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Everything posted by viktorserecros

  1. Eight currently stranded kerbals. 2 on Eve-Odds of rescue are very slim. They landed low and I'm not spending next 3 real life years walking them to a mountain. 2 on Mun-Failed Minimus return. I was headed back from my first Minimus flight and realized a distinct lack of parachutes and fuel. 1 in Kerbal orbit-no eva fuel remaining. 3 on Duna-ran out of fuel and crash landed. Considering it was a Mun rocket, I'm actually not all that upset.
  2. I've got so many stranded kerbals, it is now a running joke. I've got one in orbit around Kerbin, two on Eve, three on Duna, and four on Mun. My goal is to have made by December a KSP parody of 12 days of Christmas.
  3. C.O.F.F.I.N F.I.L.L.E.R. I haven't decided what it should stand for. I've been having one of those bad design weeks, and well...
  4. I've been using mechjeb as a sort of tutorial video that uses MY craft, not somebody else's. I went through a phase when gravity turns resulted in explosions. Mechjeb pointed out that I just couldn't get my rocket designs right. I just landed on Duna using mechjeb just to monitor dv usage. I know there are other mods that provide the same info, but I like the capability of quick-saving and switching to "tutorial" mode.
  5. Uploaded with ImageShack.us I've noticed a pattern with my first encounters with a new celestial body. 1) get kerbal trapped 2) begin planning rescue mission 3) get kerbal trapped on another body. p.s. I'm well aware my lander is missing crucial parts. Read #1 above. I love this thread. A sticky would be well appreciated.
  6. Welcome aboard. You'll find that most of us still have issues with getting into orbit from time to time. You will get it. Just don't give up on us.
  7. Mun from when getting into Mun's orbit was an achievement. I've got two on Eve that I'm not expecting to return anytime soon. I don't want to abuse a glitch to get them back. I'd like to develop my space program a bit more and do it the right way.
  8. I'll admit it, I've used mechjeb. I'll turn it on and watch what it does and then try to repeat it. My powered landings still stink, but my orbital operations have greatly improved. It's good you are taking this step-wise. Makes each achievement seem grand.
  9. I purchased an Asus G55 from amazon last fall. For about half your budget: i7 core(2.3GHz) 8GB ram 500GB hard drive Nvidia GTX 660M As far as performance, it runs fast and rather silent. I'll be buying another Asus when this one dies one day. My experience with Alienware is that they have great looking cases, but overcharge for specs. I have no experience with Falcon or Msi.
  10. Perhaps it's due to the idea that nobody really wants this. Just random stupid/troll/impossible ideas. They may very well like the idea of such a forum posting to weed out a few trolls out of the real suggestion board.
  11. 'Tis an awesome idea, my dear lad. I would greatly appreciate the capability to purchase outfits for my brave astronauts. Squad could charge $.99 for each item in a special online mall. A grand name would be Exchange for Astronauts. Comes with a clever bacronym too. /sarcasm and that awful accent I read that in.
  12. That's the exact opposite of what I do. I now have two kerbals stuck on Mun and another two on Eve. It's not intentional, I just manage to mess up like that.
  13. I start off with great plans that end in either: A) Where is that engine going!? With a Restart launch. So much for accuracy. Hey, look what I'm lined up to do today. Cool.
  14. My first was Eve, achieved yesterday by shear luck. I was testing out a new launcher that i thought one day might take me outside Kerbin's orbit. I was using the Mun as a target and staging practice and, well, missed. I quickly realized I had a delightful window approaching. It was the first launch for the launcher that actually made it TO orbit.
  15. Varies between: bottle rocket ground hog Mun Impaling Space Spear FCSBL (Forgot to Check Staging Before Launch) Launcher (for the occasional success)
  16. Jeb gets the uneasy feeling he's in the kerbal version of Pitch Black.
  17. I have this problem with my new design too. I've worked around it by throttling down completely, turning on each engine individually through right-clicking, and then raising throttle.
  18. I started off with a weird love affair with SRBs. I'm actually doing much better without. My designs with SRBs had issues getting to Mun safely. As I type this, I'm setting up a Mun base without usage of a single SRB.
  19. I wonder what it would take to recreate Apollo 13 like this. Maybe rebuild a keyboard with no keys?
  20. Guess which one is excited to get off Mun after 187 days and which one just arrived. (Hint: Lander is out of fuel).
  21. Dunner Kerbal His flight after dinner Was no winner And now late at night, You can see ol' Dunner Wishing he could have his Dinner O.I.P Dunner Kerbal (orbit in peace)
  22. I seem to have joined during the great crash. I found this wonderful gem and have found myself rather addicted. Accomplishments thus far: Successful manned orbit with safe parachute return of Kerbal and craft. Successful Kerbal satellite (Don't worry, Dunner's craft return safely without him and he has a great view) Crash land on Mun (I'll save you someday, Jebediah) Satellite into orbit. I think my average astronaut life expectancy can be measured in milliseconds.
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