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Everything posted by rpayne88

  1. I personally use KW rocketry fairings. Using these, I can see a potential problem. KW has two different types of fairings: regular and expanded. Regular fairings do not increase the diameter of a rocket. To use these, you need to place a fairing base. These act as decouplers, so there is no need to add another one. The other type is called expanded fairings. These slightly increase the diameter of the fairings, allowing you more space to use. In order to use these, you must first place an expanded fairing base between your payload and your LV. These also act as decouplers. As far as the space issue is concerned, try using the expanded fairings or increase the base size. For example, increase from a 1.25m base to a 2.5m base. If all else fails, you can always design your own fairings using fairing factory.
  2. I didn't get any during reentry, but here are two while its in orbit <a href="http://imgur.com/VTTWTfP"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/VTTWTfP.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/eiFACq2"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/eiFACq2.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a>
  3. I clicked on insert image and typed in the file location, so how would I do that?
  4. I recently launched a shuttle. It made it into orbit just fine, but when I attempted to reenter, the shuttle went into an uncontrollable roll. If I attempt to roll left to counteract a right roll, the shuttle rolls faster to the right. Rolling right in this situation stops the roll for about a second before it starts again. I was flying with my whiskey mark about 5-10 degrees above my vector. As I crossed 50Km, the thing started to drop until it was 5-10 degrees below my vector and started rolling. C:\Users\rpayne88\Downloads\ksp-win-0-19-1\KSP_win\Screenshots\screenshot36a.png Its a bit hard to see, but I have the avionics suite sitting on a strut connector, not the nosecone adapter. Also, I have vanguard eject mod on the left side. Finally, there is a short range remote tech dish on the top and bottom. The mod I used were B9, remote tech, and timberdyne shuttle pack. Obviously, I had the solar wings retracted.
  5. Can some one help me. I've downloaded Damned Robotics, installed the parts in the part folder, plugins in the plugin folder, ect, but I don't see the parts in the VAB or SPH. I've looked everywhere at least five times.
  6. Can someone explain the basics of using FAR to me? For example, how can I determine if a plane is stable/ producing enough life to takeoff?
  7. I tried using the docking strut between two docked ships I'm building a space station out of. The spinning can be corrected using ASAS, but once I connected two of them, everything else spontaneously combusted.
  8. An even simpler way to look at it is to think of it as the fuel gauge in a car. 0Dv= no maneuvers. There are mods such as mech jeb and kerbal engineer that will compute your Dv for you. Dv takes into account all velocity changes. For example, to go from 0m/s to 100m/s takes 100dv, but to go from 0 to 100 back to 0m/s takes 200dv. If you want to calculate it manually, you can use Tsiolkovsky's (you'll probably butcher the pronunciation) rocket equation. The equation is as follows: Dv=Ve*Ln(M0\M1) Dv= delta v Ve= effective exhaust velocity (see below) Ln= natural logarithm M0= initial total mass including propellent (in KSP, just its mass) M1= empty or dry mass Make sure you use this equation for each stage. As you jet stages, the mass decreases. Note" Dv does not take into effect thrust to weight ratio (TWR> 1 needed to left off the pad for rockets) or aerodynamic drag Effective Exhaust Velocity Ve=Isp*Gn Ve= effective exhaust velocity Isp= initial specific impulse (the same Isp you see in the part descriptions) Gn= Standard Gravity (on Earth as well as Kerbin, this is 9.8m/s^2 or 32ft/s^2) This does not effect your Dv when you are flying level with the ground Natural Logarithm: This is a mathematical constant so named because of its appearance in formulas used to predict the natural world. I can't fully explain it to you, but if you have a graphing calculator, you can hit the ln button. If you like math, use the equations above. If you're like me, either use a mod or trial and error. Sorry if this is redundant, I don't know your education level or how long you've been playing KSP and I do not wish to know.
  9. Did any one else notice there is a burnt up vintage Mk. 1 pod, vintage LVT-30, and LV45 in the first hanger from the control tower at the island airport? I guess that's some kind of cover-up. Sorry if this has been posted before.
  10. KSP makes Asparagus staging incredibly efficient. Why is this not used in the real world. Is there some aerodynamic issue or something?
  11. I have a life support mod installed and would like to know how long it takes to get to Duna and back assuming optimal alignment.
  12. What are the dimensions of the wing connector in KSP. By dimensions, I mean real world dimensions. I'm trying to make a swing wing mod, but am getting stuck with the modeling.
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