm talking about are something different. Flying low through the atmo to harvest gas. Does anyone remember this image from way back regarding resource mining?
  8. I remember seeing suggestions of adding fuel scoops some years back but never have come across anything. I'm talking of scooping fuel from Jool for use in nuclear fuelled rockets. Setting up a mining and storage facility at Jool would be a very good idea I would have thought? So did they? I've searched but not found anything unfortunately?
  9. I had forgotten about the "Control From Here" being accessible from action groups too. Was a major necessity for doing everything via action groups like mission control or smart parts.
  10. FOUND IT.... WOOOOHOOOO. It's a mod that I used to use called "Tweakable Everything." Here are the things it can do... See the bold text?... it lets you turn off the sun tracking. I just KNEW I had seen that option somewhere before but I've gone through sooooo many mods over the years I just forgot.
  11. Yeah I want them extendible or they wouldn't work... and I'm pretty sure back in the day there was an option to make them follow the sun or not. Will have to dig out my old installs of 0.15 or so. Soooo back in the day.
  12. Hi peeps. I seem to remember there used to be an option to fix solar panels into one plane like the solar panels on JUNO... But look as I have, I cannot find any solar panel that doesn't follow the sun and the option to make them fixed no longer is there. Am I going nuts?... Do I have a bad memory (yeah)?... Does anyone have a clue where I can have resizeable FIXED MOVEMENT solar panels? Help me Kerbiwan Kernobi. You're my only hope.
  13. I edited the .version file to make it 1.1.3 but it still yells at me.
  14. Works fine except for the annoying message that says it doesn't work with 1.1.3 heh. Don't you just hate schizophrenic mods that can't make their mind up if they work or don't.
  15. Oh for heaven's sake... This isn't rocket science you know... Oh... errr.... wait a minute... This IS rocket science... kindasorta! ... or computer science linked to rocket science at least. We all need a little help at times... It was already going wrong... your dll made it right... KUDOS and thank you from the bottom of my little green buddy's hearts.
  16. Hmmm... you may be right... maybe it's that NASA tends to drive like a granny heh.
  17. Hang two 2ltr pop bottles on strings. Fill the one with water and leave the other one empty. Now put another bottle on a string and half fill it with water. Swing it at the full bottle... then swing it from the same place at the empty one. The Empty one will ping off while the full bottle with just move a little. THAT is not what I see in KSP is what I am saying. Granted that if that happened in space there would be damage like the MIR/Progress collision but in that case the Progress went flying off while MIR just started to roll (which screwed up the solar panels alignment). Perhaps my synaesthesia is acting up again... it does occasionally.... or more likely I have a phantom force problem. Hate it when that happens.
  18. No, what I'm saying is if you bump a huge craft it seems to move as much as if you bump a large craft it seems to move the same as if it was a small craft. The large craft should move but a lot less than the small craft due to the higher inertia of the larger craft.
  19. Yup... have you never just bumped a craft and caused it to spin like crazy. Or even just bumped a large craft with a small one and the big one doesn't even resist. It's like it's totally empty. Granted SOME effect would show (like the problem with the exercise cycles in orbit caused the station to move so they had to work out a way to counter it) but the sheer effect of large craft in KSP just don't show the inertia stopping them moving when you gently bump them with a smaller craft. It's like if you run into a car with a push bike. In KSP the car would behave like it's also a push bike.
  20. One thing that always bugs me about KSP is the lack of inertia. Multi-ton craft behave like they have the inertia of a wet egg carton. No, strike that. They have the inertia of a DRY egg carton. It's what ruins the feeling of immersion for me. I've tried to work around it by reducing the strength of the reaction wheels and reduced the thrust of the RCS but when you bump anything it still bounces all over the place. Sooooo... is there any mod out there that can increase inertia in relation to weight mass of your craft? Edit: Ooops, my mistake... I meant to say mass instead of weight.
  21. Sweet. My problem is I can't find the texture you used for the Soyuz and Progress...
  22. I had that problem when I wanted a Soyuz build... so I installed 1.0.5 and SSTU for 1.0.5 and worked out what parts I needed for the new build in 1.1.2... Once I figured it out I was golden. Gets to be fun to work it out too. SSTU is so darn compressed in the tanks sizes that it even beats out Procedural Parts in that it can reduce the number of parts in your craft. I do wish we could have a more detailed texture on the Soyuz/Progress though. Would be awesome if we could make our own textures for the craft.
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