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Everything posted by PunkRockZoologist

  1. Your childhood?! God damn I'm old What an awesome game to grow up with though, good for you. I'm glad KSP is reaching so many people from different age groups. I had Banjo Kazooie and Ocarina of Time growing up. Still awesome games, but didn't teach me anything about orbital mechanics. I guess Majora's Mask taught me how to stop the Moon from falling to Earth.
  2. I'm having this problem too. My ship is quite long, but it is still inside the bubble as it is represented in the VAB. I am using stock, USI LS, MKS and Near Future Technologies parts.
  3. Maybe this isn't the right place to ask, but what is a good mod that uses CRP with good atmospheric harvesting parts? Are there any in the Near Future mod packs?
  4. This mod looks really fantastic. I've been looking for something like this for a while. Love the idea of EPL, but yeah, like a lot of people, I'm not a fan of the models, so this one being pretty stock-alike is right up my alley. Looks like I can pair this with USI Life Support and the Planetary Base System and start colonising the Kerbolar System. Really excited to see how it progresses. Keep up the good work.
  5. Wow thanks! That one looks excellent. Will still definitely consider MKS too. I really love the Nom-o-matic Greenhouse modules.
  6. Hey, I'm really interested in installing this mod, but I'd just like to know, does it still play well with EPL? I know that the officially supported mod for this one is GC, but I just prefer the mechanics of EPL. Really dislike the parts though, so if this mod offers alternate parts for EPL, I'm 100% on board.
  7. Cool. Thanks for the replies. Sounds like Karbonite is a good idea. I'd like something simple that builds on what's already in the game. Cheers.
  8. So, forgive the slightly off-topic reply, but what parts use "ModuleResourceHarvester type = 2"? I know nothing in the stock game can harvest resources from atmosphere, but I guess this means the code is there in the stock game. Are there any simple mods that use this to, say, allow you to harvest gas from Jool to convert into liquid fuel?
  9. Hi.So, I just installed this mod, and so far it's running great. It's added a whole lot of things to the game that I really love, great job. I just have one question about how the atmospheric engines overheat now. I've put a pre-cooler behind the ram intake on my space plane, but it's still overheating at around 1500m/s. I assume this is due to the fact that I have a bunch of radial engines. I really hope there's a way to fix this without destroying the design of my plane, as I've managed to get it looking a lot like some real life spaceplane designs. If there's not a way to fix this overheating with the design, is there a way to fiddle with the code to make it work. Sorry, I know this helps make the game more realistic, and adds another level of challenge, which I'm normally all bout, but this feature is basically breaking the way I play spaceplanes, and making the awesome new intakes useless to me, so I'd rather do without it. Other than that, fantastic mod, and I love it.
  10. How about, first one to get to the bottom of (or at least as deep into as possible) the Mo-hole (hole at Moho's north pole), with just a Kerbal. Explore the hole with just a Kerbal that is, you can use whatever means necessary to get to Moho.
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