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Everything posted by MrChumley

  1. I am also having trouble with not being able to get a right click to work on the Orbital Dock. My Pods are Manned, the light is green... It's not showing me the UI. It showed the interface on liftoff. But, after I closed it I could not get it back. I actually found a workaround. If you launch another craft with a survey station crew cabin, and right click that, you can get the EPL interface back up, and if you leave it open while you switch back to the space center, then to the tracking station, then to your craft with the orbital dock your interface will be on. But if you press the 'close' button, you have to do all that over again to get it back.
  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Having a button to Equalize fuel levels between 2 tanks would be helpful. Maybe a bi-flow equalizing fuel line? {IN} {=} {OUT} regards.
  4. Who in the history of ever suggested that the throttle be defaulted to 50%? I do not like it.
  5. Is there any way to go about influencing the instances of the 'rescue stranded kerbal' contracts? I've found myself going through endlessly denying contracts in hopes that another pops up. Is there a .cfg I can edit anywhere? Is there a mod for this sort of thing? Thanks for any info you have, and I hope you are having as much fun rescuing kerbals as I am. -Chumley
  6. Update: v 1.0.1- -balanced ISP to a more reasonable level. (Nerfed ISP on both engines) -added dynamic curve to small engine ISP. Now it has an ultra efficient peak in thin atmosphere. -small refinement on the cost of 1 can of 700 units Tritium=1234567 so it makes it easy to count the digits -polished descriptions. **Fixed the d/l link**
  7. The TritiumEngines mod adds the late game functions of atmospheric mining for tritium, and burning tritium with super efficient rockets. Or you can mine it and return to KSC to sell it and get rich! This mod adds: :5 parts: 1 Tritium probesize tank 1 Tritium/XenonGas 3.75m tank 2 Tritium/XenonGas engines (ISP 20000atmos-30000space!) Probesize - thrust 125 *Requires NASAmission* 3.75m - thrust 710 1 "Atmospheric" Intake Scoop that doubles as a "Tritium Concentrator/Generator" *Works in any atmosphere including Duna, and Eve! **Right click or hotkey to activate! ***Requires Kethane mod to work!*** :2 new resources: TritiumAir - Scooped up Unconcentrated atmosphere used by Tritium Generator/Concentrator. Tritium - A very expensive fuel. (Costs millions to fill the tanks, but millions in rewards if you recover any close to KSC!) ************************************************************** V V V V V V V V V V V V V V DEPENDENCIES V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Kethane (mod)- Enables Tritium concentration/generation with air scoop. Via Kethane.dll NASAmission (stock) - For the probe-sized engine mesh/models. SQUAD (stock) - For all other meshes, textures, and effects. ************************************************************** This mod is a just a collection of simple CFG edits, all part meshes and textures are "borrowed" from the stock game. Please try it out and let me know what you think about it... Any good modelers or texture people feel free to jump in here and help out .. I mainly intended for it to be an Interstellar *lite* because my computer was having trouble with as many *ambiance* mods as I had going and couldn't afford the RAM footprint of a large cool engine parts mods to make the further reaches of planetfactory's glory feasable. At first what once was just a really Cheated nuclear engine ISP, then a few rescaleFactors later, and a small hint of vision, and hence this "mod" was born. I thought I'd share it with everyone. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! Download TritiumV_1_1.zip via MediaFire Don't forget to visit Eve, and Duna! I included a license in the readme included in the .zip. I wasn't sure if I needed one. Enjoy, -MrChumley:cool:
  8. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/17074538 Check it out. A live HD video feed from the ISS. I was searching through nasa.gov's NASA Television section and stumbled upon this little gem. It was the first I'd heard of it. I have actually written e-mails and bugged a few people about getting a feed like this up several months ago. I was like "Do it for the children!". I dunno if me bugging anyone had anything to do with it but there it is! Yay! -Chumley
  9. It seems like it is on some sort of algorithmic scale or something? It starts out working ok, but seems to get intensified more quickly than I'd like. My advice is to just make 1 click of the mouse wheel = 0.1 m/s and leave it at that. -Chumley
