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    Pyromaniac Booster Designer
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  1. Cant offer a solution but yea, migrated and downloaded once from private division a year ago but trying to bring in the new year with a fresh install (been just using the updater for too long :P) and yea, I keep getting sent to login to private division which support page gives a 502 and no shiny button anywhere for "login" Throwing in my comment to maybe keep thread alive for someone with the know to fill in.
  2. Because the issue only arose after downloading the mod, and after uninstalling, the issue was not present, after reinstalling, the issue still persists. KAS doesn't list KIS as a requirement. If the mod is supposed to work with stock inventory system, but doesn't, then the issue belongs in this thread. Issue remains regardless of that setting, and that only changes whether a kerbal's inventory changes back to default or is saved after recovery for the next flight, the issue I am having is that after loading in the vessel, I can right click the capsule and see the kerbal has the items in their inventory they should have, but when they go on EVA, the inventory is replaced with a parachute and EVA pack. I'm still testing things, I've had a few issues like one Kerbal having their name and inventory repeated endlessly in the cargo screen when a different kerbal was in the mk1, also they had just one slot, but again these issues only arose after installing the mod. EDIT: I've tried it with and without KAS and CommunityCategoryKit, and the issue is only when KAS file is installed. I've tried using KAS file from all 3 download sites just to double check, issue still remains. EDIT2: I managed to fix the issue by going into the save persistent.sfs and under "LoaderInfo", deleting everything and starting game again EDIT3: Issue reappeared after a few loads. Still Tracing the root cause. Somehow shuffling items in stock inventory then selecting kerbal on eva from crew hatch and not the portrait makes things work as expected, I managed to get the issue to appear without KAS and CommunityCategoryKit, so apologies. I just only had the issue after installing KAS, so now I am trying to find what caused the issue
  3. I have no option for KIS inventory, I can only access stock. so the kerbals in the editor have an inventory either with just a parachute or nothing at all (stock inventory). loading the craft, i check their inventories again (stock) and they are as they should be, but when a kerbal goes on EVA, their inventory seems to reload to default, and they have on a parachute and EVA pack. I'm going to double check my installation to make sure it isnt an issue with the install. (Cause hey, my messing something up wouldn't be a first) Edit: issue still persists after re-install Photos: https://imgur.com/a/7rzozAq
  4. Anyone else having any issues where you set a kerbal's inventory in editor, then on load, while it shows them having said inventory, upon EVA, the inventory changes to default (EVA pack and Parachute)?
  5. Yes, I was clicking the charge coils, noticing nothing was changing, then hitting "Check Status" several times I am willing to bet that it might be that if one ship is "activated" it causes issues when both ships enter loading range of each-other, are the statuses a global value or somehow behaving like one? I also noticed that when my stranded ship lost a nacelle, I couldn't even get the remaining one to charge. I don't know if that information Helps Edit: It wouldn't help if somehow one could discharge the coils then re-charge them right? (also side note, noticed that in the UI it says "Chgarged")
  6. So after rescuing a stranded warp test pilot, i found the rescue ship could no longer enter warp for some reason. It would not enter "ready" status, despite the warp core being on, and the coils being charged. Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong? Or did I just find an edge-case bug? Attached image:
  7. So maybe I'm (I most certainly am) doing something wrong here, I seem to explode leaving warp, is this just because my Kraken deflector shields are not activating? (RIP 3 Kerbals so far....) 7..... Update: I had Part G-Limit enabled, so that was the issue
  8. So I'm in the boat of, while I really would like to be able to download the update, I do not really care about not being able to at the moment, I can wait. My only issue is that there has been no official announcements on the Twitter, or Forums other than a reply made earlier, and the answers have been vague and there has been no updates given. I would have assumed with the track record of the KSP team in the past, they would have been much more open about things. All in all, I do not care about not being able to download or log in, I just care about the lack of communication with the community.
  9. tried it, no longer explodes entire craft, just seems to streamline the craft by ripping the front half of the wings off, craft is still flyable so consider the issue resolved
  10. 1.12 or 1.13, ill have to check next time im at my computer, fairly certain 1.13 as i downloaded all my mods only a few days ago
  11. So I had a ground radar/missile emplacement on an island. I was flying a fighter towards the island, and upon the target loading, suddenly my game switches vessels to the target, then switches back to the plane and the plane explodes. Anyone else know what could be the issue? I had the plane flying with atmosphere autopilot and usually when switching vessels it sill keeps the planes stable and on track.
  12. I've been wanting to make just some slight tweaks to the stock suits to fit my playthrough (Colored Stripes, Flags ect.) but i can't find the stock textures anywhere, does anyone have the textures or know where in the files or how i can get them?
  13. Thanks, i took it on my phone cause i sent it to my brother, though admittedly, i do forget a lot of the quality of life shortcuts, max throttle, kill throttle, gui hide, ect, even though ive had the game since 2012 XD Many a kerbal has died needlessly due to this fact.
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