I recently launched a shuttle. It made it into orbit just fine, but when I attempted to reenter, the shuttle went into an uncontrollable roll. If I attempt to roll left to counteract a right roll, the shuttle rolls faster to the right. Rolling right in this situation stops the roll for about a second before it starts again. I was flying with my whiskey mark about 5-10 degrees above my vector. As I crossed 50Km, the thing started to drop until it was 5-10 degrees below my vector and started rolling. C:\Users\rpayne88\Downloads\ksp-win-0-19-1\KSP_win\Screenshots\screenshot36a.png Its a bit hard to see, but I have the avionics suite sitting on a strut connector, not the nosecone adapter. Also, I have vanguard eject mod on the left side. Finally, there is a short range remote tech dish on the top and bottom. The mod I used were B9, remote tech, and timberdyne shuttle pack. Obviously, I had the solar wings retracted.