  10. Laythe mission complete! Thanks for watching! More to come soon! Please comment and let me know how I'm doing -Chumley
  11. Tylo mission complete! Thanks for watching! Comments and suggestions are welcome! -Chumley
  12. Ahoy Everyone! I'd like to present a series of videos that I am producing currently attempting the The ultimate Jool 5 Challenge : Lander "testing" video. TURN YOUR SOUND DOWN for this one folks, especially for the launch: Episode 1- After a miraculous survival Jebidiah launches the completed interplanetary spacecraft with the lander dubbed "The Cheesewagon" into orbit and docks with a Fuel station: Episode 2- Jeb pilots the Cheesewagon on it's interplanetary journey to Jool, aerobraking, and achieving orbit around Tylo: More coming soon! Next up is the Tylo landing! I'm kind of dreading it. Comments and suggestions welcome. Please be patient as I sort through this video making "noobie" business (sound quality/volume, editing, rendering..etc.) Thanks for watching Peace and kindness -Chumley
  13. Here's my latest Apollo replica: Here's a link to the STOCK CRAFT FILE DOWNLOAD 151 parts if I remember right. I used mechjeb for the pics and testing, .craft file is all stock. I tried to build it with semi-realistic-ish numbers and sizes of engines. The delta-v in the stages is pretty realistic as well, forcing you to "reconfigure" and use the service module's engines to finish off your trans munar injection. The Mun lander leaves it's landing stage on the mun. The ascent stage of the lander, and the service module have a bit of extra d/v to make sure you get home safe. I love seeing other people's Apollo replicas! Especially the landers! Rune's Phoebus looks awesome!
  14. ^^^ I came to say that. I can't understand why they left it in after the .22 update (and took/changed away the original lv-1 landing legs which ruined the anti-turtle aspect for my rovers)
  15. there is a chat in KSPTV... http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv ...but nobody is there...
  16. Well for the past (while now) I have been in full on "I'm GOING to make a KSP part" mode... I have learned (somwhat how to model in 3d), and installed "Unity"...and part tools... I have done some re-textureing before so that was the only familiar ground.. I've got my 3d model, and my texture, and I downloaded latest unity...I dunno if I downloaded/installed KSP parttools correctly though? The "part tools" tab window thing seems to be bugged... Does this tool require your graphics card to support open GL? my rig is getting old (7900 GTO)...Wrong version? I tried to follow a tutorial on youtube by "Tiberion"... If you are curious on what I was trying to make; I was trying to create a new smelter part for the EPL mod... I am soo stuck right now... What the heck is partlab.exe? Any help would be great
  17. Hey there Botch, The ore scanners require Kethane to work, and you scan for ore the same way you scan for Kethane. You can press the little button "Show Grid Overlay" on the Kethane Scan Map GUI to toggle the hexmap to show kethane/ore in mapmode. The little teeny buttons beside the "Kethane" will toggle between Ore and Kethane. The color of detected Kethane ranges from Light green (not much kethane) -> to Dark green (more kethane). The color of detected Ore ranges from yellow (not much ore) -> to red (more Ore) (I might have to double check that)
  18. I'm loving the new orbital construction! I also use a few re-purposed parts for aesthetic reasons. My latest creation is a Poodle engine that "burns" ore (and a small amount of LiquidFuel and Oxidizer), and creates metal, along with heat and 1 Kn of thrust.
  19. Hooray! Now I can take my EPL and kethane mining base to Pock! Thank you so very much Kragrathea!
  20. Well, I think we can agree that what we are looking at coming out of perihelion is no longer made of "ice". So I think we can quit calling it an iceball. Also I find it discouraging how everyone "knows exactly what comets are made of"...With 90% of the universe comprised of "dark matter". Anyways, you can still see ISON on LASCO C3, still there, still rebuilding it's tail... Sprouting it's wings again. /0\ (check page 1 I have been updating the latest LASCO image) Foolish, or not....I'm still holding out hope for a decent show late Dec. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIQPkCR4E6k
  21. If you ask me, the SOHO website is what has fizzled...I haven't been able to find an image newer than timestamp 0:18 for hours...
  22. Presumably the oxidation of the dirt in the dirty snowball as it burns up. (go to 2 hours and 6 mins to 2 hrs 12 mins) to hear the SDO guys talk about oxygen.
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