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Everything posted by Deadpangod3

  1. It deleted everything but the command pod on a design once, of course the ship was taking up most of the VAB and probably coulda made it to another solar system, so everything in ksp probably hated it... And it just had to be destroyed XD
  2. Could you make the circle more perfect and the ship more realistic, and maybe the insane rockets division thing a bit bigger?
  3. My rover just proofed at 1000 - 999 meters... Edit: wait, overheating? At 14 degrees!?!?!? T_T *ragequit*
  4. The iluminators don't use electricity at all for me, all they do is just not turn on when there's zero electricity
  5. Just wondering, since I'm sending a probe to get as close as possible to it (totally not messing around with a rover+sky crane using hyper edit (o.O) (O.o))
  6. I managed to do it completely stock without mechjeb a few weeks ago (the dang space station was moving soo fast...) Note to self: do NOT attempt to build a space station just above the atmosphere
  7. Using the giant docking ports I only get to .2 m/s before its obvious the car is just rolling down the runway cause of angle
  8. ima firing up ksp right now XD
  9. Deadpangod3


    its just a theory... edit: since the pic wont work: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=magnet+car&sa=X&rlz=1W1TSHB_enUS321US321&biw=1024&bih=400&tbm=isch&tbnid=zOl-CsDpXxMsGM:&imgrefurl=https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/can-you-make-a-car-out-of-magnets.6679/&docid=byVVhJ_um7k_9M&imgurl=https://forum.kag2d.com/attachments/tumblr_lbp158unxw1qehfnho1_500-jpg.6746/&w=492&h=428&ei=swnDUeG_NJHU8wS62oHoDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=50&page=1&tbnh=161&tbnw=235&start=0&ndsp=5&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:143&tx=118&ty=96 long link
  10. That... Looks... Awesome... And I don't need the ship to look like a ship out of the game, just like a rocket, but maybe that'd be a good idea, maybe I'll try and find a ship that looks awesome in orbit...
  11. What the... What did you do to tha- that's Jeb isn't it.. I was thinking like a ship with a ring going around the planet like to show the ship is orbiting, And could you make another the same but that says "Insane Rockets Division" under the planet?
  12. I like that one, but I think it needs to look a bit more ksp-ish, and could you make it show entirely the light side, and put a ship or space station next to it? Edit: And you drew that all by hand? O.O I cant even draw a stick figure right half the time...
  13. Jeb: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!! *fwoooooosshh* *halfway out of the solar system in 5 seconds* Universe: HELL NO!! *entire universe s'plodes and vanishs*
  14. Like .18.4 I think, $23, then right after the demo was updated XD
  15. Dont know if this belongs here but i didnt think it belong anywhere else and seeing as how the request threads died... Anyways Im thinking about starting a "spacecraft building company" or what it's called since I see tons of people with those in their sigs. But I want a flag for mine, So could I have a flag that has an emerald planet type thing with a green ship orbiting it, with the words "Emerald Industries" above it? And then another thats the same but with the words "Insane Rockets Devision" below it also? Thanks ahead. Edit: what the... Why is the title changed... Can a mod change it to "flag request" plz? Edit 2: nvm above edit fixed it
  16. Sorry for the thread revival but I think it's better then making another thread Anyways Im thinking about starting a "spacecraft building company" or what it's called since I see tons of people with those in their sigs. But I want a flag for mine, So could I have a flag that has an emerald planet type thing with a green ship orbiting it, with the words "Emerald Industries" above it? And then another thats the same but with the words "Insane Rockets Devision" below it also? Thx
  17. Hehe I know what I'm doing tonight
  18. Me wants in You guys know that mountain on eve that just sticks up out of nowhere? I think it should be called "mystery mountain" or something like that
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